PC 1964-1965-14641 ?
RESOLUtION NOo 1464. Series 1964-65
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WHEREAS, a study of the structural setbacks and landscaping on Harbor Boulevard and
Katella Avenue was reques'ed by the Planning Commission in order to formalize a policy for
setbacks on these street frontages, and
WHEREAS, said study was expanded to include all streets in the Commercial Recreation
Area, and known as Commercial Recreation Area Setback Tabulation Sheet of Existing Develop-
ment, and
WHEREAS, said study included analyza•tion through aerial photographs and actual field
checks of the existing developments througt~ which a recommended policy for setback and
landscaping was made.
NpW~ THFAEF~RE9 BE IT RESOLVID that the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim
does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that a Setback and Land-
scaping Policy along the street frontages in the Commercial Recreation Area be established
as followss
lo Ball Road north and south sides parking)(Landscaping and
2. Cerritos north and south sides p~rking)~Landscaping and
3. Katella north and south sides 2C feet (all Landscaping)
4. Walnut Street east side 20 feet (all Landscaping)
5. West Street east and west side 30 feet (all Landscaping)
6. Harbor Blvd. east and west side 50 feet (all Landscaping)
7. Haster Street west side 30 feet (Landscaping and
8. Manchester north and south side from parkint)~Landscaping and
Harbor to Freeway 9
9. Manchester southwest side alonq the 20 feet Landscaped
Santa Ana Freeway
10. A landscaped setback area to be defined as~ The setback area shall be landscaped
wi±h lawn, trees, shrubso or other plant materials and shall be permanently main-
tained in a neat and o~derly manner as a condition to use~ fiountains, ponds,
sculpture, planters, walkways and decorative screen type walls, thirty (30) inches
or less in height, where an integral part of a landscaping scheme comprised
primarily of plant materialsy are permitted. Entrance and exit drives and walks
may be provided into parking areas. Said drives shall not exceed thirty (30)
feet in width for each curb openiny. Swimming pools may be located in a landscaped
area provided that plans for the location and landscaping treatment of the pool
area are approved as part of the Conditional Use Permit application for the ba~ic
land use.
11. A landscape and parking setback area to be defined ass The setback area may be
landscaped as defined for a landscaped se±back, or may be used as a parking area;
provided however, that a three (3) foot to ten (10) foot planting strip (width to
be determined by ad;jacent and/or nearby existing development) shall be maintained
adjacent to any right-of-way line and that a minimum of 2 per-cent of all parking
areas shall be landscaped.
BE IT FUR?HER RESOLVID, that the Commercial Recreation Area Setbacks Tabulation
Sheet of Existing Development be made a reference document in the future development of
properties on said streets not alzeady developedo
THE FOREGOING RESOLUfION is signed and approved by me this 31st day of December,
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I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Pianning
Commission of the City of M aheim, held on December 21, 1964, at 2a00 0°clock PoMo, by the
following of the members thereofe
pYES: COMMISSIONERS~ Gauer, Mungall, Perry, Rowland.
IN WITNESS WHER8~F9 I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of December, 1964.
Res. No. 1464
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Tabulation Sheet of Existing Development
I, Walnut St*gg,~ West Side East Side
A. Frontage ~ot in Commercial Ball to Katella
Recreation Area
1. Total 5350'
~ 2a Total Developed
Frontage 1800'
~ 3e Significant Developed
Frontage 500'
~~ B, Buildin9 Setback East Side
'1 le 60' SoB, for 500' (L 8 P)
' (15' L adja to R/W)
~? 2e Remainder o.' developed frontage 1300'
;~ is Disneyland Golf Courseo
:I IIo West Street West Side East Side
A. Frontage Ball to 620' Ball to 600'
1. Total South of Katella North of Orangewood
5970' 7410'
Ii 2e Total Developed 3420' 3450'
3o Significant Developed
'' Frontage 250' 520'
~ B, Building Setback.~rest Side
le 30' S.Ba for 250' (all L,)
~ 2e 70' S.Bo for 170' (all L,)
~ 3. 100' S.B. for 1100' (L. 8 P.) (5' L. ad3. to R/W)
;;j 4. Remainder of Developed frontage (1900') consists of
;~ driving range, miniature golf, parking lot, and school.
~; C. Building Setback East Side
1. 30' SeB, for 450' (all L.)
2. 50' S.B. for 70' (all Le)
3. 70' S.S, for 130' (all L.)
;{ 4. Remainder of developed frontage (2800') consists of
i,i Disneyland Park and Parking Area.
~: III. Ha rbor Boulevard West Side East Side
A. Frontage S.A. Fwy. to 600' S.A. Fwy. to 650'
~ N. of Orangewood S. of Orangewood
1. Total 6760'
i3 N 2. Total Dev~loped
~ Frontage 3030' 2900'
! 3. Significant Developed
~ Frontage 755' 1760'
~ lof8
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B. Building Setbe^k West Side
1. 20' SoB. for 85' (all L.)
2. 20' S.B, for 120' (L. 8 P.)
3. 45' S.B, for 130' (L. 8 P.)
4e 50' S~H, for 100' (all L.)
5. 50' S>B. for 3?0' (all P.)
6. Remainder of developed fronta9e (2275') consists of
Disneyland Park and Parking Area.
C. Suilding Setback East Side
1. 18' S.B. for 250' (L, 8 P,)
2. 40' S.B, for 270' (Le 8 P.)
3e 50' S.B. for 220' (all P.~
4. 50' S.F'. for 470' (L. 8 P.)
~. 50' S.B. for 250' (all L.)
6. 60' S.B. for 350' (all L,)
7e 65' SoB, for 370' (all °.i
8. 128' S,B. for 550' (L u P,)
9. 130' S,B. for 170' !~'.1 ~,)
IV. Haster Street West Side
A. Frontege Manchester to 200'
S. of Kat~lla
1. Total ii50'
2. Total Developed
Frontage 500'
3. Significant Dev.~loped
Fr~ntage 500'
B. Buildin~ Se~back West Side
1. 12' 5.3, for '75' (L. 8 F, ;
2. 30' S.B. fc,r 185' (all F.)
3. 30' S.B, for 140' (L. 8 P,)
4. 40' S.B. for 1JC' (all P.)
V. Ball R~ad North Side
A. Frontaga East edge TR. 1620 to
S.A. Fwy. off-ramp
1. Total 850'
2. Total Develo~ed
Frontage 690'
3. Significant Developed
Frontage 500'
South Side
Wainut St. to
S.A. Fwy.
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B. Bui;ding Setback North Side
1. 20' S.B. for 500' (L, 8 P,) (approved plans CUP 587)
2e 90' S.B. for 190' (L. & P.)
C. Bu~lding Setback South Side
1. 35' SoB, for 100' (all P,)
2. 60' S.B, for 130' (L. 8 P,)
VI. Cerritos North Side South Side
Ao Frontage Walnut to West Walnut to West
1. Total 1280' 1280'
2o Total Developed
Frontage 900' 1280'
3e Significant Developed
Frontage 0' 0'
B. Building Setback North Side
le Developed area consists of parking lot with
15' landscape SoB, and Heliport
C, Building Setback South Side
1. 80' S.B. for 630' (Le 8 P,) (6' landscaping adj. to R/W)
2. Remainder of developed frontage (650') consists of
Disneyland Golf Coursee
VII. Kat ella Avenue North Side South Side
A. Frontage Walnut to Haster Walnut to Haster
1. Total 6440' 6450'
2e Total Developed
Frontage 2780' 2830'
3a Significant Developed
Frontage 2410' 2070'
B. Building Setback North Side
1. 10' SoB. for 250' (L. 8 P,) ~
2. 15' SoB. for 150' (all L,)
3. 20' S.Be for 150' (L. 8 P.)
4. 20' S.B. for 1260' (all L.)
5. 25' S.B. for 200' (all L.)
6. 28' S.B. for 200' (L. 8 P,)
7, 40' S.B. for 200' (L. 8 P.)
8. 60' S.B. for 370' (L. 8 P.) (10' landscaping adj. to R/W)
. e . 'I
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C. Building Setback South S3de _
le 20' SoB. for 210' (L> 8 P.)
2. 20' S.B. for 1710' (all Lo)
3e 25' S.B. for 150 (all L.)
4. 55' S.Re for 200' (L, 8 P.)
5. 75' SeB. for 110' (all P.)
6. 110' SoB. for 150' (L. $ P.)
7. Remainder of developed frontage (30C`) is
I school with 6' block wall R~IN.
VIII. Oranaewood Avenue North Side
Ao Frontage Harbor to 1250' Ee
lo Total 1250'
2. Total Developed
Frontage 250'
3o Significant Developed
Frontage 250'
B, Building Setback North Side
1. 0' SaB, for 250' (Bank of America)
Co Building Setback South Side
1. 20' SeB., for 825' (all LD)
South Side
Harbor to 1250' E,
IX, Manchester North Side S.W. Side
A. Frontage Harbor to SaA, Fwy. Harbor to Haster
la Total 500' 3650'
2. Total Developed
Frontage G` 2080'
3. Significant Developed
Frontage 0' 2080'
B. Building Setback S.w. Side
1. 25' SeB, for 1010' (all L.)
2. 40' S.B. for 900' (all L.)
3. 50' SeB. for 170' (all L.)
4o Approved plan for CUP 544 (motel at S,Ee corner Harbor and
Manchester with 450' frontage) shows 55' S.B. (L. & P.) with 5' L.
~- ~
I. Walnut Street
A. Ffndings:
le The Wonder Bowl has a 15-foot landscaped setback for the parking lot
with a 6-foot wall a t the rear of the landscaped area.
2. The remainder of the developed frontaqe is the Disneyland golf course.
B. Recommendationss
1. East Side - 20-foot setback, all landscaped
II. West Street
A. Findings:
lo West Side
ae 60~ of sad.fe - 30 feet all landscaped
b. 40% of s.dafo - 70 feet all landscaped
2a East Side
ao 87A6 of sodof. - 30 feet all landscaped
be 13% of sedofa - 50 feet all landscaped
3e 100~ of sodofo on both s~des of street is all landscaped. ~
(Notes Disneyland parking lot not included) ~
B. Recommendations:
lo West Side - 30-foot setback all landscaped
2. East Side - 30-foot setback all landscaped
III. Har bor Boulevard
A. Findingss
1. East Side
a. 17~ of s.d.f. - 18-foot setback landscaping and parking ,
b. 19% of sed.f. - 40-foot setback landscaping and parking
c. 15~ of s.dofe - 50-foot setback all parking
do 32;ti of s.d.f. - 50-foot setback landscaping and parking
3. 17;b of s.dof. - 50-foot setback all landscaped.
(Notes 65% 50-foot setback)
2. West Side
a. 11~ of s.d.fe - 20-foot setback all landscaped
b. 16~ of s.d.f. - 20-foot setback landscaping and parking
c. 17~ of s.d.f. - 45-foot setback landscaping and parking
d. 13A6 of s.d.f. - 50-foot setback all landscaped
e. 43A6 of s.d.f. - 50-foot setback all parking
(Note: 589~ 50-foot setback)
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3. 60% of sed.f has 50-foot setback
4. 26~'of ted.fe (excepting Disneyland parking area) has fully
landscaped setback (includes 3 with swimming pools)
• 5. Policy of 50-foot setback has existed in the past as evidenced bys
~ a. Conditional Use Permit No. 544 approved March 15, 1964 -
50-foot landscaped setback required
( b. Conditional Use Permit No. 318 approved November 14, 1962 -
~ 50-foot landscaped setback required
~ c. Variance No. 1355 approved April 17, 1961 -
y~,-"`- 50-foot setback/40-foot landscaping required
£a~ d, Variance Noe 1245 a , , ~
~ti pproved June 20 1960 sub'ect to
plans which show 50-foot setback
w'{ eo Variance Noe 1108 approved May 18, 1959 -
-' 50-foot setback/20-foot landscaping required
y'~ fo Variance No. 926 approved February 3, 1958, subject to
,: plans which show 50-foot setback
B. Recommendations:
' 1. West Side - 50-foot setback all landscaped
2. East Side - 50-foot setback all landscaped
K~ IV. Haster Street
';~ A. Findings:
1< West Side
~ ao 15% of sodefe - 12-foot setback landscaping and parking
~ be 37% of sod.fo - 30-foot setback all parking
;i c. 28% of sod.fa - 30-foot setback landscaping and parking
~ de 20% of sed.f. - 40-foot setback all parking
(Notet 65;~ 30-foot setback)
`{ B. Recommendation:
1. 3a-foot setback landscaping and parking
'~ V. Bal Road
~~ A. Findingss
1. North Side
;'~ a. Existing development (190-foot frontage) has
;.~ 90-foot setback with 50-foot landscaped
''~ b. Approved plans for Conditional Use Permit No. 587 (high rise
;I hotel with 500-foot frontage) shows a 20-foot setback at one
ij point with greater setback (45-foot) on remainder of the
;~ ~ property. Parking lot has 10 feet (scaled from plan) of
landscaping ad~acent to the right-of-way.
`n 2. South Side
Y~~ a. 100,9; of s.dof. has 35-foot setback all parking
b. Remainder of developed frontage has 60-foot setback landscaping
~ and parking
~ 6of8
;, }
B. Recommendations;.
1. North Side - 30-foot setback landscaping and parking
2. South Side - 30-foot setback landscapi~g and parking
VI. Cerritos Avenue
A. Findingss
1. North Side
a. Parking lot with 15-foot landscaping and heliport
2. South Side
a. Parking lot with 6-foot landscaping and golf course
B. Recommendations:
1. North side - 20-foot setback landscaping and parking
2e South Side - 20-foot setback landscaping and parking
VII. Katella Avenue ' ~
A, Findings:
1> North Side..
ae 11~ of s.dof. - 10-foot setback landscaping and parking
b. 6% of sod.f. - 15-foot setback all landscaped
c~ 6% of sod.f. - 20-foot setback landscaping and parking
d. 52% of s.d.fe - 20-foot setback all landscaped
e. 9~ of s.d.f, - 25-foot setback all landscaped
fe 89; of s.d.f. - 28-foot setback landscaping and parking
g. 8;~ of sedof. - 40-foot setback landscaping and parking
(Note: 58~ 20-foot setback)
.. 2e South Side
ae 10% of s.d.f. - 20-foot setback landscaping and parking
b. 83~ of sed.f. - 20-foot setback all landscaped
c. 7% of s.dofa - 25-foot setback all landscaped
3. 60% of tedofa has 20-foot setback both sides
4. 74% of s.d.fo has 20-foot setback both sides
5. 60~ of t.d.f. has all landscaped setback -
(includes three parcels witfi swimming pools in the setbacks)
6. A policy for a 20-foot landscaped se~back has existed for some
time as evidenced by:
aa Conditional Use Permit Noe 577 approved September 8, 1964 -
20-foot setback landscaped
b. Conditional Use Permit No. 341 approved December 27, 1962 -
20-foot setback
c. Conditional Use Permit No. 296 approved August 20, 1962 -
20-foot setback on plans
d. Variance No. 1480 approved June 26, 1962 -
20-foot setback to be landscaped
e. Variance No. 12B6 approved August 15, 1960 -
20-foot setback to be landscaped
B. Recommendations:
1. North Side - 20-foot setback all landscaped
2. South Side - 20-foot setback all landscaped
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VIII. Oranaevrood Avenu
A. Findingss
i. North Side
a. 20% developed with zero feet of setback
2e South Side
a. 66% developed with 20-25-foot landscaped setback
B. Recommendations~
lo North Side - 20-foot setback all landscaped
2. South Side - 20-foot setback all landscaped
IX. Manchester Ave,~„ue
A. Findingsi
1. North Side
a. Undeveloped
2. Southwest Side
a. 49% of sedaf. - 25-foot setback ali landscaped (corner building only)
b. 43;b of s.d.fe - 40-foot setback all landscaped
ce 8;6 of sed.fo - 50-foot setback all landscaped
3. A P-L Zone of an undefined width exists for approximately 820 feet
of frontage along the southwest side of Manchester Avenue.
Altec Lansing plans were approved by the City Council June 21, 1961,
as meeting the intent of the 50-fooc P-L Zone.
4. Conditional Use Permit No. 544 (500-foot frontage) has 55-f~ot
setback parking and landscaping
B. Recommendations:
1. Piorth Side - Harbor Boulevard to the Freeway -
30-foot parking and landscaping setback
2. South Side - Harbor Boulevard to the Freeway -
30-foot parking and landscaping setback
3. Southwest Side - along the Freeway -
50-foot setback with front 20 feet landscaped
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