PC 1964-1965-1482: ~ " ~~ s~ RESOLUTION N0. 1482, SERIES 1964-65 _ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIdG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIId ~~' RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT ~ ~ 64-65-72 BE ppPROVED PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. i ~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim did initiate a verified Petition for Reclassification on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full Property owned bye George Smith, Jro, 2415 Crescent Avenue, Anaheim, California. Louis B, Minter, 9808 Wiishire, #204, Beverly Hills, Californiae Paul Jo Knaak, 1751 So Ea Skyline Drive, Santa Ana, Californiae Stanley Krell, Lee Tower Building, 5455 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1009, Los Angeles, Californiao Virginia Ho Stevens, 1510 Hackett Avenue, !ong Beach, Californiae Donna R, Feldhaus~ 8922 Brookhurst Street, Anaheim, Californiao " , md WHEREAS, the Ciry Plenning Commission did hold e public 6earing et the Ciry Hall in We City of Anaheim oa January 4~ 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given es required by law and in eccoed~mce with the pmvisions of the Anaheim Mwicipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider evi- dence for end egainst said proposed reclassificetion and to investigate end meke findiegs end recommmdetions in connection thereaith: and ' WHEREAS, aeid Commission, efter due inspection, inveatigetion, and study mede by itself end in its beh~lf. ead after due consideretion of ell evidence and reports offered et said headng, does find and detem~ine the followiag faets: 1.Thatthe Pianning Commission proposes the reclassification of the above described property from the existing R-A, Zone to C-19 Zone io estabiish the existing commercial uses in . th?ir most appropriate zoneo 2o That an amendment to the ~eneral Pian is deemed unnecessary, because the size of thQ parcel proposed for reclassification wouid'not generally affect the City's policies in ; this areao ' 3e That the present use of subject property is commercial uses with an existing bar ~ on Parcel Noo 40 4o That the existing use was established under the 3urisdiction of the County. 5a That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect petitiono . Rl- A "1" i ; i ~ ~ ~ ; :+ '~- I. ,/, ,Dacember 22, 1964 . F't,~~~l 1 ttl ~.'~ LEG,~L DESC4IPTION REQUESIED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT COVERING VARIOUS AREAS SHOVJN ON DZSTRICT A9AP #39. ~ ,,..,._... ....~ ( Tnose parcels of land being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Sectfon 8, iov+nship 4 i South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa 1na~ as'shown on a Map recorded in Boo.l• 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps,•records of Orange County~ California, described ~. as followst ~ ~ ' DARCcL ONE: 7he Northerly 69.00 feet of tho Southerly 332.00 feet of the ih'esterly 147.00 ' ', :eet of the Southwest quarter of said Section S. ~ ! 5xcepting therefrom the Westerly A0,00 feet as measured at right angles from the center ~ ; lzna of ~::•~ Brookhurst Street. , ; PaRCrL TV:O: The Northerly 69.G0 feet of the Southerly 263.00 feet of the Westerly 155.00 ~ ;-."eati'o: the Southwest quarter of said Section 8. E;ccopting t;~erefrom the Westerly 40.00 feet as measured at right angles from ~he center line ~ o: said Brookhurst Street. ' pr.R~rL TF~tEE: The Southerly•194~00 feet of the Westerly 165.00 fee~'of the Southwest quarter ~ o: said Section 8. ~ E~cepting thorofrom the Woctorly 40.00 foot thoxoof a~ moacurod at xight angJ.oc to 1:ho cent~r , ~. lina of Brookhurst Stroot. f t Al~o excepting therefrom the Southerly 40.00 feet as moasured at right angles from the fi ! ~ canter line of Lincoln Avenue. ~ ~ pARCEL FOUR: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Loz 9 of Tract ivo. 1851, as shc~.~: on a 3 ~ Map recorded 1n Book 56, pages 25 and 26 of M:scellaneous Maps, records of Orange Caunty, . California; thence South 89° 31' East 107 feet along the South line of said Lot 9 to the ; ~, Southeast corner of said Lot 9; thence leaving the South line of said Lot 9 South 0° 16' 10" ~ East 5.86 faet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Westerly and having a radius of F 50.00 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve through a cent•ral angle of 41° 24' 35" an : arc distance of 36.14 ~eet to a point, said pofnt being the beginning of a reverse curve conc~re: Northeasterly and having a radius of 50.00 feet, a radial line bearing North 48° 51' 35" ~ N:est passes through the point of beginning of said reverse curve; thenca Southwesterly, ~ Southerly and Easterly along said reverse curve through a central angle of 131° 24' 35" an ~ arc distance of 114.68 feet to a point in a line parallel with and 25 feet Southerly as ~ mcasured az xight angles from the center line of Lindsay Road, as shown on the Map of said ~ Tract No. 1851.; thence South 89° 31' East along the last mentioned parallel line a dis~ance r of 49.Ob feeti thence Southeasterly to an intersection with a line parallel with and 40.00 ~ feet Northerly as measureC at right angles from the center line of Lincoln Avenue, said point of intersection being distant South 89° 31' East 328.00 feet from the 4Vest line of the ~ Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 4 South, Range 10 lVest, S.B.B, 8 Pd.; thence North } 89° 31' YJest 163.00 feet along the last mentioned paralle2 line to an intersection ~vi~h } the East lzr.e of the West 165.00 feet of the Southwest quarter of said Seciion 8; taence ( I~ortherly along a portion of the East line of the West 165.00 feet of the Southwes~ ouarter ~ of said gection '8, a distanca of 223.00 feet;thence North 89° 31' West a distanc~ .:: 18.00 y feot; thence North 0° 16' 10" West a distance of 69.00 feet to the point of beginning. ~ Pti.RCEL FIVfi: Commencing at the center line intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Lindsay f;~CLASS. N0. G ~- ~-C.S - 7',-~ ~ Page 1 ~ f ~_coxT~ss Foa a~aROFi~~a _. ._ .. _ _ ~ ._ x - - --.~~ .~ ! . i` i • .. ~ . b Stieat as said intersection is shown on a Map of Tract No. 1851, reco:ded in Book 56, pages 25 and 2b of btiscellaneous Na~s~ records of Orange County, Cali:ornia; thence \orth 0°16~10" N:st along the center line of said Lindsay Street to an intersection ~vith a line parallel wi~h and 40.00 faet Northerly as measured at right angles :rom the center line o: said Lincoln Avenue; thence North 89° 31' West along said parallel line to an in~e~section v~ith the East line of the West 328.00 feet of the Southwest quarter o: Section 8, Tovmshio 4 South, Rango 10 WQSt, S.B.B. 8,h1., said point of intersoction being the t:ueo tion of thei~ nang of tho parcol of land horeinafter doscribed; t~~enco Northcrly along a p- EasC linQ of tho West 328.00 feet of tho Southwost quarter of said Sect:on 8 a distance of 170.00 feet to an intersection with the Southerly right o: way line of Lind~ay Road, 50 faet wide, as shown on the Map of said Tract No. 1851; thence South 89° 31' East along a portion o: the Southerly line of said Lindsay Road, a distance of 82.23 feet to the beginning o: a tangent curve concave Southtivesterly and having a radius of 18 feet; thence Easte:ly and Southerly along said curve through a central anglo of 89° 14' 50" an arc distanc~ o: 2f3.04 feet to an intersection with a line parallel i+ith and 25 feet ti^:esterl~f sai,d Tracedt~o. at right angles :xom the center line of Lindsay Street, as shown on a A4~ 1851; thence South 0° 16' 10" East along the last mentioned parallel line a distance of 127.49 feot, more or less, to the beginning of a tan~ont curvo concavo Idorthwcsterly and having a:adius of 25 feet; thence Southcrly and YJosi:orly along said curvo throu9h a contral anglo of 90° 41' 04" an a:c distance of 39.57 feot to an intorsection v~ith a line parnlle~ tivith and 40.00 feet Northerly as measured at right angles from the center line of said Lincoln Avenue; thence North 89° 31' West along the last mentioned parallel'line a distance .o.° 71.50 feat to the true point of beginning. PA?t:';3L SIX: Beginning dt the Southeast coxner of Lot 66 of Tract No. 1851, as shown on a PAap recorded in Book 5b, pages 25 and 26 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County~ California; thence North 89° 31' VVest along the South line oi said Lot 66 and the lN~erly p-olongation thereof a distance of 178.76 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 18 feet; thence l4esterly and Southerly along said curve through a central angle of 90° 45' 10" an arc distance of 28.51 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 25 feat Easterly as measured at right angles :rom the center line of Lindsay Street; thence South 0° 16' 10" East along said parallel line a d:stance o: : -~ d_::o ot ,~g•, 127.01 fee;, to the beginning of a curve concave Nortnaasteriy aclii hav~~~y^ a_.. faet; thence Southerl•y and Easterly along said curve ihrough a central angle o: 90° ~i` 04" an arc distance of 43.61 feet ~o an intersection tiviih a line parallel with and 40.00 :eet Northerly as measured at rig:~t angles from the center line o: Lincoln Avenue; thence South 89° 31* East a:ong said parsllgl line a distance of 169.50 feet to an intersection v~'_~'~ the S~utherly prolonGa~ion of the East line of said Tract No. 1851; thence I~orth 0° 16' :~ast along said prolongs~ion of the East line of said Tract 1851 a distance of 170 feet to the point ofi..beginnir.;. ~ ~M ,~ ^, r..~..~...~..~....~.~.m...~...~..~» ....r....~- ~;~c~SS. ~~. ~ ~-/-~.~~ Page 2 • ~t~CA CONTAA3T gpR MICROFILMIN(} . ~_._'~ __.___ 1 _.___ ___. ---___~ .__. . .y~. ~ ~ ;~ ~. 4 . ~ {~~ i , ~ i NOW, THEREFORE, BE TP RESOLVED th~t We M~heim City P'lm~in` Comnissioa doss bereby racommead W the City Conndl oE t6e Gtq oE Anaheim that ~ubjsct Petition for RealusiHatloa be ~ppeoved ~nd, bY ~o doin~, that Title 18-2ooing of the Ma6eim Muuidpal Code be ameeded to suctnde the above descrlbed propecty feom the R-A, Agricultural,,Zone9 and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, Neighbor- .hood Commercial, Zone, unconditionallyo , THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ts sIgned aad ~pproved by me tWs 14th of January, 1965a i . CHAIIiMAN ANAHEDII CITY G COMM133ION ATTEST: ~;~C~ ~~~%c.~Q/ SECRETARY ANAHEIlN Cl'TY ~LANNIN~ COMMISSION STATE 6F i.f+Luvt't~iin ) COUNTY CF OR*NGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Annld6neb,t~.-, Secretary of the City Pl~ming Commission of the City oE M~heim, do dereby c~rtify th~t the Eoce- gola~ caolutton was passed ~ad adopted at e meetin~ of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aa~heim, held on ' January 4, 1965 9 et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followlaa vote oE the membees t6ereof: ' ~; AYES: COMMlSSIONERS: A11red, Camp, Gauer, Mungal~l, Perry, Rowlando NOES: COI~RSSIONERS: ~n~~ ~ ~ AHSENT: COl~NISSIONERS: Nonea . ~ IN WiTDTFSS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my haad this 14th day of January, 1965> RESOLUTION NO. 1482 ' ~1Z~ SECRETARY ANAHEIN C1TY PLANNING COMIIISSION R2-A -~