PC 1964-1965-1487i ' . _ ...._... _. ._ .... ._... ...«,......,..,...~...,-: ; - ~,.r.o, : ~..,_... ; ..,.~....... ,.._..,. _ . _ r..._....---_... . .. . _.. _ _.. ._ . . ._. ..._ ..- -~ ~-..... °b 5 ~ ~: ~ ~ ~f • ~B ~ ' 1 ~ f , RESOLUTION NO. 1487, SERIES 1964-65 , A RESOLUTION OF THF CITY PLANNIIQG COMMLSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEW RECOEA~SENDIIVG TO THE :ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIi' ICATION N0. 64-65-76 gE APPROVED WHEREAS, the Ciry Pianning Commiseion of the Gty of Moheim did dnitiate .a verified Petition for Reclassificati~on on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as that portion of Section 17, Township 4 Sou:h~ Range 10 West, ia the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recorded in Hook 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, described as follo~-s~ The Westerly 200 feet of the Northerly 180 feet of the Southwest quarter of Section 17, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S.B.B. 8 M.; Excepting therefrom any portion thereaf lying within Brookhurst Street on the West~ Also excepting therefrom any portion thereof lying within Orange Avenue on the North Property owned bys Dorothy Homewood, 3612 California Avenue, Long Beach, California, 90807, ~ ; ~nd WtIEREAS. the City Pleaaing Commlesion did hold • pµbllc heoriaa ~t the City H~11 !e th~ City oE An~~ on January 4~ 1965, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heuing h~vin~ baaa duly ~lwa u epuit~d by law ead la eccordance ait6 the proviaions of the Maheim Mnaicipal Code, Chaptet 18.72, tc uaae ~nd wn~lde[ avf- dence for end againet said pcop~osed reclassificatlon aad to tavestigtte aad m~lce 8ndinp and teeommaad~tions ln coanection theeeavith: end WHEREAS, aeid Commiasion, aEter duc inspection, investigotlon, and study made bq ltselE ~ed ln lb bebdi, and afta due considereUon of all evidence and cepoRs oKeeed at said heoeine, doea 6nd wd deteemine d-t tollowin` fects: 1.Thatthe Planning Commission proposes the reclassification of the above described property from the R-A, Zone to establish an existing service station as a conforming use to the G1, Zonee 2~ That an amendment to the Generai Plan is deemed unecessary, because the size of the parcel proposed for reclassification would not generally affect the City's policies in this areao • 3e That the.present use of subject property is a service statione 4o That the existing use was established under Variance Noo 409e 5. That Variance Noo 409 be terminatede 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petitiono Rl-A -1- • ' ~' ~ ~ i` NOW, THEREFORE. BE Tf RESOLVED th~t the Maheim City Pl~onin~ Qommistba do~s b~reby re~ommead to the City (bnndl of the City of Anaheim Nnt snbJect Pstition for Recl~ssiBaHoa be ~pproved ~nd, by so doin~, t6~t Title 1&Zoatng oE the Maheim Muaidpd Code be ~mmded to e:dnde the above de~ccibed PeopeetY fiom the R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporate said described proper.ty into the C-1, Neighborhood Comnercial, Zone, unconditionallyo THE FOR~GOIIVG RESOLUI'ION Is sigaed ~od ~pproved by me tLi~ 14th day of January, 1965> , , . CHAIRIIAN ANAHEO! CITY P G COIWISSION ATTEST: ~~~Y~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CTfY PLANNING COMMISSION STA': ° OF CALffORNU ) GOUN i. CF OR*NGE ) s~. CTfY OF iHAF:EIDS ) I~ an~::M~L~bs~, Secretary of t6e City Pl~mlaa Commisaion of tf~e City of Aa~heim, do heroby eeetify t6~t tho fore- golaa caolution was p~ssed and edopted ~t ~ meetiag oE t6e City Pl~naine Commitsioa oE the City of An~heim. held on January 4~ 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the foAowlnQ vote oE the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perry9 Rowiando NOES: COhI6QSSI0NERS: ~loneo ABSEN?: COMA~ISSIONERS: Noneo 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have haennto set my h~nd tLis 14th day of January, 1965e ~~~~i~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAIiNII~iG COMWISSION RirSOLUTION NO. 1487 R2-A -~ :~3w.c. s;.ss~: ~: ;.:,. >«:~. .. r -. .. --- _ ~._..~