PC 1964-1965-1514..) RESOLUTION NO. 1514, SERIES 1964-65 A RESQLUTIQN OF THE CTfY PLANMN(i C~MISSION OF '1HE CTfY OF ANAHEDM THAT PETITInN FOR CONDTfIONAL USE PERYIT~BE GRANTED NHEREAS. t6~ Gtr Pl~nnin~ Ca~missian oE tb~ Gty oE Ae~Sdm did ncNn ~ wd8~d P~titloo foc Conditiontl Use Pamithcm REGINA STRICKLIN, 1775 West Lincoln, Anaheim, California, Ownerf SAM NAKAMURA, 9821 Marian Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent of ~ertain real property situated in the City of Anahrim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the South 325.07 feet of the East 132.6 feet of the West 530.6 feet of the East half of Southeast quarter of South- K~st quarter of Section 14, Tor+nship 4 South, Range IL West, San Be:nardino Base and i~eridian ; ~e-d WHEREAS, the Citr Pl~min: :oaimiuloa did hold ~ publlc htidn` ~t tb~ Gtp H~11 la the City of M~MIm ae February 1, 1965, ~t 2:00 o'elock P.M., aoUce ot uid pcblic 6eacL-~ h~Ha~ beaa dol~ ~iv~n u wanind br law a~d io ~cooed~nce wlth t6e peo~ridoa~ of W~ M~heim Mneidpal ood~, Ch~pter 1a.64, to hw~ ~nd ~ooddee e~id~e Ea ~nd ~~diut sdd propos~d ooedtdmd we r-d to lnwstlpN ~ad md~e Eindinp wd noommad~tloes ie com~etlon therewith; ~ad 1YHERF.AS. sdd Comaiuloa, ~R~r da~ lospeetlon, law~tiptlon, ~nd ~Mdp m~ bp ibdE ~nd in its b~dt. ~ed ~ ~fta due cauidentian oE ~[I erid~nee ~nd e~poeh og~nd ~t ~dd he~dn~, does 8ad ~nd d~t~tmioe th~ Eollowie~ hcts: ~ 1. Th~t the peoposed w~ b propalr on~ 6or which • Caaditioa~l.Us~ P~it b~ntbals~d by thi~ Code. to ° W;~; establish a convalescent hospital with waiver of the minimum requlred rear yard. ~ ~ 2. That th~ propo~~d we wW sot ~dv~nely ~~et t6~ ~dJoiaia~ l~ed aus ~nd tb~ ,powth ~sd d~v~lopmant ot : the ~ ia w6ich it is peopo~~d to be loat~d. ~" 3. That the sis~ ~nd sh~ of t6e ~ib propo~~d Eor the as~ i~ ~dpwte to dlow the tall dewlopmeat oE th~ s Pcoposed nse la ~ aumu not detrlmaitd to t6~ patloala ~ aar to th~ p~~~ 6uith, s~i~ty. rad ps~nl weif~ee ~ of the Citisen~ of the Citp ot Aa~6~lo. p ~. Th~t the ~atin~ of t6e Conditiontl Use Peea~it mdar da ooaditlon~ impowd, it ~ey, will aot bs detrlmeaW ~ to the pe~ce, he~lth, safety, u~d ~enenl ~elhre o[ th~ Gtlsan ot t6e Clty of An~helm. ~ 5. That under the authority of Codei Section 16.64.070 waiver of the required 20-foot zpar yard adjacent to R-A Zone property to permit the development of the proposed,convalescent ~ hospital with a 12-foot rear yard is hereby granted. ~~ 6. That ne one appeared in opposition to subject petition. ~? Cl-G -1~ t_~ ; _} NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Meheim City Pl~aaia~ Commisrioa does hereby ~not subject PeUUoa Eor Conditlonal Use Permit, upon the folioaing conditIons which are hereby Eoned M be ~ nccesau~ pcereqidsite to t6e peoposed uae of the subject propecty in ocder to peeserve the safety wnd ~emenl welhre oE the Citiseas oE thE Ciry of Aneheiw: le That the owner of sub,~ect property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land ~ 5R feet i~ aidth, from the~ cente~s~ line of the str~e;,, alo~ig Ball Road, for street widening purposes. 2. That street improvement plans shall be Qrepared and all engineerinq requirements of the City of Anaheim alonc~ Ball Road, such as curbs and gutters, sidexalks,. street grading and paving, drainag~ facilitias, or other appurtenant work shall be campleted as required by the City Engine~er and in ac~ordence with standaia plans a~~d specifications on fiie in the office of the Citv Fnyineer or that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Maheim shalJ. be posted w~th the City to y~arantee the installation of said engineering requirements. 3. I'hat the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Mahe3m the swn of t2.00 per front foot along Ball Road~ for street liqhting pux{wses. 4. That the owner of svb~ect property shali pay to the City of Anaheim, the sum of 15~ pe.~ front foot along Ball Road, for tree pl~^~ting purnc~ses. 5. That trash storage areas shail be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. 6. That fire hydrants shall be ::~stalled as requirad and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department-. 7~ That the access drive shall be a mini~m width of 20 feet. 8, That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 39 and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with pri;,: to the time•that the Building Permit is issued or within a period of IFiO days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Ccmmissian or City Council may grant. °. That Condition Nos. 5, 6, and 7, above merrtioned, shall be complied arith prior to final building inspection. I0. That sub,ject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of M aheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3, provided however, that tt~e access drive shall be a minimum width of 20 feet. THE FORBGOTNG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me llth day of February, 1965. ' ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY ANNING COIWISSION ATTEST: C~~J/~~i~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIT~' OF ANAHEIIH ) I, Ann Krcbs, Seceetery of the Gcy Pl.naine Commi,.lon of che Clty of Aa~heim, do haeby eatiiy dwt t3e foregoing crsolutioa was passed and adoQted at • meeting of the City Pl~nning Canmisdon oE the Gity of Ae~6eim, held on February 1, 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.FI., by tLe followle` vote oE the mambers thereo~ AYES: COA~tISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COI~qSSIONERS: None. ? AP.SENT: COI~SSIONERS: None. ~ . ~ IN WI'1TZESS WHEitEOF, I haveh.Yeuato set my hand this l lth day of February, 1965. ~ ,~ 1 ~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHE~I C1TY PLANNIIdG COMIqSSION ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1514 C2-G -2- 6~.. A . r~~v ~ G~~' ,. ~ ~~~ '~ ~- --~~:~ . ~