PC 1964-1965-1519.. .. . . . ...__. _.__._ ..... . ._ _ ~ __ . i } ~~ 3 ' RESOLUTIOH NO. 1519, SERIES 1964-65 s vgSOi.UTIL~!3 QF TliE CI'!'Y PLANNIHG COAtMISSIO~i OF THE C!TY OF ANAHEDi i2~COldI~ENDING TO THE C1TY COUNCIL OF 1HE CPfY OF ANAHEDIN THAT PETTI'ION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 64-65-85 gg ~ppROVED ~YHEREAS, the City Plnmies Commis~ioa of ths Gty of Mah~im did eeCtive ~ wrl$~d Patition tor Recluai$ca tlonfrom HARLEY L, AND BETTY J. HOSKINS, 205 North State College Boulevard~ Anaheim, California, and STATE COLLEGE W~DICAL CENfER, 215 North State College Boulevard, Anaheim, California~ Owners; F~RSERT D~ TARLOW~ 20U8 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property sit~ated in ttie City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Lot Noa 11 of Tract 255 for Parcel No. 3, and for Parcel No. 1 as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as thou9h set forth in full ,. ~ ; ~nd WtIEREAS, the City Planniag Commi~don dld hold ~ public headn` ~t the City Hdl in the Citq ot r~n~hdm on February 1, 1965~ at 2:00 o'clocic P.M. aotice of ~dd public heuin~ h~vin` be~a dnly pvee w nquirod bp law aad ia eccordance with the provisions of the An~heim INuaicip~l Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to he~r ~ud con~ider evidence tor end pgeinst said ptopo~ed eaclwi9c~tioa ~nd to Ltve~ti~ts ond m~ke flndinp ~ad reoomm~udWoa~ la oom~ction thecewith; and iNHEREAS, sdd Commisdoe, ~itee due iaspeetlan, inve~Uptioa, imd ~tudy mede by ihelf ~ad !n its beh~lf, ond efter due ooasidentioa of all evideace ~nd cepotb offeesd ~t sdd he~rlae, does 8ed ~nd d~teemiae the folloaln~ hcb: I. That the ~ti2toner propa~ea a ~ecl~ssi~-+tion of the ~bove desalbed piopeety from thit-A~ Agricultural, Zone +~ the C-1, Geriera'1 Commercial, ?.ons.on F~arcc~l No. i, and R-1, One Family.~esicierriial, Zone to P-1~ AtrEomobtie Farking~ Zone on Parcel No. 3 to develop Parcel No..l .in con~unc#ion with property.known as Parcel No. 2 as a msdical center and hospital complex and Parcel No. 3 for employee parking puxposeso 2. That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the General Plan. 3~ T6at the pcoposed reclusigcatiun of iubJect peopertr is nece~~ary ~ad/or daieable for t6e ordedq ~ad pro- per development oE the commnqity. 4• That the proposad reclusl9c~tion of ~nbJeet propedy doe~ properly nl~te to th~ sone~ and thMr pe~mitted uses ;~c~lly esriblished ia close pro:imity to wbJect peoperty ~ad to the soaes ~nd thalr permitted nsca geaeeWy e~hb- lirhed throughout tha caannalty. 5. ihat the proposed reclassification of sub3ect property does not require dedication for aad standard.improvement of abutting st~eats because said property does relate to and abut upon streets and highways which are partially improved to carry the type and quantity of traff ic, which will be generated by the permitted uses, in accordance with the circulation element of the General Plane 6. That no one appea*ed in opposition to subject petition. t ~ i i ~ n 4 x a ~ Rl-A -1~ E y AyES; C01p~QSSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, flungally Perry, Rowland. NOES: C0IQILSStONERS: Nonee ABSENT: COIpOSSIONERS: None. II~i ~1TliF.SS iHEREOF, I1uw h~nuoto ~et my hrmd thls lltt, day of February, 1965. ~~/19/yt~ ~1 ~(i~4~~ SECRETARY AMAH~F.nI C1TY PLANNQiG COIOILSSION ~ ' , 1 i '~ NOW, 17iEREFORE. 8E 1T R6~OLVED tb~t tbe An~hNm Citr P'l~mila~ Oomiuion do~s h~ noomm~nd to tM Cit~ Ooaedl of tM Cltr ot M~hNm t6~t sabj~ct P~tiUoa 6m R~e1w16aNaa b~ ~pew~~d ~md. b7 Ecom the t6~t Title lb-Zaala~ of t6~ MM~1^ Mmlcip~i Code b~ ~mwdad 6o udisda Lhe s~ve desalDed pecg«tY R-A, Agricultural, Zone on Parcel 1 and the R-1, One-Family Residential, Zone on Parcel 3, and to lncorporate said described property into the C-1, General Commercial, Zone on Pazcel 1 and P-1, Automobile Parking, Zone on Parcel 3~ upon the follo~-ing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general Nelfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheims ].. ihat the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 52.00 pei front foot along State College Boulevard, for street lightin purposes. 2. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the Ci~y of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per front.foot along State College Boulevard a~id Coffman Street, for tree planting purposes. 3. I'hat the complet3on of these reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the grant- ing of Conditional Use Parmit No. 669. 4. That the vehicular access righte to Coffman Street be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. 5. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 6. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and sQecifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. l and 2. 7. That all air conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abut- ting sireets. 8. ~hat a aix foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the north, west, and south proper:y lines of Parcel No. 3 to :~sure that no comnercial traffic will be utilizing the resider,tial street, prior t~ the reclassification of said parcel. '!'Hg b~pRBG01Nti RESOLUTION ls dp~ed ~nd ~ppeowd br m~ tW~ l lth of February~ 19b5. p;AIIt11AN ANAHEIM CITY P 0 COWqSSION ATTEST: /~%~'~.['/'~[/ /-- SECRETARY ANAHEDi CTTY PLANNII~iG COMIQSSION ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COIJN?Y CF ORANdE ) ~~~ C1TY OF ANAHEDI ) I, l~t~t~e~ S~er~tM' ot th~ Gty Plwin~ Coomis~iao o[ t6e Citp of Ao~hNm, do h~e+br catlfr that t6~ foa- ~oin~ eewlatioe wu pus~d ~nd ~dopbd ~t ~ oMNa~ oE th~ Citr Pl~edn~ Coesi~~ioa oi the Clty ot M~hNe, hdd on Fabruary 1~ 1965 ~ ~t 2:00 o'elod~ P.M., b~ W~ follcwin~ voH ot the m~mbe:s thu~o~ RESOLUTION "O. 1519 ' R2-A .~