PC 1964-1965-1521. ` ~ ~ ~ ; t ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1521, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLANNING COMNISSION OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIb( THAT PETITION FOR CONDTTIONAL USE PFRtAIT 665 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the C1tY Plmiin` Commissian of th~ Citq of M~6eim did receive ~ ved8~d PWtloe for CondiHoad U~e PecmitEeom CONSOLIDATEL~ ROCK PRODUCTS COMPANY, P. 0. Box 2950, Terminal Annex, Los Mgeles 54, California, Owner; G. H. WEBER, P. 0. Box 2950, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 54, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the South 418.59 feet of that portion of Lot 22 in Block 36 af the Yorba Linda Tract, as per map recorded in book 5, pages 17 and 18 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county, lying west of the East 764.~9 feet of said Lot ; aad WFIEREAS. the City Pl~minQ Cammiasion did hold a publlc he~cing at the City H~ll ia the Gtg oE An~heim oa February 1, 1965, ~t 2:00 o'cloek P.N., notice of s~id public beule` h~vin~ been duly ~iv~n u eequired by law aod in aococd~aee with t6e pcovisioas of t6e Aa~helm Mnaidpal code, Ch~pter 18.64~ to he~e ~nd coedder evid~nae for aed ag~iest said proposed conditlaod u~e ~nd to IavesUgate and m~1ce Eindlnp ~nd reoommaad~Uoa~ la aomsctlon therewiffi~ and WHEREAS, aaid Commissioe, ~Ree dne inapection, teoe~tlg~tion, and stndy m~ by ibelf ~ed te ib behdf, ~ed aP.e- due coasidet~tioa of dl evideace ~nd teportt offa+d rt ~dd he~dnQ, does 8ad ~nd detetmiae the Iollowln~ hct~: 1. Th~t the pcoposed me ia propacly oee foe which a CaediUoed .U~s Pennit i~ ~mhodssd by t61s Code, to wit:expand existing operations which inclusec er.cavation, processing, storage, wholesaling and distribution of sand, gravel, and other non-fuel minerals excavated on the premises ~nly. 2. TLat t6e piopo~ed we wlll not ~dv~e1Y ~Efect the rdjoiains l~od wa ~nd the ~rowth ~nd d~v~lopm~at oE the ~a ia w6ic6 it is ptopo~ed to be loc~ted. 3. Th~t the sise ~nd a6~pe ot the ~ite proposed for the we is adeqnats W~11ow t6e inll dewlopment of th~ pmposed nse in a manner not dttdm~nW to the paticnl~r ~ aa to the pe~ce. he~llh, ~af~ty. ~ad ~enMl welt~ of the Citisens of the City of M~helm. 4. Th~t tl+e ~ntIn` of the Canditioatl Use Permit uadar the oonditioaa impo~ed. it ~nY. wW not b~ deteim~eW to the pe~ce, he~lth, s~fety. ~nd [eae+~1 welhre of ths Citisea~ of the City of Aa~heim. ~, Tha} thp ho~itionPZ.sti-0ulated to onerat~ing hours of 6t00 a.m. to 7~00 p.m., based on the fatt that the requested vse was.permitted to operate while in the County from..7:00 a.m. to 7s00 p.m. 6. That the location .of the chain link fence outside of the required landscaping is not to be construed as being the policy nf the Commission, since existing fences in the area are similarly located. , 7. That one person appeared in opposition to subject petition. 'e Cl G -1' .' . _ l ..~ ~ '~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED that the Aanheim Ciry Plannina Commission does hereby ~nat subject Petltloa for Conditional Uee Permit, upoa the Eollowing conditions which are hereby foued to be e neces~ary preeequisite j .o t~a p ~~.a:a3 Lse of the eutj!~t ptoptrt~ !n order to prcsecve the sefety end eeaerd welf~re of the Citiseas of the ; Ciky of Anahdm: • 1 1. That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land i 45•feet in width, from the center lisie of the street, along Richfield Road, for street ' widening purposes. s 2. That street improvement plans shall be prepared an& all engineering requirements of the C~ty~c3f-Anaheim along 8ichfield Road; such as curbs and gutters, sidewalkss stxeet grading ' and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed as raquired by i the City Engineer end in accordance with standard plans and specifications.on f ile in the office: of the City Enqineerj or that a tveo j2) year bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City~ of..Anat~e.~ shall be posted with tk~e City to guarantee the installation of said eng3neering require~ents. ~, 3. That the owners of sub~ect ~roperty shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum.of S2.A0 ~ per front foot alang Richfield~Road, for street lighting purposes. ` 4. That-t-he-nwners of subject property shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 15~ per ; fx4nt foot•along Richf:ield Road, for tree pianting purposes. 5. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shali be complied with prior to the.~ame that the building.permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Councii may grant. 6e That the nperating hours, including hauling, of the proposed use shall ba from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.me as stipnlated by the petitioner. 7. That o~esation of the propnsed use shali be sub3ect to all site development standards governing sand and gravel operations in 'I'itle 17, and to all requirements of Title 04 governing ' trucking operations of the Anaheim Municipal Code, approved by the City Council January 26, 1965,1 ~ , THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed aad approved by me this llth da ebruary, 1965. F i i ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIhI CITY PL G COAeMISSION V ~i~~~J~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CiTY OF ANAHEIN ) 1, Me Krebs, Secrctary of the Gty Plwein6 Commissioa of the City of Aa~heLn, do hereby certity that the Wreeolag rcsolutioa wes passed and adopted at a meetlag oE the City Plannin~ Commbslon ot the City of An~hheim, held on February 1, 1965, at 2:00 o'clxk P.M., by the followiae vote oE the membe:s theroof: AYES: CO1NhttSSIONERS: •• ~11red, Comp~ .Gaueri ldungall, .Perry, Rowland. NOES: COb16QSSIONERS: ~Noc~e. ABSENT: COI~htIS5I0NERS: None. 1N WITNESS VYHEREOF. I h~veheeeunto set my hend this llth day of February, 1965. RESOLUTION NO. 1521 ~ /~~' c..c."'~[-i SECRETARY ANAHEDN CTfY PLANNING COIdM4SSI0N C2-G -2-