PC 1964-1965-1527 r ` ,. i +1i • ~- RESOLUTION N0. 1527, SERIES 1964-65 A RFSOLUTION OF THE CT1Y PLANNINd COI~ON OF THE ClTY OF ANAHEDI THAT P8'fiT70Zi FOR OONDPT[ONAL USS PBAfRT 673 BL dRAN'!'ED WHEREAS. m. c~q~ ~t~ oo..a.~ ~c m. aer ~t ee.~.a. a~a ~w . waa.a p.aa~ to~ c~a-c~a-.~ Use PamltGoe EL HEH, INCORPORATED, 200 West Midway Dr:ve~ Maheim, California, Owner~ L. V. BOSTWICK, 200 West MidMay Drive, Maheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califarnia, described as Lot No. 1, Block 2~ of Sract No. 419 ; ~nd WNERBAS, tha Gty Pl~eaia~ Cammiulon did hold ~ pnbUc 6e~rln~ ~t tlte City H~11 ia the CttY oE Aa~heim a- February 15, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., noUes oE uid pnblic heuie~ hwia~ baea dnly ~lvee u esqnired bY l~w ~nd ia ~ccoed~nce wiW the peoHsi~s oE th~ Ao~hdm Mnaldp~l oode, C6~pter 1~.61, W he~r ~ad considec evidence ta ~nd ~~dnst ~dd propos~d oondlUoetl we ~nd to iave~tlpte ~ed mdce Eindln=~ ~nd reoommAnd~tiao~ in conoeetiaa theeewit6; ~nd IYHEREAS, ~~id Commission, ~Ra due in~pedion, in~utiptlae~ ~od rtadp m.d~ by iadE n-d in it~ Mh~lt, ~nd ~her dne coasidandon ot tll evtMnc~ ~ed cepoets oHered ~t s~id he~cia~, do~s 8nd and deteeeine t6e followta~ hcts: 1. That t6e propo~ed as~ f~ properly oo~ bor which a Coaditlood .Us~ Pemlt is anffiorized by lhis Code, to wit:expand an existing trailer park. x. Th~t th~ qopos~d nu w111 eot ~d~rerstlr ~H~ct the ~oiala~ Und a~ ~nd tht powth ~nd davelopment oE t6e ~ce~ !a ahleh it is propased to bt loated. 3. 9Lat ths ~ise ~ad sh~ of t6e ~it~ prapos~d 6or the as~ is ~dequ~te to ~llow the fn11 develd~paat of the proposed use ln • m~oan eot d~te~atd to th~ paUcula ~ na to the pe~n, hwlth~ s~fety, a-d ~enenl w~lhre oE th~ Citlsaas oE tLe City ot Ae~hMw. - --- ~. 1'hat tbe p~ntlo` of t6~ Canditlond Uu Peemit mdar tl~e coaditlons iapaed~ iE .ey, wW not be d~teimeaW to ffie pe~ee, hedth, s~tety, ~nA pn~nl welhr~ o! U-~ Gtlsea~ of We Gtr oE Aa~hdv. 5. That since the propoced.use is not permissible in the R-1, One Family Residentlal, Zone, this patitian cannot be exercised until reclassificatiop of subject property to th0 R-3, Idultiple Family Residential, Zone is accomplished. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl•G '~" . S ~j. ~ ~ ~. / I~W, THFREF~RE, BE I? RESOLVm that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant svbject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve tne saf~ty.a~ui geoeral wel:a:s a: thc Citizens of the City oi Anaheim• 1. That the owrars of subject proQerty shall pay to the City of Maheim the sum of 52.00 per front foot along l~lidway Dr3ve and Zeyn Street, for street lighting purposes. 2. That ihe owners of sub,~ect pro~erty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per fsont foot aloug l~idway..Drive and Zeyn Street, for tree planting purposes. 3. That the driveways shall be installed along I~idway Drive and Zeyn Street, as required by the. City Eagineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the C~ty Engineer. 4. That the damaged and/or hazardous sf.dewaiks shall be repaired along Midway Drive and Ze;rn Stree.t, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and speci- ficati~ons on file in the office of the City Engineer. 5. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. 6. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Maheim, the sum of 525.00 pe: trailer space, to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the 6uilding permit is issued. 7. That all access shall be by ap~roved driveway locations. B.~That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the time that the building permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grant. 9. That Condition Nos. 3, 4, and 5, above.mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final buiiding inspection. 10. That this Ccnditional Use Permit is sub~ect to the reclassification of sub~ect property to the R-3, Multiple Family Residential, Zone by complying with conditions of Resolution of Intent No. 63R-791, or initiation of new reclassification proceedings. il. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance wlth plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit No. 1. TF~ PDRH30It~ RESOLUfION is signed and approved by me thi sy of February, 1%5. ~~ f ~ CHAIEtMAN AHQM CITY PL WI~AISSION ATf FS'Is (il~' i ~ ,'d7~'r^--/ SBCREfARY ANAHQM CITY PLANNING COMidISSION STATE OF CALI~RNIA ) ~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHQM ) I, Ann Kr~bs, Secretary of the City Planning Commiu ion of the City of M~h~im, do h~reby certify thet the foregoing re~olution wae pns~~d end edopt~d at a m~~ting of th~ City Planning Commi~aion of th• City of Anaheim~ h~ld on February 15~ 1965~ at 2~00 0'clock P.M. by the followinq vot~ of th~ memb~r~ th~reof~ AYESt WMMISSIONER3~ Camp~ Gau~r~ Mungeil, P~rry, Rowland. ~qES~ CCWIMIS3IONERSi Non~. ABSFNfs ~MMISSIONFRSt Allr~d. IN WIT'NESS WHFA~F, I hev~ h~r~untc ~~t my hend thi~ 2~th day of F~bruary~ 14b6. . ~/l "/ / ~ %' L'Gf_-~' ~~" SECREfARY ANAHQM CTfY PLANNING WUM~IISSION Res. No. 1527