PC 1964-1965-1534.__. ~ ~ __.__ _ _ - _ _ . . ,_ _. ._..._ . _ (~ ~ ~1 `, , RESOLUTION N0. 1534, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY pLANNII~ifi COIOQSSION OF'11iE GTY OF ANAHF.nI RECW~IENDIIdG TO THE CTfY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY W~' AIfIWE01 ZHAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIF[CATION N0. 64-65-71 ~ App~p~gp WHEREAS, the City Pl~min` Commis~ion ot th~ Gtr of M~6Nm ~id nc~lw ~ wdS~d P~titloa ~c: Reclwi6cti- tion hom WILLIAM Ja N~SSECAR, 446 South Poplar Street, Brea~ California, Owner~ SAMUEL HUMPEQtEY, 1875 Poinsettia, Long Beach, California, Agent of certain real.property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as Portion A: Lot 3 of Tract Noo 162s EXCEPT the Southerly 209e80' thereof as per map recorded in Book 12, Page 6 in the office of the County Recorder of said County~ also EXCEPT the easterly 88'; Portfon Bs Lot 3 of Tract Noa 162, EXCEPI' the Northerly 240' thereof as per map recorded in Book 12~ Page 6 in the office of the County Recorder of said County, also EXCEPT the easterly 88' ; ~ad WHEREA9, tb~ City Plaiala~ Commi~~ioa did lald ~ ooblio hMde~ ~t !M~ Gtf N~l1 ia th~ Clty o! Aa~hdm oa ' February 15, 1965, a Zs00 o'olaok A~M~ aotic~ ot s~id ptbUo h~~ Iu~H~~ M~n 6qlr ~Iwn u reqnind by I~w ~nd in ~cooed~ao~ with tb~ provl~loa~ ol tth~ M~bNe Mrnioi~l Cod~~ CIN~tK 1~7~~ to keu ~ad eon~lda wid~nca ' tor ~ad q~in~t s~id oropa~d neiw~l~o~tloa ~nd to lavwtlNt~ a~d ~~Iw a~1l~p rad e~omam~nd~Noa~ la eona~ctloa ' th~nwlth; ~ad . NHEREI-S~ wld Comminlaa~ ~tta dn~ fntp~otion~ law~tiNtlaa~ Mtd tlu~ m~d~ by ltplt ~ad ia it~ b~i~lt~ ~ad ~fhr du~ ooa~id~cattoa ot ~li wld~no~ ~ad npotb otM~d ~t ~dd h~ula~, doN Md ~nd d~Nemla~ t~~ tollow~n` hch: ~ e 1'~~a~tly~i p~ona~e~r~ inel~w 8 etlofa oty~•~bow ~~alb~d P~o~y trom tk~ R-A, Agrtcultural, n~ ~~ e~~ c~, ~ P t~on A~ ta ~~~~l~~t-Za r~sta~ren~ wi~~„on- sa e quor, anb rste etores; an R- , Mu4~ipYe amily Msi~~rt a, on~ on ort on to estabiish a 20-unit apartment development. 2. That the propoead reclaesification is in conformance with th~ Ganeral Plan. 3• ~•c ~h• peopo..a ~...i~owon ot ~.ub~.ct yro~y i. a.o.u.ry .ad/or dNlnbl~ ~or th~ otd~rly ~ad pto- ~~sr dw~lopm~at ot th~ oommm4lty. 4• Th~t th~ proyoad nolu~iBaKloa ot ~nbJ~at proynqr doM V~o~r y!Y n1aN to th~ ~oaM ~ad ch.ir p~nnia.d w~~ loc~lly Nt~bli~h~d ia elo~~ proximlqr to ~ab)~o! p~ooaqr ~ad M W~ ~oaN ~d !h~le O~taitbd a~M pn~nUy ntab~ 1i~6~d thioa~hont th~ commualty~ 6. That the propoeod reclassificetion of aub~~ct prop~rty doee r~quir• d~dication for and.~.teadard impxov~ment of abutting etreets becaus• eaid prop~rty do~• r~lat• to ond abut upon.' atreets and highways which ara proposed to carry the typ~ end quentity of traffic, which wili ~. be.ganerated by th~ pormitt~d usaa, in accordance with th~ circulation •l~m~nt of ~.h~ Ganaral Plan. 6. I'hat although the petition~r hea aubmitted r~vi~~d pians which r~duce~ the pxopo~~d C-2 Zona.portion by 20 feet, and haa add~d •eid 20 f~~t to th~ propo~~d A-3~ Zon• portion~ th~ Commisaion d~ams that tho cheng• in zon~.bounderia from thst oFi~ .~ally edv~rti~~d ia a l~aser zoru .than originally..~aqu~sted, ther~by alimin~tSng th• n~c~~~ity tor r~edv~rtisinq th~ prop~rty ~for Commioaion conaida~ration., How~ver, it i~ r~aortrn~hd~d thst th~ publlc h~aring advertisemant Por Cowcil aoneid~ration ehould r~fl~ct th~ n~w boundari~~ f6~ th~ two portione in accordance with the revised plan~~ nam~ly Portion "A" 224rfNt~ and Portion "8" 229.8Qrfaet. 7..ihat no ona appearod in oppoeition to sub~~ct p~tition. Rl•A •1~ . I / ~ t . ~ '~ ~ NOW~ THEREFORE, SE 1T RESOLVED t6at fhe Aa~hN~e Cit~ Pl~m1n~ Oomissioa dou herabr eecommend ~ to the City Counc[1 of tk^ City of M~6eim th~t subjeet Petitlon 6oc R~clwiflatios be ~pptorad ~nd, by w doin`, t6at Title 1&Zoaing of the An~helm 1lnaicip~l Code ba ~ded to adtl~ t~ ~bove d~ib~d popaty 6om We ~ R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-2, General 'i Commercial, Zone on Portion A and R-3, Multiple-Family Residential, Zone on Portion B, upon ~ the following conditions Nhich are hereby found to be a necnssary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the 5 citizens of the City of Anaheim: ? 1. ~'hat the owner of subje~t property shall deed to the City of Maheim a strip of land 53 ;{ feet in aridtA, fra~ the cea#~erline af the street, alo Ball Road, for stree~t ~riden#ng pur sesa ~ r 2. Itiat stre+et~d.~rove~ertt•plans sha12 be prep end ail eagineeriag.requirements o the City of ;MaheiQ aiong 8a11 Roa~, such as curbs and•gutters, sidewalks, street~grading and pavingy~ drainagQ•facilities9 or other appurtenant work shall be completed as required by the City ~ Engir~eer and in acaord~+ce with standard plans and specifications.on file in the office of the Cit Engit~esr or that a bond in an amount end form satisfactory to the City of.Anaha.i~ shali be ~ ~ pos ed with t~e~C~iy.-tc~ guarantee the installation of said engineering requirementse 3e That the ~o~dr of subject proQerty shall pay to the City of Maheic- thQ aum of 5200 per _~ front foot along Badl Rnad, for street lighti~ p~uposes. ~ 4~ That the~o~er of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the.s~.of 15~ per front fnot ala~g Ball Road, for t~ee p2a-rting purposes. 5o That Conditior~ Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall bQ complied with within a ~ p~riod of• 19C da~is fran the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grante 6~ That the completion of these reclassification procaedings is contingen~ upon the grant- ~ ing of Variance Noo 1678. ~ 7o Tk~at subject property shall be develope~ substantially in accordance with plans aad specifications• a- file with the City af Anahei~,..marked Revision No. 1, Exhibit Nose 1 through 40 ~ 8. That all air conditioning :acilities shail be properly shielded from view from abutting ~ streets, prior to final building inspection. ~ THE FOREGOIIdG RESO:.UTIOr is siened ~nd qrpeoved by me this 25th of February, 1965. . ' CNAIItYMi ANAHEDI C1TY G COIOq3SION ATTEST: L.~~%Y~~/r~~~ SECRETARY ANAHE~I C1TY PLANNING COIQiQSSION STATE OF CALIFORNlA ) COUNTY CF OR~NGE ) ~s. CITY OF ANAHEDI ) I r~1nh•~Kr~h~~ ~ of t1~ CA4 Plannin` Commissi~ of t6e Citr of Ae~. do ti~ c~etllr th~t the foee- goiag ~ol~ion wu pw~d md ~dop~ ~t a aeeNn` oE ffie Cityr Pl~min~ CoMiploa ot tl~ CIl~ ot Aa~heim, hdd a- February 15, 1965, ~t 2:00 o'drdt l.r., by the tollowln~ eote of the ~abu~ tba+o~ ~yg,s; ~g,a; Camp; Gauei, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COIO~SS101YERS: None. ABSENT: COIf~IONERS: Allred. W NITNESS WHEREOF, I h.ve he~eonto cst m~ hud d~is 25th day of February~ 1965, RESOLUTION NO. 1534 ~ SEQtETARY ANAHF.aI CITY PLAiiliII~ia C010113~4ION R2-A -~