PC 1964-1965-1539t ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ LUTION 0. 1539, SERIES 1964-65 RESO N ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PL~+NNIIdG COMb1ISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETCfION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1680 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the C3tq Pl~anla6 Commiuion of the City oE Anaheim dld recalve ~ vedSed Petitlon foe Vadaace from BURRUHL LANC COMPANY, P, 0, Box 1217, Whittier, California, Owner~ WILLIAM Da LUSK, p, Oo Box 1217, Whittier, California, Agent, of certain reai property aituated in tha City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State,of California, described as those portions of the lands allotted to the Heira of Leandro Serrano and to Paul Peralta de Dominguez in Decrae of Partition of the Ranclio Santiago de Santa Ana, recorded in Book "B" of Judgwents of the 17th Judicial District Court of California, included Nithin the land shown within the blue border of tentative Tract No. 5674 ; ~nd 1YHEREAS, ttie Clty P1~naL-L Commis~lon dld hold ~ pubUa h~~eln~ ~t tl~o City H~ll ln th~ City oI Mahdm on February 159 1965y ~t 2;00 o'clock P,M., notic~ of ~ald public h~~dnt h~vla~ M~a duly ~iv~n ~s nquind by l~w ~u-d !n ~coord~nc~ wlth th~ peovlslon~ oI tb~ M~h~lm Mnaicipd Cod~, Ch~pt~e 1t,6l, to h~a ~nd coa~ldor evld~nc~ for ~nd ~~Wut ~dd propo~~d v~d~nn ~nd to lnv~tipu ~nd m~k~ tlndlnp ~ad ncomm~ad~tioaa !n coan~- tion theroWith; ~nd WHERBA3, uid Commlufon, ~tt~r dw in~p~atlon, invntlplion, ~ad ~tudy m~d~ by ittdl end !a ih b~h~ll, ~nd dter dus condd~eatioa ol ~11 ~vldn-c~ ~ad r~poet~ oH~nd n~~ld hadn~, da~ tfad ~nd dK~emin~ 4h~ lollowla~ f~ctr. 1, Thet the petitfet+er re4nNt~ ~ wrl~nco feom th~ An~hNm Municip~l Codr Saction 19.24.030(4-a) which requlrec +.hat the.miaimum lot width shall be 70 feEt to eubdivide eubject property with leee then the required lot width on seven lote. 2. Th~t W~n ~e+ exceptload or ~xtnordin~ry circum~twcN or coadltloa~ ~ppllc~bl~ to th~ prop~rty lavolv~d or to cha iabeded n~~ oi th~ peop~ety that do not ~pply pn~rally to th~ prop~ety oe claa oI u~~ ia th~ ~am~ vielalty ~nd sons. • 3. Th~t th~ nquated vacl~ac~ i~ a~cNS~ry tor th~ pre~~rv~tlon ~nd ~oymutt ot ~~ub~t~atial p[oprrty d{ht posse~ssd by oth~r peopnty !n th~ ~ao~ vicinlty u~d son~, ~nd d~ai~d to th~ peop~rty in auMtlan. „ 4, 'fhat the reaur_tr! ~a~lsaze -L ao! be meted~ally deMm~nt•I te th• oubllc w~lian or leludo~u to tLe ao¢ edy or lmpmvemaib !n ~uch viMalty ~ad soa~ ia whieh ths peop~rty ls loe~hd. 5. That no one appeared in opposition to sub~ect pet•ition. Vl-G '1' ~. l ~ ~ 1 NOW, TNEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grant aubject Petition for Varience, upon the following condItions which ere hereby fouad to be a necesaacy prercqulaite to the pro- ; posed use of the subject property :n order to preserve the seEety and general welfare of the Citisena of the City of E Anaheim. 1~ That a Finai Tract Map of sub~ect p.~operty be approved by the City Council and recorded ' in the office of the Orange County Recorder~ ~ 2„ That this Variance is g:anted sub~ect to the completion of Reclassification Noo 64-65-87~': i i ~ THE FOREGOIIIG RESOLUTION ia eigned nnd epproved by me this 25t day of February, 1965 0 ~ . ~ i ~ CHAIRMAN A?~AHEIM CITY P 1NG COMMtSSION ~ AT'f EST: a %~~~ vvr.~ :'/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION g~reT~ Q~ ~AT TCf~pNiA ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s/. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ar~n •Kneba~ Secret~ry of th~ City Pl~nnina Commla~lon ot th~ Clty of Andt~lm, do henby ceetlty th~t the foca eoinQ resolution w~~ passed and ~dopttd at a m~stln` ot the City Pl~naia{ Commiul~c~ ~t th~ Clty oi An~bdm, h~ld on February 15~ 1965y ~t 2;00 o'clock P.M., by the Wlfowin~ vote ol th~ m~mb~n tb~e~ot; AYE9: COMMISSIONERS: ~awpv tiauery Mungally Perry~ Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Nofte~ ABSENT: COMMIS9IONERS: A11red~ IIV WITNESS WFIEREOF, I b.v ha~unto pf~my h~ad thl~ 25th day of F~bruary, 196yo RESOLUTION N0. 1939 ~ /~~~GC~•G/ SECRETARY ANAHEAH CITY PLANNING C011~SION V2-G -2-