PC 1964-1965-1562f RESOLUTION N0. 1562, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF TEiE CTfY PLANNING COMMi 6I92 OF HE GR TED ~E~ 1HAT PETIITON FOR VARLINCE N0. pE~REAS~ th~ Ci yty pltming Commisssion of ffie City of Aaeheim did receive e vedHed Petition for Vadeace 6om FRANK J. AND EVELYN B. CURRIE, 6392 South Highland Avenue,Yorba Linda;.:alifornia, Owners; gEN K(A~O~ERFELD, 8422 Lampson Avenue, Garden Grove, California, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the west 107.55 feet of the North 2 acres of the South 4 acres of the Southeast quartpr of the Northeast qu~rter of the Northeast quarter of Section 8, in Township 4 South,aRenge~ 10 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, p g , I~Aiscellaneous Mlaps, records of said Orange County, EXCEPTING TF~REFROM the South 30 feet thereof ; and ~g~~~ ~~ ~ity plaoaing Commission did hold a public henring et the City Hell ia the City of Aaaheim ~ March 15~ 1965~ ot 2:00 o'dock P.M., notice of said public kearing heving been duly given as required hy law and ia ecooedance with the ed verience aad to in~estigateQand meke findingspand lrecommend tioasdin conndec- evidence ba and agednst said Peopos tion thaewith: and p~R~~ ~a Commiss;on, afta dne iaapectioa, investiBetlon, and study mede by itself aad ia its behelf, and aRer dae ca+sideeation ef all evideace and ~epods offe~ed es said hearing, dxs flnd ead deteimine the folloaiag facts: Y. •~ ~~ petigoner ceqnesta a~eriaace from the Aneheim Municipal Code: Section 18.28.~U50 (6-b-2) for waiver of the minimum 8 foot reqL~*ed side yard to permit a 5 foot side yard. 2_ That theie aee esaPaoaal °* e~e°~p°ry d~atences or coaditiona applicable to the property iavolved or to the intmded mse oE the Qcoperty thet do aot apply generallY to the propecty or cless of use in the seme vicinity aod maa 3. •m~ ~~ ~pted verience Is necessery for the pcesecvation end enjoyment of e substentiel property d t ~~~ by ~n Qcopeitq in the seme vicinity end zoae, and denied to the property in question. 4. Thet the eeqnested verieuce wIIl aot be metedally dehimental to the public welfete or injudous to the prop~ eRy or impeovemmffi in such vidnitY w-d zoae in which the p~operty is located. 5. That no one appeared in ~pposition to subject petition. Vl-G ~ -1- , -'i ~_ NOR, TNLREFORE. HE Cf RESOLVED th~t the Aa~heim Clt~ Plannin` Commiplan dors hersby trant snbject Pstitloe Ea V~d~nce. apoe the Eollowin~ oooditloos which ~re heeeby Eomd to be ~ necespry pre~eQni~ite to We pm- possd we of t6~ sabject peope~tf ia oeder to peeseere tb~ s~(etp ~nd ~enenl welE~re oE the Citlsen~ of the City of M~hd^. 1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Morks, prior to final building inspection. 2. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 525.00 per dwalling unit (ne~v units only) to be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the building permit is issued. ~ 3. That this variaace is granted sub~ect to the completion of Reclassification No. 6465-98. ' , 4. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and t specifications on file with the City of Maheim, marked Exhibit Nos. I, 2, 3, and 4. ; s THE FOREGOII~iG RESOLl11'ION i~ ~ip~ed ~nd ~ppw~red bp m~ this 2g h day of March, 1965. i ~ CHAIRMArI ANAHEIM CITY P ING COMMISSION ATTEST: Li~'~ SECRETARY ANAHEW CITY PLANNII~iG COi011SSI0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(iE ) u. CiTY OF ANAHE01 ) I, Ann Krebsy S~y of t6e City Pl~ndn~ Commis~lon of the City of Ae~heim, do hereby eertitY W~t the tore. [~L ~lation wn pas~d ~ud ~dopt~d ~t ~ mestia~ of the City Plaaain` Commiuton of We City of Ao~hdm, held m Marth 15~ 1965, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M., br the 6o11owtn~ vote of the membew tkenot; AYES: C01D~SIdNERS: Allred, Carnp, Gauer, Herbst, l~ungall, Perry, Rowland. N~ES: OO~p~~p~~; None. ABSENT: COIOII~IONERS: None. II~t ~1TNESS ~HEREOF, I hwe haemto sat my 6rmd thi~ 25th day of March, 1965. RF.SOLUTION NO. 1562 ~ SECRETAEtY ANA~iEIY CITY pLAD1NII~iG COMYISSION II~G .y