PC 1964-1965-1565RE90LUTION AA. 1565. Series 1964-65 A RESOLUTIpN OF THE CITY PLANNING CAHIAiIISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHQM TERI~IINATING VARIANCE ND. 613 W1~IEREAS, #he.City Planaing Cocrmission 3n Resolution No. 44, Series 1956-57 on September 4, 1956.gr.anting Varianae No. 613 for the establishemt of retail stores and off.ice buil'ding on the south side of Ball Road approximately 200 feet east of Broakhurst Street; and INHEREI-,S, the City.Elanning.Cwamission on December 26, 1964 in Resolution No. 1496, Series ~964-65 did recommend to the City Cauncil approval of Reclassification No. 64-65-80 to the C-1,.Genaxal.Cammercial, Zar~e.3n order to classify commercially developed property in its most appropriate zone, on property considered originally in.:Variance No.. 613; and wHEREAS, the City Planning Commission on December 28, 1964 in Resolution No. 1497 Series 1964-65 did grent, in con~ur~ction with Reclassification No. 64-65-80, Conditional Uae.Permit No. 667 legalizing the existing operation of on-sale beer and. v~ine. in the G1, .Zone.; and WHEREAS, the City Council on Febrnary 23, 1965 did approve in Resolution No. 65R-107.Reclasaif-icatioa No. 64-65-80, and in Resolution No. 65-108 did grant Conditicnal Use.-~erm3t.No. 667; and WHEREAS, the uses..established originally in Variance No. 613 are now legally es.tablishea in their most appropriate zone, thereby nullifying the need for Variance No. 613. NOW~ THFBEFQRE~.BE_IT.RESOLVID that the City Planning Commiss3on does hereby 'C@TtI1~U~,ta_Variance...No•.. 6.13 basa.d . oa the f ozBgcing.. f indings • THE POR~OING RESOLUfION is signed and approved by.me this 25th day of March, 1965. CNpIRMpy pIVAHQM CtTY ING aDM~dISSION ATTEST~ /,i~' ~~e/ s~REra~c A~ax~z~a crrx ~.nnn~zt~ c~+z$szo~t.:... STATEAF...CALI~pB1~IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITIG.OF -A~{AEIEIY.. ) IY Mn.Kr,ebs, Ser,r.etary.of .the City_Plenning Commissiora of the City.af Anaheim, do hexeb.y cixtif,y .that .'ct-e-.f.oregning xesalntion Was passed and adopted at a mesting of the City p1aRnSng••,Commioaion af..~he City.of Anat~eim~ held on lAarch 15, 1965 at 2i W 0'clnck P.Y., bg the follcwing.'.vcte-of the.metnhers. theseaf.e AYESc ~O1~MilISSIONERSe Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. ,, , D10$Si COMMISSIONERSe None. ~1BSENTs OOWItSSI~I1FRSi Noae.• IN WITNESS WHER~F, I have hRr.eunto set my hand this 25th day of March, 1965. SECREtARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING QOMMISSION