PC 1964-1965-1578~. ~: .. RESOLIITION NO. 1578, SERI'rS 1964-69 A RESOWTION OF 1HE Cl'IY PIJ1lIIiII~iG O~i OF TE~E ClfY OF ANAHED[ RECOlOIENDII4G'1'01HE C71Y 000lfCII. OP' 2fiE CilY OF ARAHmt 1~£AT PETiTION FOR RECY~IS~lCAIlQI l10. ~-~'Z~ SE APPROVED WHBREAS, tbe City Pl~ Coe~issiaa af etie City of Anaheim did initiate a verified Petition for ReclBSSification on certain real property situated in the City of Maheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Eahibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full Property Owned bys Euclid Shopping Center, 2293 ~'est Ball Road, Maheim, California. ; and WHEREAS. t6e City PlaQming ~oe~issioa did bid a p6iic L~as at the (~r Hdl in the Cihr of Ana6elm on March 29, 1965, at x00 o'doct P.Y.. aotP.~ of s~id p~biic 6e~oa6 ba.Fn~ bem dalp gx~ea q nqaieed by law and in acoordaace witb the pivdsiaas of tk A~aLei~ ll~idpd CodG C~pta 18.72, to hea and oonsM~e evi- dmce for and againat sdd propoaed eedassifiatioa ad to a~esti~e a~d ~ake 6adiag~s aad reeommend~ti~ ia coanectioo tLecewIth: acd . WEiEREAS. said Commissiaa. a@er doe ~. in'~io~. rd atsdf oade b! itsdf and ln its beh~lf, and after due ooasideratiam of all evideace aod ~ oSaed at said heaang, does 6nd oad deceimine tLe tollowing fecta: 1.T6etthe City P1ac~ning Co~ission proposes a reclassification of the above described pro~erty from G3, Zone to establish an existing service station as a conforming use in the G • 1, zane. 2. That an.amendment to the General Plan is deeaed unnecessary, because the size of the parcel proposed.for reclassificatioo would nat generally affect the City's policies in..this area. 3. That the existing use was established ~mder Reclassification No. 56-57-46. 4. That no one appeared in opposition to svbject petition. Rl- p _~ .~ ~. -~ ., . ~tarch 25, 1965 v ~ EX:HIBIT t~~r~ 1 LBGAt. DESCRIPTION - Southeaat corner of EUclicf St. and Katella Avenue (Reclaaaification 6t+ 65 105) ?hat portion of Lot 3, ?ownsend's Subdivicion, in the City o~ Anahcrim, County o£ Orango, StaLe of California~ at shovm on a map rocorded in ~ook 5~ pago 40, Niaeellanoous Mapa, recozds of satd Orange County. deacribed as follows~ ~Beginning at a point in the centerline of Euclid 5treet. fosmes:•y Garden Gsovo~ Road~ adjoinin9 seid lot on the Mert~ dittant souLherly theseon 210.00 feet f=ora ita intarsectiun with the centerline of Katella Avenue, adjoining said lot on tho north~ then~e essterly, pasallel to raid Katulla Avenue centerline, 93.00 feot to tye true point of bQgiru~ingi thence continuing easterly~ pazallel to said iCatella Avenue centerline~ 190.00 feeti thente northerly. parallel to said ~uclid Street centcrline~ 150.00 feat to a point on a line parallel with and diEtant sautherly 60.00 feet. es measured at right angies~ from said cQntorlino of 1Gatoila Avonuo; thonco westazly along zaid lact mentionad parallei line, 134.Qfi iest to the be9inning of a tangont curve~ aoncave southeastasly and having a radius of 25.00 foot; thence southv,esterly along said curve. through a contzal angle of 89° ?3' 10" an arc dis- tance of 34.00 feet to a point on a lina parallel v~ith and distant eaetesly 53.00 foot, as maacurad a~ zight angles, froa eaid centerline of Euclid Streoti thence ~ southorly along said last mentionad parallol^~ine tc~the point of beginning. ~ ~~i~n ~r~~ s ~ a 9 z , .; ~? :~ i I} :Y ~y ~~ ~ ,:c ~~ ~:3 ; .# 3 ~ I :~ ~ r~ 'u ~ ~ _ : ... . .. . _ _.r_. . _ _... _ . . . -'-'----'~ ~: ~. ~ t.,~ ,~ . NOW, THERERORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the Anahetm City P'l~aalag Commiasioa does Deteby cecommend fo ~e ~4' ~a~l of the Citr of M~heim th~t snbjeet Petition for Reclasst8atlon be ~ppecved ~nd, by so doinQ, ~ot Title 18-Zoaing of the An~heim Municipal Code be amended t~ •:clude the ~bove described property fcom the C-3~ Heavy Commercial, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the ~-1, General Commercial, Zone, unconditionallye THE FOREGOiNG RESC)LUTION ls algned ond appcovad by me fhia 8th of April ~ 1965 0 . ~ ~ ' CHAIRMAN ANl+HEIII C1TY P (i CCIO[ISSION k i ATTEST: ~ SECRETARY ANAHEDI C1TY PLANNII~G COYMISSION ~ STATE OF CALIFORMA ) COIJNTY CF ORANGE ) n. C1TY OF ANAHEIM ) I, 'Ann Krebs~ Seaetoey of thu Gty Pl~asin~ Commiuioa of t6e City oE Mahetm, do her~by ceetity tLat the Eoie- ~in~ eesolutioa wu pw~d ~od ~dopted ~t ~ m~atin` of t6e City Pl~onfa~ Commissioa oE the Citp oE AnabNm. hald on Mar~h 29, 1965, at 2:00 o'elodc P.M., by the followlnQ vote ot the m~mbees theeeof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ~amp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Mungall, Rowlat:3. NOES: COIOOSSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COM6QSSIONERS: Allred. II~ I/ITNESS ~1iERE0F. I hwe heeamto ~et mr himd thi~ 8th day of April, 1965 e gESOLUTION NO. 1578 ~.~C/l~~~~/9~~~ SECEtE1'ARY ANANEIM ClTY PLANNII~iG COlIMtSSION R2-A -~