PC 1964-1965-1581~ ~~ RESOLUTION N0. 1581, SERIES 2964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLAN@1II~iG C01011SSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDd THAT PET~TION FOR CONDTfIONAL USE PER1tIT N0. ~ HE ~AMED WHERg.AS, t6~ Ciqr Pl~main~ Commission of the dty of Ae~Ldm did initiate a verified Petition for Conditiortal Use Permit on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as beginning at the centerline intersection of Euclid Street, adjoining said tract on the west~ and Romneya Drive, adjoining 3aid tract on the souiht thence Northerly along said Euclid Street center line, 182.00 feets thence Easterly, parallel Nith said Romneya Drive centerline, 203.00 feets thence Southerly~ parallel with said Euclid Street centerline, 182.00 feet to a point in said centerline of Romneya Drive~ thence Westerly along said last-mentioned centerline, 203.00 feet to the point of begirtning; Excepting any portions thereof included Mithin Euclid Street and Romneya Drive as said streets are shown on the map of said tract Property owned bys Milo K. Tedstrom, 2103 North BroadMay, Santa Ana, California, 92700 ; and WHEF.EAS, the dty Plmdn` Commission did hold ~ pablic heaic` ~t the City H~11 in th~ Citq oE An~6eim on March 29, 1965~ ~t Z:00 o'doek P.M., notln of sdd pnb8c headn` h~vln~ beea dnly ~iwa u reqniced by l~w ~ad ih ~cooed~nce with tL~ provisiaas of the M~helm Munidp~l Code, Chapter 18.W, to he~r ~nd consider evldanee for ~nd ~gainst uid pcopossd condltiond n~s ~nd to inve iipta ~nd m~ke Hadin~~ a-d recommead~Uons !n coanection t!-eeewith; md NHEREAS. ~dd Commisdon, ~fta dne inspectioa, iavesti~~tioa, ~nd study msde by itselE aad la ih behdf, ~nd ~fter dne cwuidsntioa of ~11 evldeace ~nd repod~ offend ~t sdd hMrin~, does fiad aed deteemiae the 6ollwrin~ hdx 1. 'Il~a!!he pzoposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized bv this Coda, to wits establish an existi.ng service station as a conforming use in the C-1, General Commercfal, Zone within 75 feet of a single family residence on subject property. 2. ihat the qranting of the Conditional Use Permit wder the conditions imposed, if any~ will oot be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and gensral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 3. TAat the existing use was established under Reclassification No. 58-59-108 4. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition. Cl• '1` . ~ ~4 NOW, TH$REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the M~heim City Planning Commisefon doea hereby gcent subject Petltion for Conditloart Use Pennit, .unconditionally. THE ~'tlREt30ING~I~ESOLUTION is si~ned ~nd ~ppatsd'by me'thls 8th day of April, 1965. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CTTY ANNIIVG~COMMISSION ATTEST: l ~Z~~'YX ~%~~2'.vv.~'t/ .~ ---- S~CRETARY ANAHEtil1 CIT 7 PLANNING COMM$SIOPI STATE OF CALtFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. 'RY OF ANAHEW ) I, Ann Krebs, Secrot~ of the Gty P1~helat Commb~loa ot t6e City oE A~~heLo, do h~eeby ceRity th~t the Eaee~oln` eeaolutioa w~~ pused ~nd ~dopted ~! ~ m~etip~ of tlie City Pl~nnia~ Cammisslon of the City of Aaaheim, held aa March 29~ 1965~ ~t 2:00 o'clock P:M., bq the followlu~ voM of.¢he m~mben thereof: AYFS: COIOi1SSI0NERS: ~P, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, lEungall, Rowland. NOES: COWIISSIONERS: '~• AHSEN'f: COIDIISSIONERS: Allred. IN WIITiESS 11HE12EOF, I h~veheFeunw set efy haad tlill~ 8th day of April, 1965. RESOLI~'f10H N0. 1581 ~~~z~..~-"' SECRET/kRY A1QA!lE01 CiTY P~.ANNMG~COMMISSION C2-G '2'