PC 1964-1965-1602i }
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~` RESOLUTION N0. 1602, SERIES 1964-65
WHEREAS. the Citp Pl~min~ Coomisdm oi M~ dtp ot Aa~h~im did realw ~ welfied Petltloe foe Reclusi~ca
tlonfrom DON M. LANDER, 1762 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California9 Ormer of certain
real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County ~f Orange, State of California,
as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in
; aad
WHEREAS, the Gty Pl~nnia~ Comais~ion did 6old ~ pnblic henie~ ~t the City H~11 ia the Ciry of Ae~heim on
April 26, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. aotice ot idd pnblic h~~da` h~viee b~e; auly yven ~s eequleed by
!~w ~nd ia ~ccord~nee with t6e provlNoa~ of the M~helm MueiMp~l Code, Ch~pter IA.7Z, to he~r ~nd consider evidsace
for ~nd aptnsR uid ptoposed rac1us18c~Hon aid to feve~Upte ~nd mdce 8adinp ~od tocommendatlons in connectloe
therowitli; ~ad
WFIEREAS, sdd Commi~aioo, ~ita dne ia~pectiea, iavesUptioa, ~nd stndy m~de bp it~elf ~nd la its behuf, ~nd
~Rer dne oonsidentioa ot dl widance ~ad reporn offaed ~t s~id 6eula`, don Eind aod determine the Eollowla` hcts:
1. Th~t d~e petiUoaee propo~e~ ~ eacl~ssific~tion oE the above de~crib~d property teom the C-09 Cortrnerciaa
Office, Zone to the C-1, General Commercial, Zone to establish a commercial building~
2. ?hat the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the General Plan.
3•T6~t the peoposed recl~ssitie~Uon of sub)ect property ia neeesaary ~nd/a desir~ble tor t6e ordedy ~nd pro-
per developmeat ot the commnqity.
4•Th~t the p~oposed reclysi6c~tion oE subject pcopeety does properly cel~te to the sones ~nd thMr peemltted
nse~ IonUy e~t~blished in close pro~mity to rubfect Pcoperty ~nd to the son~s aad thdr permitted nses eenenlly estab~
Ushed thtou~liont the commnnity.
5. That the proposed reclassificatiAn of subject property does not require dedication
but does require standard improvement of abutting streets because said property does
relate to.and abut upon streets and highways which are proposed to carry the type and
quantity of traffic, which.will be generated by the permitted uses, in accordance with the
circulation element of the General Plan.
6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petition..
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or. if a cor~wroli~n. us aunra~on by dirwlulion. rner~ or mn.oliciation. aR~~t loas or'datn~rge notterccedin uthc amnunt
Et~ted in Scheeiuk A, tegether with weta, attorney..' feea and pcpenap w6ich tlie Companr may be~roroe obliqated to pa~
a~ prorided in Ihe Gyiditions and Stipulatiom hercof, whieh the ia+ured ahall ~u~tain by rcawn of the mauern numbered
l to •L in Part '1'I~ree o[ Scheduk R ot thie policr.
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PORTION "A"t lt.•t portion of the West 5.13 acres of the North half
of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, in
?ownship 4 South, Range 11 Nfest, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in
the Rancho Los Coyotes, City of Maheim, described as.follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said
Section 24, and running thence South Oo 12' 35" Ilest 328.90 feet along i
the West line of said Northeast quarter; thence South 89° 59' 42" East ;
338.71 feet to the Southeast corner of the land conveyed to Gordon L.
Hodge, a married man, by deed to him recorded August 17, 1962, in book '
6216, page 580, Official Records; thence North Oo 12' 35" East 329.00 ~
feeL alonq the Easterly boundary line of said land qranted to Gordon
L. Hodge, a married man, to the Northeast corner of the land conveyed
to Elmer L. Beeson and wife, by deed recorded May 18, 1948, in book
1638, page 150, Official Recards; thence South 89~ 5g' 15" Mest 338.71
feet along the Northerly line of said Nortlaeast quarter W the point of
beginning; .
EICCEPTING THEREfR01rt the Southerly 130 feet;
ALSO IXCEPiING the Easterly 146 feet of the Northerly 153 feet;
ALSO EXCEPTING the Easterly 150 feet of the Southerly 46 feet of the
Nortl~erly 199 feet.
PORTION "B"i The Southerly 130 feet, the Easterly 146 feet of the
Northerly 153 feet, and the Easterly 150 feet of the Southerly 46 feet
of the Northerly 199 feet of the fo3lowing described land:
That portion of the West 5.13 acres of the North half of the NorthMest
quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, in roNnship 4 South,
Range 11 West, San Bernardino Base and Ileridian, in the Rancho Los
Coyotes, City of P.naheim, described as followss
Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said
Section 24, and running thence South 0° 12• 35" Ilest 328.90 feet along
the West line of said Northeast quarter; thence South 89° 59' 42" East
338.71 feet to the Southeast corner of the land conveyed to Gordon L.
Hodge, a married man, by deed to him recorded August 17, 1962, in book
6216, page 580, Official Records; thence North Oo 12' 35" East 329.00
feet along the Easterly boundary line of said land granted to Gordon
L. Hodge, a married man, to the Northeast corner of the land conveyed
to Elmer L.. Beeson and rrife, by deed recorded May 18, 1948, in book
1638, page 150, Official Records; thence South 89° 5g' 15" Mest 338.71
feet al~on ~the Northerly line of said Northeast quarter to the point
of br~t~.~
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~t~~~~~ ~ ' RECIASS. N0. lo~•~S~//$
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~ N~W~ ~.~g]'' 0~.. SE Tf RESOLVED th~t the M~hNm City P'limaia[ Oommiuioa does hee~by (~C~mMld
to the Gtq Oomcil of We Cltq of M~fiMm t6~t snb)~ct Petltlon tor R~classi6adon be ~pp~~d aal, by w doia~,
th~t Tltle 18-ZoNa~ of the Aa~heim itmidp~l Oode b~ ~m~eded to uclnde th~ ~bore deseribsd P~P~b' ~m W~
C-0, Commercial Office, Zone~ and to incorporate said described property into the C-1,
General Comaercial, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a
necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of sub3ect property in order to preserve tha
safety and general Melfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim:
le That a new;bond .in the amount of y29800~Q0 be posted with the City of Maheim or
that•the General Insurance•Company of America issne an endorsement which would transfer
Bond Naa519587 from.Reclassification No. 64-65-2 to Reclassification Noe 64-65-118,
2.:I'hat stsaet..improvsment plans.shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of
the City.of Aaaheim along Sall Road and IIa:e S.treet, such as curbs and gutters, ~idewalks,
straet grading.and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be completed
as required by the City Er~gineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on
file.3n the office of the City Engineer.
3. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, ahove.mentioned, sha21 be complied Nith within a period
' of.180 da~s.fram date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may g.rante
4. Tha~ the completion of thesE reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the
granting.nf Variance Noe 1700~
5e That subject property shall be developed substaniially in accordance with plans
and specifications on f ile with the City of Anaheim, marke~ Exhibit Nos~ 1 and 2~
THE FOREGOII~il3 RESOLUTION is siQaed ~nd ~pproved by me thl~ 6t of May, 1965e
. '
I, Ann Kx9b~ Secretaey of We City ~lnrming f;.~nmtssion of the City of Ana}~eir~, do henby certiiq th~t the Eo~-
going raolntion wu pwed wd adopted ot ~ meetie~ 3E ~ee City Fi~~•:.:>;a` Commissioa oE the City ot Aaa6elm, held on
April 26, 1965, ~t 2:00 o'cloek P.M., by the followiao ;~t, :,~ '.he memben the~eof:
AYES: CON6IISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Herbsty idungali, Perxy, Rowiande
IN ~iTtiFSS WHEREOF. I have dereunto set my h~ed this 6th day of May~ 1965 e
. ( /!_-~ ,y?/~'v
R2-A -~ i
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