PC 1964-1965-1603. ~ RESOLUTION NO 1603~ SERIES 1964-65 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 1700 'BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commisaion oE the City of Meheim did receive e vedfied PeUtion for Vedence from DON M. LANDER, 1782 West Lincoln Avenue~ Anaheim, California, Owner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as des- cribed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Planniag Commission did hold e public headng et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on April 26~ 1965~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., noUce of aeid public headng heving been duly given as eeQuired by law aad ia eccordance with the pmvisions of the Meheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68,to heer and coneider evideace Eor and egeinst eaid peopoaed variance and to investigete and meke findinga end recommendations in connec- tloa therewith; aed WHEREAS, said Commieaion, after due inspectlon, investlgation, ead atudy made by itaelf end in ite behelf, and aEtet due consideratioa of ell evideace and reporte offered es said headag, does Eind and deteemine the following Eects: 1. Tfiet the petitioner requesta a varience feom the Meheim Municipal Code: 18e40<07D(3~a) which requires that the minimum required setback area when an interior site boundary line abuts a residential ; zone be 31 feet to permit the development of a commercial buiiding with a 20-foot setbacko ~ A 2. T6et there ere ezceptionel or extreordlnary ciccumsteacea or conditions appiiceble to the property involved or to the intended uee of the pmperty thet do not epply generelly to the property or class oE use in the same vicinity end sone. 3. That the requeated vedaace is aecesaery for the preservetion end enjoyment of a subetenttel property right poaseased by other property ia the same vicinity and zone, end denied to the pmperty in questlon. 4. Thet the requested vedence will r.ot be metedelly detrimmtal tu the public welEere or lnjudous to the pm~ edy or improvemeats in such vicinIty aad zoae in which the, property is loceted. 5a That no one appeared in opposition to sub,~ect petitiona Vl-G -1- < _ ....... _. . . ... .. _ _.. -. . .. _ ._._ _. .,_ ._.-: ~. A . .. e _... ._ ..G'21a lG S i R~r.~l-F] ~ ~ ' • .y, . ~ - ~~ ~----.. ~F.Ct 1RITY TITLE JNSURANCE COI~~(PANY--~ ' a f,oli/vrnrrt ~or~Mrr~R~~n. hr~~m rnffnl Ih~ Cun~~~nni. In~ur~, thc parlir. namrd n+ inaumd in Srhrdub• •1. th,• hrin. ~Ir~i+er~,. ~,~~,,,u.;l n•pn•-~,.t,aia•, ~~f ,~~.h in~urcJ, I ~~r. if ~i „rrpor.~lion. il...urrc..or~ h~• di-,oluU~~u. na•r~rr ~•r ~on~nbdation, nFain.l lu.. nr Ja~~~ ~er n~~t o~~ccdin_ 1ln~:inunml •~:de~l in S~•hedulc A. toFelh~r w~ilh rv,•tx. allorne~•: {.n•+ nn•I c71~M0.~v:y NIIIrII (IIP (:ompun)• u~:~c Le~•nmv ubli~ai~•d i~~ p;y a> pin~id~d in Ihc CunJilions ~rod ti~ipula~iun, hcreuf. ~.liieh ~h~ in~ur~ .hull .u.i:iiu In r~a-un n( tlic matlr.r, numh~~red ' : ~~~ t in I'art 7'hr~r of t~hrdnlr. R n( thi.. polir~•. GLTA•1963 SCHEDULE A . -•- ~ -- -----.---.•. . _ . _ STANDA GQVERAGE' ~ hi.oi~ii: _ . _ ._ . .. . .. _ _ ~~~03, ~~ ~SS I : ~ ~\\ t DOIi K. LAND'HIi, ROB'$~T 8. LA2JD~TSR, BAFtT. 1'. LAyf1~8~ ti APR 1„r s 1 °~5 (~ARBD Si~I'tTi, DONAI.D DB RtTBHA, and N RECCII~~~ ~,' : KFN~ P. CAMPBL''I.L 8nd r1ARY lI. CAHPk~Id. ' ~ .~ PLANVI~;G : _ . ~' ~~ AE?i. ~ .1 t~~~~~~c ~p: 270287-a ~.:~,~.uH~ia~n~,n;ciia iui ~~~~. ;~~r:,. s~~Cn; ~~2o~~~i~~et~r., . ~ ~ _ . _ _ - - ..._. ... -- --- - -- ---------' - ' -- -_ .. _.. -- .I c~ti~•r date: 1R8L'C21 l~j~ 1~ 8C 8i~ A,~1. ~lmunnt of hili .$.7g~~~.~ -- ---- ` ~ ~' : . ` ~„_ ~ •~ , r., . .___ . ... ' --~---__--`--'-~ . Th~ e~tn~~ or int~rext in Ihe land dcxcriLrJ or refrrrt~i b~ in thi.•~lr,ti,le~overed A~~ ihi~ ~~ulic~~iJv! --- _- ----~ t : p. ~ a ~Y~ ~ , ~'~~~ EXHIBIT ~`A,~ .- _ . __ .. ._. ----~ __r-_ ; _ .--- -- -- ------- --- -__ _ ~dlc to Ihc e~tat~ or inlcre.t cot•crcJ b~ Ihi~ pulic~• .it Ilic d:itc Arn•ui is ce~led in: --•-- .~ -- ~ ~. ~ ~ . ~ DOli bI. LAND:3Ft, s m&rried ~ar~, ea ii:ls 89pTilt•i4~~C p~roP~~7T ~~RT fi. LAI~R, a aingle man; and BAFtI. T. LAH~'it a~arrl:~ inan, ae h2e acgarate :.; propcrty, each as to a~n' urzdividc+~' .r,~ro-r.int:tA~ 7;zt+.rreat; .!:rP..'±'~ S~Ti{, S marrieQ man, as k2a aepa~c~ate p~aD'~+x'tY, aru9 i?cyli,Al,A D~8 &U~l,a mnrri~d ma~, . '. as his separatC propertp, eA~~,aa to an u:ul.ivid~d one-s:xth inbereat. N : ___ . _ , . ,~ ` _ MICFUOFIL1dINa i a00R CONTRAgT ~A , _ _.. __.. _.._ -- ------- . ... .~. r-. r • _ _.,r7.F~- a ~, . ~ •:~ i'f'~,y.ly,r~~ POR7IOy "A"t That postlon of tM Ntist y.13 acl~s o! tM dost1~11~1i of tho NortMra4t quazt~r of th~ NortMa~t qwrt~r oi Sectlan 2~, in Tornship 4 South~ Rang~ 11 YO~st~ Ssn Barnardino 8as~ and 14sidlan. Sn tha Raneho Los Coyot~s, C~ty o! AnaMto, d~ccribad as follan~ BeQlnning at t~a tlorthr~~t eornor ot tho liorth~sct e~wrt~r oJ ~~id Sectfon 2a, and runntn$ thenc~ 5outh Oo 12' 3~" ivqst 328.90 i~~t alorq the Kast lin~ ot said HortMsst ~usrbr~ thonc~ South 89~ S9• s2" E~st 338.71 fa~t !o tAo South~~st eorn~: o[ th~ land conwy~d to Gordon L. Nodgs~ a married a~an~ by daQd to hin~ ;~corded AuqusL 17~ 1962. !n Dook ~ 6216~ paqe 980~ Ofiicial Rtcordit tMnc• North Oo l~' 3S" cast 329.00 feat alonq tM Eacterly boundsry 1lno of u!d land qs~nt~d to Gordon L. Nodqo~ a ~oarriod ~aan~ to th~ Northastt oorn~•s ot tN IanO conwyb to Elmar L. 8a~~on and wff~~ by d~ad r~corded +day 18~ 19a8, !n book 1638~ p~9~ 150~ Otficial Racosds= t~~snc• 5outh 890 59~ 1~' ~Nst 338.71 fsat alonq tM NostMrly linv of said North~ast qwrt~r to tM point oi btytnninq~ • EXCEPTING rHEAEP'R0~1 tM South~rly 130 l~~tf AiSO ~J(CEP7ING tM East~rly 1<6 t~~t of tM Dto~thrsly 193 tNti ALSO F.XCEPTING tha 4st~rly 1~ i~~t ot tM South~rlr 46 tNt oi tlr Northarly 199 laat. QQRTION "8"t 7'h~ Soutf~erly 130 loet, Lhs ~ast~sly lt6 fNt oi the Northerly 193 fe~t~ and tM F.asttrly 150 ls~t ol tAe South~rly 46 tNt oi tM North~rly 199 f~~t of th~ follwrinq d~scribtd land~ Tnst poriio~ ot ti,e awst e.~s acs~s ot the NortA hal! of tM Nortlnwat quart~s of t?u NortheasL quaster of 5ectlor. 1~~ in ToNns2~ip ~ SoutA, Rse9e il Y~est~ San 8amardino Bae~ ind laeridian~ !n tha RaneAo Los Coyot~~~ Clty ot AnsMim, doccribb as follows~ Beginning at th~ NortMwct corn~s of tt~ NortAaast qwster of said Section 24~ and running thent~ ~u~ 0° 12• 35" tiCtst 328.90 t~~t ~lon9 tha ~ost lin~ of ~aid Northeast qwrtarf Lhene~ South 89~ S9• a2" East 338.71 f~ft to ths SoutAeast eorner ol th~ land conwy~d to Gosdon L. 'Hodg~, • rasrrlN roan~ by de~d to him rreeorded August 17~ 1962. in Dook 6216. psqe 580, Oflieial R~eordst tMnc• lbrth 0° 12' 35' East 329.00 fe~t alonp the Easterly boundary lina of aid iand qraM~d to Gosdon L. FtodQ~~ a marri~d msn, to tAa Northaaat carn~r oi th land canv~eyMd to Elmtr L. Beeton and Mif~~ by daed s~cord~d May 18. 19~a8, !n book '1638, pags iSO~ 0lffcial A~cord~i th~nco Soutls 89° S9' 1S" lqat 338.71 f~~t ~lonq tM Northarly lin~ oi aid North~ast qusrt~r to tA~ potnt o! bpinr,snQ. Z~ ~iz223;\ z'~~ •'rti° ~ `~~ ,~, ~~10~5 ', ,, ,2 ~ ~ ,; ''l '~~"~.~~ :~u~ VARIANCE N0. / ~ ~ \ `' c~`~ ' .. ~ r \ i,. D~~' %'' a \ '~ ~t c~~rr~-ss Foa ~acao~~ra ` ~ ---- - - - -- - --- -------- . , .~ I NON, THEREFORB, BE I't RESO:.VED tlNt tDe An~6eim Cit~ Pl~nain` Commisslon doe~ hereaY R~nt ~nbJect ~ Petltloo tor Vad~nce, upne t6e tollowfn~ aoadidoo~ wWefi are 6neby foand to be ~ etces~~rp Ptene9aisite to ffie pro- pos~d ose of tAe sobject prop~rty in ader to pceser~t the s~hty ~nd tenml welhie oE the Citis~ns oE th~ Citp oE M~heim. 1. That this variance ts granted wbject. to the completion of Reciassification No~ 64-65-118. 2. That subject property shali be deve:oped subatantially in accordance .vith plans ` ,:nd specifications on file with the City of M aheim. ~arked Exhibit Nosa i and 2~ ~ 3. ihat all aiz-conditioning facilities shall be properly shieided from view fzom , abutting streets prior to final building inspecti~r~, THE FOREGOQdG RESOLUTION it si`ned ~nd ~porrved by me t.~.ie 6t of May, 1965. ~~ , ' ~ ~ CHAIRMA,v ANAHEIN ~ITY P ING C01[IQSSION ATTEST: ~~~.~~~~vrr/ ~"~ ~~~~ , SECRETARY ANAHE~[ CI'fY PLANNII~G COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s~. CTfY OF ANAHEIM ) • I, A~1n •IG~ebs~ Seccetary of ffie City pl~mias Commb~ioa of the Clty oE M~heim, do keaebq cecUfq that the foio- goiag resolutiun w~s posed ~nd ~dopted ~t a meetiae of th^ Clty Pl~aein~ Commission of the City of Aaahdm, held o0 April 26~ 1965~ ~t 2:00 o'cloclc P.M., by the folloaiag vote of the members Wersof: AYFS: COMM4SSiONERS: 1-llred, Camp, Herbst, Mungaii, Per:y, Rrnvianda NOES: COWLSSIONER3: ~lone~ ABSEN?: CW0IISSIONERS: ~auer~ II~ WiTDTESS WHEREOF. Y h~ve heeennto set my h~ed this 6th c!ay of May, 1965 ~ , ,~;~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CI1Y PLANNING COlUl1SSION RESOLUT'ION NO. 1603 V2-G '~- ` . j ~ ~r~ . w =.. _~ ~,~