PC 1964-1965-1619RESOLUTION NO. 1619, SERIES 1964-65 A RFSOLU'fEO~N OF IHE C7TY PLANNING COIOQSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIIM 'IRAT PETlTlON FOR VARfANCE NO 1~_ BE DFxIIED wHEREAS. the Cih Pi+miet Ceaissino of the Cit~ oE Anaheim did eeceive a veriHed Petitlon fot Vadance (rom UNION BANK, 760 South Hill Street, Los Mgeles, California, Qmers ALVARO ALVAREZ, 11420"Court, A~artment No. 6, Stanton, Ca:ifornia, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Maheid, CoLnty of Orange, State ~f California, described as Lot No, 1 of Tract No. 3676 ; Nd iHEREAS. t~e Cit~ Plaaain~ Coaission dfd hold • public he~ag at the City Hall in the City of Maheim on INay 10~ 1%5, at 2~0p o'dod~ P.11., notice oE said public heariag having bea~ duly ~ven u required by ~~w aod in +ic~oa~d~ooe ~irth t6e p~o~isioes oE t6e M~heie Yanicipal Code, C6apter 18.68, to 6ear and consider evidence for and a~inst said peoposed ~aiance asd to ineatipte and m+ke 6adiags and recommendationa in connectioa therewith; and wfiEREAS, sad Caeissim, ~&er dx inspeetion~ Livestigation, aed stndy made by itselE end in its behalf, and Yita due oaosioeraaon of dI endmee and eepoecs otEered as said deoring, does fmd end deteemine the following Eads: L lbat tbe petitiana reqoests a~adance 6oe tlte An~he9m 1/mddpd Code: to permit an addikion to an existing single-fami;y residence for the purpose of estabiishing a beauty shop and a single family residen=e on subjec: property; Section 18~40~~;0(2-a) for Naiver of minimum requized setback abatting R-:, Zoned property; Section 18e4Q~0'70(3-a) for waiver of maximum struct~ral height ~.thin 154 feet of R-;, Zoned propertyR and Se:tian i8•.40~~70(5~a) for ~vaiver of screened pianting abu:ting R-:, Zoned pzoperty, 2. That there aze no exceptional or ezt*aordinary ci-:::misi.ances or cenditions appl:r.able to the property imo:ved or to :he iotended use of the p~operty tr.at do not apply generaliy to the property or class of ~se irs the same vic:nity and zone~ 3. 2hat tne zequested v~iance is not r.e^.essa;y for the prese-°ration and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other prope:ty in -.he same vtc.nity and zone, and denied to the prope:ty in questian, 4e ?ha! the rec~.ested va:ian~e r,ii: be materiai:y detrimeniai to the publi~.; ~elfare or. injur:aus to ±h~ propeziy or imp:ov~ments in such vi~:nity and zone in ~vhish the property is located~ 5. That the granting of subject pet:tion would set a p~eceder.t for simi:a: commeicial uses of resideniie: properties a3jacent to cubject property~ 6. That tne petitioner p¢~oposed to estabiish two primary uses in a s~ngle-family res:dence nfiich «osld be granting a privilege not enjoyed by ad;ar.ent property owrers, 7. That o~e person appeazed psesenting a peti~ion with 46 signati.a~es of adjacent homeo-rners in opposition to subj~ct petition, Vl-D, -1- , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSOLVED thet the Maheim City Plenning Commission dxs hereby deny subject Petitioa for Vadence on the basia of the aforemeotioned fiadings. THE FOREGOIIVG RESOLl7TI0N is signed and approved by me thia 20th day of May, 1965 ~ ! CHAII2MAN ANAHEIIYI CITY P G COMMISSION ATTEST: ~:~~~7'~~2~ SECRETARY ANAHEIhI CITY PLANNIIVG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORA1yGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEAN ) I~ Ann lCi'eb$~ , Secretery oE the City Planning Commiasion of the City of Mahetm, a~ hereby cedify that the fore- goiag resolution aas passed md adopted at a meeting of the City Pleaaing Commiaeton of the City of Aneheim, held oa May 10 ~ 1965 ~ at 2:00 o'clock p.M., by the Eollowiag vote of ~e membera thereof: AYES: COb16fISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst9 Mungall, Perry, Row'lande NOES: COl~Y[LSSIONERS: None, ABSENT: CONW[ISSIONERS: Nonee IN WITNES$ WHEREOF, I have 6erennto set my haad this 20th day of May, 19650 LiO~~/~~~ ~'[~G~e~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOiliTiON NO. 1619 V2-D -2-