PC 1964-1965-1624RESOLUTION NO. 1624. SflRIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY PLANNING COI~NIISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEDiI REpETI'fION FO R CLASSIFIC<ATION NO.~ ~~5~5 BE PRO ED T WFIEREAS, the City Pl~ania` Commissia- of th~ City of M~heim did receiw a wrified Petition for R~elwl8cw Uoafrom THOMAS R. COUGFR.IN, PRESIDENT, KRIC ENTERPRISES, INCORPORA'I'ED, 405-A West Katella Avenue, tinaheim, California, Owner, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Cnunty of Orange, State of California, described as Lot Noo 1 of Tract Noe 5688 ; ~ed WHEREAS, the City Piataln` Commbsion dld hold ~ publlc he~de` ~t the City Hdl in the City of Aa~hdm oa May 10, 1965~ K 2:00 o'clock P.I~. aoUce of s~ld pnbllc he~rin` h~viae been duly `ivan ~s cequired by l~w end la ~ccordance with the provisioa~ oE the M~heim Muaicipal Code, Ch~pter 18.72, to har ~nd coo~ider evldean for aad ~`dnst 6ila QtOQOtEd tlCltl~I$CWOtI Nd t0 ~t1Vl~U`KQ ~ild m~If! g0~11~/ tlld [lCOWmlQd~tlOq/ IQ COIIIIlC~IOA en~wicn; .~a 41HEREAS, sdd Commlaalon, aftor due inepection, iavesti6~tion, ~nd study msde by ibelf a~d in itt beh~lf, ~nd after due coasidirc~tion oE ~Il evidence ~ad repoRs offered ~t sdd he~rin~, does find ~nd deteeaine the followin~ hctt: 1. Th~t tke petiUoaer propo~es ~ eealu~i8c~tlon of the above deecribod pcopeety from the i?••A9 A9ricuittu a~y Zone to the G•3v Heavy Commercia,, Zone to es~ablish a~ automoti~ve service center and Restauran~.. 2o Thai the pzoposed .rec~assif:r.ation9 if apprcved9 constita:es ~uch ~ miac~ devia~io^ that no immed:ate amendment to the Generai Pian is necessaryq howeve•r9 its relationship to the exis±ing General P':an wiil be considered in the next annual review~ 3~ T6~t the pioposed reclusiflc~tion oE ~ubJect property is aeces~~ry ~md/or desinble for the ord~rlq ~nd pro- per developmeat of the community. 4~ That t6e proposed eeclusi6eatlon of ~ub,jact propecty does peopecly rel~b to t6e soaes u~d theic peemitted uses locally est~blisbed ia close proximity to subject property ~ad to the sones aad thelr permftted uses ~enenlly est~b- li~hed theouQhhout the community. 5, That the proposed reclascifi~a±:on does not reqvi:e dedicat:on for or standa~d imp=avement of abutting streets becaLSe said prope:ty does reJaieto and abut upon streets and highways Hhich a:e imprcved to ca=*y the type and quan±ity of *.raffic, which will be generated by the permitted usea9 in accordance Nitn the circulation element of the General Piane 6o That no one appeared ir. cppcsit:cn to su~ject peti±ion~ Rl-A -1- ~.__~ ~ ~j f'1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RSSOLVED th~t th~ Ae~hNm Gt~ P'l~miat Coamiuion doN haeby noomma~d ~ M th~ Gty Comcil oE tl~e Cttr oE Aa~}-eim tlut snbi~ct P~t1Uae tor R~clusi8ation b~ ~pP~ov~d ~ad, by w doie~, th~t Tltl~ 1&Zooin~ oE N~ Aa~h~im Munlclpal Code M~o~eded to esclnd~ the ~bow d~saib~d proP~rtY hom We R-A, Agricultural, Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-3, Heavy Commercial, 2one, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of sub~ect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Tha: L a~h storage areas ~hell be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office o: the Directo: of Public Morks, prior to final building inspection. 2o That sub~ect property sha:I be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Maheim, marked E~,h:b:t No~ 1. 3. That alevations of the proposed buildings be sub~ect to the approval of the Develop- ment Rev:?w Commit:ee, prior to issuance of a bu~Iding permita c~ s `~ M a ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ls si~aed ~nd ~pprowd by me this 20th day of May, 1965~ / CHAIRMAN ANAHE01 CITY P G COMYL4SION ATTES?: ~i~ ~~iN'/2~~M/ SECRETARY ~NAHED~t CITY PLANNING COYMISSION STATE OF CALtFCRI~IIA ) COUNTY CF aRANdE ) ~~. CITY OF AN~.HED1 ) I~ Ann Krsbs a Skratary ot the City Pl~aain` Commission oE the City of An~heie, do herebr cnHly t6~t th~ toew ~oln~ nwlution wu pus~d ~nd ~dopt~d ~t a mNtin~ of tLe Clty Pl~eain~ Comml~~fon ot th~ City of Aa~h~im, hdd on lday l00 19f+5~ ~t 2:00 o'eloek P.M., by the toUowln~ votc ,;: :~e membees thenof; AYES: COMSLSSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Per;yy Ro~ianda NOES: COMiqSSIONERS: Nonee AHSENT: C0IWSSIONERS: None. ABSTAIN~ ~MMISSIONERSa Camp. II~t WCENE3S WHEREOF, I h~ve heeeunto ~et my h~nd thl~ 20th day of May, 1965. ~ ~~ ~z.~ --- SEC[tE't'ARY ANAHEnI CITY PLANNII?G COIOUSSION 1tESOLUTION N0. 1624 ' R~A .~