PC 1964-1965-16491 . 1 _ . wM' ' yiy3.,. . ._...n~. .~..~:.: ~.:~. ....,... .~.._. .Y ~.j ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1649, SERIES 1964-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIIQG COb~dISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEA! RECOIIUYIENDMG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIIN TIiAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NQ. 5~4-65-131 gg ~ppROVED R~EIEREAS, the Ci~y P1wdaQ Commi~sioa of We City of Maheim did eeceive a vedfied Patitioa for ReclasdSca- tloafrom AMON E. ROBERTSON~ 898 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, Califorrr~a~ Owner, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~;~State of California, described as the Southerly 58.50 feet of Lot 9 of the Orchard Park TraCt, as shown on a map thereof racorded in book 7, page 6> MiscPllaneous Maps, records of said Orange County~ EXCEPTING TE~REFROM the Easterly 660.00 feet, the Northerly line of West Vermont Avenue 66.00 feet in width being the Southerly line of Lot 9 for the purposes of this description ; ~nd WHEREAS, the City Plamin` Commi~slou did fiold ~ public he~rln` at the City Hall in the City of M~helm oa M~ay 24~ 1965, at 2:00 o'clxk P.M. aotice of sdd public hearin~ 6aving been duly Qivee ~s requieed by l~w utd la ~ccordaace with the provi~ion~ of ths Aa~6eim ~fuaiciptl Code, Ch~ptec 18.72, to hear aod considee evideace for aad ~~dast sdd ptoposed recle~~l$e~tion ~nd to ieve~tlQ~te ~nd mt~lce 6edlnQs aad recommendatioas in coanection therewith~ ~nd {qHggEAg, ~dd Commiseloa, dter due inspectioa, investigation, aed study m~de by itselE aad in its behdf, ~ad ~Ete~ dw coaddeuUoa of ell evlda~ce and reporta o.fered et seid hesrfn~, doea $ed ~nd determine the folloaing hcts: 1. T6~t the pecitioaer propo~ss a~aclaui9c~Uon of the ~bove described psopecty Ecom the R-1~ One~Family Residential, Zone to the C-1, General Commercial, Zone to establish a dental laboratory in conjunction with an existing real estate office. 2. That the proposed use under the reclassification is in conformance with the Generai Plan. 3. Th~t tF-e proposed ieclwi$cWon of snbject property is necessary ~nd/or desinble for the ordecly ond pro- pec developmaat oE tha communitq. 4• Th~t the proposed recl~iScWon of sabject propeity does properly rolate to the zoaas and -6ek peemitted u~ros locally ~t~blished in close pro:imity to snbJect propary and to the sones and theie peemitted uses eener~lly eatsb- lirhed th~ou~hont the commnnity. 5. That the praposed reclassification of subfect property doe~~ require dedication for and standard .improvement of abutting streets because said property does relate to and abut upen streats and highways which are proposed to carry the type and quantity of traffic9 which will be generated by the permitted uses, in acco.rdance with the circulation element of the General Plan. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petitiona Rl-A '1' - - , ,z^sw+s~-,~-r~;: NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'1`~ESOLVED th~t the M~heim City P1~neia~Commission does hereby recommead to the City Couacil of the City of Aaaheim th~t ~ubJect Petittoa for Recl~ssiSc~tion be ~ppeoved ead, by so doIng, Wat Title 1&Zoaine of the Anaheim Mmicip~l Code be ameaded to e:clude the above described property from the R-1, One-Family Residential~ Zone, and to incorporate said described property into the C-1, General Cortmercial, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner of sub3ect property shall deed to the City of Maheim a strip of land 45 feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Harbor Boulevard, Por street widening.purposes, including a 15-foot radius corner return. 2. That the owner of sub~ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2000 per front foot along Harbor Boulevard and Yermont Street, for street lighting pu~oosesa 3. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per front foot along Harbor Boulevard and Vermont Street, f or tree planting purposesa 4. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is contingent upon the granting of Variance Noa 1707e 5. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of I80 days from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may granto 6. 7ha± subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Maheim, marked Exhibit No. le 7. That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view from abutt- ing streets, prior to final building inspectiono THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si`ned ~ad ~pproved by me this 3rd f June, 1965. . , ' r CHAII211AN ANAHEIII CITY P G COI~b1ISSION ATTEST: __~i~~/ %~~I',%C~~/' SECRETARY ANAHEmI CITY PLANNtNG COMIQSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C~UNTY CF ORANGE ) ss. ~ITY OF ANAHEIII ) I, Ann Krebs ~ Secretary of the Gty Pl~mio~ Commiulon oE t6e Citq oE M~heim, do henby cerUfy th~t the foce- ~olae ~solution was passed and ~dopted ~t a mNtln~ of the City Pl~nnln~ Commissioa of the City of An~heim, 6eld oa May 24~ 1965~ . ~t 2:00 o'clodc P.Y., by the Eollowin` vote of the membees t6eceof: AYES: COIO~SSIONERS: Camp, Gaper, Herbst, l~ungall, Perry, Rowland. NAES: COIOAISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COIMSSIONERS: Allred. II~ 'Ai'1NF.S5 WHEREOF~ I h~ve hereuato s~t my lumd lhi~ 3rd day of June ~ 1965. RESOLUTION N0. 1649 R2-A SECtiE'PARY ANAHEIN CITY PLANNII~TG CO!l~ISSION .~ ~w~.~:x.. ,...