PC 1964-1965-1671RESOLUTION N0. 1671. SBRIES 1964-66 A RESOLU'RON OF ZHS C1TY PLANNII~iQ COIf~ON OF THE CITY OF ANAHSDiI 1~iAT PETITION FOR VARiANCB N0. 1719 8E (iRANTEp • WHEREAS, We Cib Pl~eeia~ Cammiuion oE t6~ /'!qr of An~io did neNw ~ hd6~d P~titlos foe V~d~mce 5an ROBHRT E. RYAN, 420 INedgewood Drive, Anaheim, California, Ormer~ NELSON-DYE CONSTRUCTION, YI~ORPORKfHD, 300 EasL Katella Avenue, MaAeim~ California, Agent of certa~n real property situated in the City of Aneheim~ County of Orange, State of California~ deecrib~d a• Lot No. 24 of Tract No. 1833 ; ~nd IIHEREAS, *~~ dty Pl~nnia~ Commi~eloa did iwld a pabHa 6udn` ~t th~ Citp H~11 la the C1tr of Aa~hdo ~ June 21 ~ 1969 ~ ~t 2:00 o'clodc P.M., aotice oE iatd pablic haein~ l~via~ bNn dd~ ~lna ~s rpalced by l~w ~nd in ~caoedww with th~ qovl~iau oE th~ An~Mm Mosidpd Cod~~ (~pbr 18.68, Eo 6~ae ~nd aanslda wldena ~oc and ~hinst s~id peopoNd wri~na ~md to in~tinM wd m~k~ 8edisp rmd ncom~~ndWoa~ la cam~ tlaa tha~wlth: and ~E[EREAS~ uid Comaiuion. ~fter dae iasp~etian~ inve~tl~stloa. ~nd ~tadp m~d~ bp ib~lt ~:n !b Mh~IE, ~od ~R~c due ~onaid~sWan ot ~11 widena ~nd npoeb oHMd u sdd hMela~, das ~ad ~nd d~Nemfne th~ idloain~ f~Ms: • 1. 7L~t ti~ p~titioner request~ r v~rloow Fium tLe AaaLL~Im 11uWc1pa1 Code: Section 18.20.030(2-a) for xaivan.o£..~in.imum aide yard raquirements (9~ fset requirad - 7~ f~et proposod; and Section 18.20.0~0(3-a) for waisrbr:of.minimn~m r~ar yard requirement (25 Peet required - 18 feet proposed) to permit the addition of tNO rooms to an existing residence. / 2. T6~t t6ae aet ~dptb~l or ate~oediaaey clrcnmst~aou oe aoodltioos ~pp8abl~ to the ptop~ttp tavolwd or to th~ int~nded we of !6~ peop~elr t6~t do not ~PP17 [~~Y to tL~ peop~ety or cla~s of we ia t6e s~me vldnity ~nd ~ooe. 3. Th~t tha ssqaast~d ~w L aee~ry toe the pceseev~tlon ~nd en)oymwt of a sabshntld peopsity d~ht possa~~d bp oth~e propat~r in tb~ ~~me dcfeity ~nd saa~~ ~md deei~d qa the ptop~rty In qwrlian. 4. Th~t th~ ceqne~tad v~d~ce wlll aot be mK~dWy ~himanW Eo ~t6~ pnblic wdhte or injadow to die prop aty or lmpcowe~nb in ~h vioWtr ~nd son~ in whic6 fh~ ptopaly is loc~bd. ~. ~'hat~'~a:on~ aDpeaz'o.d~ 3a;aPPoai~ion ~tro sub~~c~t~}iietition:..~.:, : ^~ •. 1 ~ ~ ~1~ 1 , . , _ ~. . . . ; ~:, . . . :_.~ . _, . _ . , - ~ . _ ~,. ; _ .. ; ~ r f, x ~ ~,,:: ` ,s: y vM -r .~~ ~. } t. ~ f. ,,~ ~... t , +,~ , .,_.. . , _ _r.__ _ ..:. - - _ ~ ;~~ . ' ;~ ,.._. o ~ -~.r..-y ~ -- ~.> . ~-~ . -.c ,~y( ~ ; ~z~,`~„ t;:Fp- -.f» .~p~. '... ~ ~ " " ~~~ ~ .-• 2 t f q~l c~ ~ VL C~~'~ bt~ ~Ld t.'wiSP~ ~~~,~i-'Y~ ~f~YI~ ,..... ~ :.r . ..a'..•r,.. ~ _ .. .. . .,.?~:'.r,.,:~ro:+._'+~C"r{4 ,~kl'-:w.Rs"4 ?r~'a#'if.'.tie. .a. . .c,. :ar u,,..~,... . ,i . .. _ c~ - o y NOW~ THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED Uut tha M~heim dty Plaanine Commitaioa does heraby Ycwt snb)ect Petitloa Eoc V~dance, npon t6s followln~ oondition~ which ue heeeby fonad Eo be ~ neca~tary Peenqni~ite to tlte peo- paed we ot the sabied propeety in mder to p~eeve the ~~tety rmd ~enee~l w~Ihis oE tbe Citlre~u of t6e Citq of Au~hNm. 1. That the c~sbs shall be.repaired along l~edgewood Drive, as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with stars~a:d plart~ and specifications on file in the office of the City ~ngineer which shall be complied with prior to final building inspection. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plzns and specifications on file with the City of Maheim, mark~d Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. THE FOREGOII~iG RESOLUTION is si~ed and ~pproved bq me this lst day of July, 1965a ~ , CHAIRKAN ANAHF.i~t C1TY P G COYMLSSION ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHF.~I C1TY PLANNIIQG COMlQSSION STATE OF CALIFORMA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(iE ) ~s. C1TH OF ANAHEDi ) I~ Ann Krel~aj Seaat~r of the Cily Pl~naiaa CommL~ion of the City oE Anoheim, do heeeby ceetity th~t the fora gola~ ruolution w~s passed and ~dopted ~t e meetln` of the Citq Piimnln` Commissioa of the Citp of Ana6slm, held oc June 21, 1965~ at 2:00 o'cloci~ P.M., by the folloaiss~ vote of ffie mambee~ thecaof: AYES: COI~USSIONETtS: Allred,.Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: (~IONLSSIONERS: Noneo ABSENT: COMYISSIONERS: None. IId NiTNESS WHEREOF, I have heeemto set my hwd this lst day of July~ 1965. RESOLUTIOI~i N0. 1671 V2~G ~. SECRETARY ANAHEW C1TY PLANNII~iG COIOItSSION .~ ...'; ~';~ :;;~.. r:;::;c: ~ '~'~.tr:ir. _,~,a~l~:. .;:! ~;T. ~ ~~~