PC 1964-1965-1672..; _ ~,~~__.. _ _.. _. 0 ~~ ' RESOLUTION N0. 1672, SERIES 1964-b5 A RESOLUTION OF 1HE CITY PI,ANNII~fG COIOILSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIIiI THAT PETITION FOR VARiANCE N0. • 1716 BE DENIED ~w FUTFL CORPORATION~110 0~ W~~ilshire Boulevard, LosiAngeles, Califor~nia,~~Ownerr of e tain real property situated in the City of Maheim, County of Orange, State of California, described es the north half of the northwest querter of the southr~est quarter of the nortM~-est quarter of Section 9, Township 4 South, Etange 10 West, partly in the Rancho Los Coyotes and partly in the Rancho San Juan Ca~on de Santa Ma~ as per map recorded in book 51 page 10 of Miscella~eous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county ; aad WH~REAS, the Gty Pl~min~ Commis~ioa did hold a pnbSc heaeina rt the City }iall in the Clty of M~hsim on June 21~ 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said publtc he~eia~ h~vln~ beea dnly g~vaa u l~nv aod 1n ~cooidnoe with the provl~lons of the Anaheim Muaicipal Corie, Ch~pter 18.68. to hear and oon~ider evt~ ce for md a`ainst sdd proposed wri~nce wd to iavesH~ate aad make $ndlagi ~nd racommend~Uons in coanection thecewith; and WHEREAS, sdd Commiseioa, after due inspection~ investi~~tloa, aad smdy made by itself and :a its behdf, and ~fter dne can~idacatioa of dl evldence and eepod~ offeced as ~dd hearLi~, doe~ find and dsteemina We follopia~ f~ctt: 1• ThK the Petitionec ed4uests a vati~nce from t6e M~hh~+im Mnnicipd Code: Sectioh 18.62.090(b-2) for waiver of the maximum height of a sign (25 feet permitted within 300 feet of sinqle femily dwellings - 30 feet inches pxoposed; and Section 18.62.090(b-4-a) waiver of maximum area of a free standing sign~350 squaze feet permitted - 601 square feet proposed) to construct an identification and changeable copy sign for a theater now under construction. 2. That the height of the proposed sign•would be detrimental to.the existing singie fam3ly and multiple f.amily residents to the west, north and east of sub~ect property. 3. 'fhat the proposed free-standing sign~will be twice the size permitted by Code, and would.be if granted, granting a privilege not afforded other developments in close proximity to sub3ect property. 4. That the.granting of subfect petition would be setting a precedent .for similar requests for waiver of the newly adopted sign ardinance. 5. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the ~ame vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 6. That no one appeared in oppositfon to sub3ect petition. N0~9, THEREFORE, HE Tf RESOLVED tb~t the M~6eim City Plamia` Commis~ion does haaby denq ~nbJect Petitlon for V~iwce on t6e buls of the ~6oremenUoaed 6adlep. THE FOREGOIIPG RESOLUTION !s N~asd aad ~pprovsd by me thia lst July~ 1965. 1 ~ CHAiRMAN ANAHE01 CiTY P (i COYIOSSION ATTEST: %~~ SECRETARY ANAHEDd CITY PI,AN[JIIdG COYIQSSIdPi STATE OF CALIFORMA ) OOUNTY OF ORAN(iE ) sa • • CTfY OF ANAHEW ) I~ Mn ICtebs~ ~ary of the City Pl~nnin~ Commtsaton of the Gry oi An~hNm. dc 6enby catltq fh~t the fon- eoina resolntlon w~s pused and ~dopted ~t ~ meetiu` oE t6e City Pl~mia~ Commission of the City of Aa~helm, held on June 21 ~ 1965 ~ et 2:~ o'eloclc p,11„ by the 6oUowin~ wte of t6e m~mb~es thenof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herhst, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: C010iLSSIONERS: None. ~s~rr: coeottsstort~trs: None, II~i Ii1TNESS WHEREOF. I Lavs 6aemto set a,ry haa~d this lst day of Jt~ly~ 1965. >~OV LCiC/~1 / SECRETARY AIQAHEnI CITY PLANNII~iG CO1011SSI0N ' RESOLtITIOH N0. 1672 VZ-D .y ~ -; -3::-;~~; ,::x :>; ~; .,w~. ~,; O ~~