PC 1965-1966-1711~N RESOLUTION N0. 1711, SEFtIE;; 196`~~66 A RESOLUTION n~' THE C1TY PLANNMC COMMISSION OF' THE C1TY OF ANAN~IM RFCOMMENDIN('~ TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OP' ANAHEiM 'TNAT PETITION FbR RECLASSIFICA'C1~N N0. _ ~•`~'~6-1b HE APPROVF~ . a-'' ~ , ~ ~~ ~~ WHEREAS, thc City Plenning Commlerion ot the City ot Anohelm dld recelve N verltled Pefltlon tor Rocl~~~iflcp- tion from WINf~RT I~MNUf~ACTURING, 'fRADING, ANU INVESTMENTS, P. U~ I3ox 35112, Los Angeles 3_~, C,~llfornta, and EL~4VARl) [.. I3AIN ANl) EVA I., l3AIN, 903 ~ast I.incoln Avenue, Anaheim, C,~lifornla, Uwners; kiCNSUN Rl~A1.1'Y, 1E303 Norlh Uld fustin Avenue, 5anta Ana, California, Agent o( cer±~3in real pc•oper•ty s9lualed in tfie Cily oi Anaheim, County of Oi•ange, State of California, descr~ibe~i o, I~r.~rcQl No, 1: Lots 1, 7, 3 and 4 in Block A of hroeyer's Subdivlsion of Vlney~~rd l.ot f)~-l, ~3s ~~er map recorded iri book 5 page 34 uf Miscellaneaus Maps, ln the ofrice oC the county recorder of s~3i.d county, and I'r.~rcel No„ 2; L.ots 5, 6 ~nd the easterly 6 25 faet of I,ot. "~ in f~lock "A" o( Kroe~er's Subdivision of Vineyard Lot "D1", as per map rocorded in book 5 page 34 of Miscellan•-• eous Ma~s, records of said Or~~nge County ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion did hold a public hearing ot the Clty Hell !n the ^!ty of Anehrim on July 19, 1965, At 2:00 o'clock P.M, noUce of aaid public heoring heving been duly given se required by IAw and in eccordence with the provialons of the Mehelm Munlclpel Code, Chopter 18.72, to he~r and consider evidence for end ageinat seid proposed recles~lficetlon and to investlgate and make findln~s and recommendatlon^ in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, aaid Commission, ofter duc inapection, inveeti~etion, end study made by itaelf ~nd in ita beh~lf, and after due consideretlon oE ell evidence and reporta oftered st s~id hearing, doas flnd and determine the following Eacts: 1. That the petitioner propases o reclasslElcatlon of th~ above described prop~rty Erom the R-3, Mu: tiple-f ~3mily i3esir]ent:al -.~r~d C-3, Heavy Commercial (deed restricted to a service statian or any C-1 uses), ~on~;, ~o the C~1, General Commercial, Zone to establish ~~ervice station within 75 feet of resident;lally z~ned property. 2~ 'Iha: the proposed reclassificatiun, if approved, constitutes such a minor devir~~ion that no immediate +unendment to the General Plan is necessary; however~,its relationship to t.he existinq <,~neral Plan sym~~ol will be considered at the next annual review. 3 Thet tt;e p~oposed reclessificotion of subjrct prope•ty !s neceseary and/or de~lrable tor the orderly and pro- per development oE the community. ~1 That the pcoposed recle~s{(icetion of subject property doea p~opetly relete to the zonea end their pertnitted uses Iocally establish•d in close proximity to rubject property and to tAe sones and their permitted uses 6enerelly esteb- lished throughout the communlty. 5~ fhat the previous C-3 zoning on a portion of subject. E~rop~rty permil,ted C-1 uses. b~ Tf~at no ene ~~ppeared in opposition to subject petiti~n. R1-A -1- ".._._" ___ __ _.._, • . ,~ ----- ~--- ---~--~,~.--~=` -~.::;:.:..__:: .__.___ - __ . , _, '~' ~. - - _. . . x ' - , i -~ ~f ~ - NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City PlRnnfn~ Commiselon does heroby recommond ~ to the City Council of the Clty ot AnAheim th~t subJect Fetltlon tor Recl~e~ltfc~tion be ~pproved and, by so doing, A that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municlprl Code be ~mended to exclude the ~bove deecribed property frorn the ~ R-3, Multiple-Famlly Residential, and C-3, Heavy Commerr,ial, Zones, and to incorporate said descrfbed proparty into the C-1, General Commercial, Zone, upon the following condi~- d tions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of sub,ject property in order to ~ Preserve the safety and general welfare of the r,itizens af the City ? of Anattieims 1. That a Record of S~arvey to recard tl~e approved division of sub.~ect pro ert be ' subrnitted tu the City of Anaheim for review ~nd then be recorded in t,he office of the Orange County Recorder. 2• 'I'hat; Condition No. 1 above mentioned, shal: be complied witl~ within a pei•iod of 180 days from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Co~mcil may 9rant. ~ , _. ,r~ ~ I ~ ;,, ~ ,1 ' i '` i ; _,r ~ ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed snd opprovr.d by me thie 29th day of July, 1965~ ~ - (,, U.~,,. ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAN G COMMISSION ATTEST, i ~ ..--i~.~ ~ l/ .,~,,;a./ ! ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION I ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~ ' COUN'fY CF ORANGE ) ss~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commisaion of tt.e Clty of Anahelm, do hrrtby certify that the fore- going resolution was pesaed and adopted at e meeting of the Cily Plnnning Commlasion vf the City of Aneheim, held on July 19, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of th~ mrmbers thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Ailred, Carrip, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland, Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ AHSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my h~ad thia 29th day of ?uly, 1965. 1 i; ~ i : .- , _ C~--l, ~.~~ ~~~'.~,~ * SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ' „~. RF.SOLUTION N0. ~711 _. , . R2-A _2_ _ ~ j _ ..___. V._. -..,._._,..e.~.. . ..:'~ , _ _ . ____.._..- _ . _ , ,, ...,.:.,.~.,.,;. ~ ~ . , ,:k.~.;~. . A~