PC 1965-1966-1714RESOLUTION NO, >>~`3 +`~k: ft I E:S 196~~•l~G A RLSOI.UTiON OF' TNE CITY Pi.ANNING COMMiSSION QF THti CITY pF ANAH~IM THA'I' PFTI'I'ION FOR VARIANCF N0.~1 7~!~_ g~ DENi~D WHEREAS, the City Plenning Co~~~mission ot the Clty of Aneheim dld receive a verified Petltion for Verlence from LESLI[ J. ANU KIIUUA fiiVVKE, 1%~I1 ~outli Euclfd .;treet, n~,<~n~im, ~,ilifornia, Uwners~ fX~NALI? M, 1'Affl3El.l., t~914 L~3 ~I'ijera k.3oui,~~vrir 1, I.o~ {,ngeles 4~~, C,~tiforni~.~, Ayent of certain rer.31 F,ropert.y situat,ed Ln the Clty of An,t,~~in,. ,~ounty of Or~~nge, 5tate of Callforni~~, describec~ ~~s -~11 ~.hat 1~~nd ;;it,ur3ted in Lhe soult ,r~lf ~f the northeast quar~ r• of t.he soutl~e~sC qu~rter of Sert,ion ~ 20, Townshi.p 4;;uuth, ilany~~ 10 Wc~st, as p~~r n~~~p recor~~~d tn I~ook 51, p,3ge 10, Mi~cellcineoi~s ,.wr, , Maps, records of said Ur;i~•.~ie Co:.nt c~escribed c;: Y+ tollows: i~eginniny ~~t ,~ polnt on ti~e e~~sl. { ! inA oF said :~eclion 2U, ~~.:1~~ east. I fne belny cilso the cenler 1 ine i feel., north OQS~`~p" P~.~,~ ~r:~rn lhe southeast corner oC safJ ;~rct.tonp?_OEuthenceVnorl.h ~39°U~~~O~~" \ wesl ~0,00 feet to the tru~~ point, oC beyinnirq; ~hencn nori,h 0~~~5'Qp" A~~;~.~ gg,pp f~oe~{ t.tienc~~ soulh t3n~25'38" wesL lU0 0~ f~et.; thence soutti 0 55'00" west. E~~~..40 feet.; Chc~nce ,ouLl, F3')op~}'U~,*, e,:isl 100.U0 feef. lo lh~ 11u~ point of beginnin~3 ; and , WHER~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold Ea publir. headng nt the City Finil in the City of Annheim on July 19, 196`;, et 2:OU o'clock F.M,, notice of said publlc hearing having been duly given as required by ~ low and in c~ccrordence with the provisions of the Anaheim MunicipHl Code, Chepter iA.68, to hear and consider evidence foc ` r~nd eg~inst snid proposed veriance nnd to investigAte Hnd meke findings end recommendetions in connection therewith; F+n d 1Vf1EREAS, seid Commission, efter due inspection, investigaition, nnd stucly mnde by itself end in its behelf, end E~fter due considerntion of el1 evidence ~nd rr.ports offered ~s seid hearinq, does find and determine the following Encts: 1. Thnt the petitioner requests a verience trom the Aneheim Municipnl Code: ~~~ lion 18 40 050(,3 ) whic;i~ rec~uires th~t t.he Iront .etb:ick of thn r~~si~lenti,~1 s~ruciur~~ sh.~ll k;e rnr~in!,ained ~~nd I,~ncl~- ~ sc~~pe~j in ~ccorcJance wilh Lhe pro~isions oi ~~~~ ~ion 18 40 OIOj~-~,•-~), :,nd th~t all p~rkiny sh~ll be E~r ;ided te t.he re-ir of the :esici~~:t i.~: structure to permit p~+rking in the izont SPtk,ack: 2. Th~t t.i,rra ,~re ,~o exception<~1 or ~~xtr;_~ct~:iin,~ry cii•cum~t~~nces ar conditions ~pF7;ic~.,ble to the proE-ert.y involved or lo the intr~n~~ed use ot tf~e pro~~erty lhat do not apply gener,il:y to _,_ the property or cl:~~ss of use in ~;,e s~me vicini? ; an:i zone, 3, Ch~,t tre re-~u~st~d ~~ri:~nce is not nucess~~ry tor lh~ F~reservcition and enjoy~nent of ~~ F subst,<~nlial Nroperty riyht E:ossessed by oLher proper~y in th~ s:~~e vicinity ~nd zone, ancf deniecJ to the propert,y in c~uestion 4. f'hat ~he request.eei v:~ri~nce will be materi~illy ~.ietc•irne~ ~_:,1 t.u the public welf~~re ur injurious to the proE~erty o, irnprovements in such vicinity ,~n~J rone in which the property is locatecl, 5. ihat no n~~~ ~jpp~3rec1 in opposit.ion to s;~t~_ject p~Liti:~n. V 1-D ~~ •R 1 .,~t~• I -1- f ~ 1 -----: ~,---^-. ,4---~s~j=--+--=--•-'- __ .____.._.._.~,,,,,a,~,,,~-.T,,,..,,e~ ~.+-~ .u .._. , . . 7:r., _ ~ / '' ~/ ~ / ~ ,y Z~~ ~~iL.i SE(:RGTARY ANAI~EIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN7'Y OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann KrQt~~, Secretc+ry of the City Alnn~ing Commission oE the City of Annheim, do hereby certify thet the fore- going resolution wes PAtiSP.(I and adopted at e meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July l9, 1965, at 2;00 o'ciock p.M,~ by the Foilowing vote o( the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: kllred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland, Mungall. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMh11SSI0NERS: None, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of July, 1~J65 i~ i * ~ , ~. f ~ F t ~ ~ k ~ P ~ RESOLUTTON N0. 1 "114 V2-D ~Yl/9~'~ ! T,~.'_~ /`~-?~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- w ~ _ -;~-~-.,~~M-~--,. t.-~- ...._.-...., ...---'~ ~ t ~ . . .. . ~m~.~a _ - .. . . .... ......, t ~ rn - _~ . . •ib'•.t ti:~ . ..... a. F