PC 1965-1966-1733RF.SOL.UTION N0. ] !:!3, `.~{:kIF~S 19G~-(~6 A RI;SOLUTIOiv ~ r TIIE CiTY nLANNING COMWISSION QF T~IE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PE1'I'f10N F'OR COND[TIONAL USE PERA~IT »! BC GRANTED , a~r, S \ ~ WHF.REAS, the City Plann{ng Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a veritied Petition far Conditlonal Use Permit lrom CAI.VIN PEI~LEY, 92.3 E~.+sl. Ar l ee f~l~~ce, Af~LNt 1~VI~U~'I'ftIAl. ~UMPANYy ~LO f:ilgt Arlee E'lace, and WARRE;N W, ,JAYCUX, 918 E~~sl VeriT~ont., Anr,heim, Califo~ni~, ~indl'AI~KS {'I20PER'~Tf:S, IN~~~{tI~UE~AT'~I) C/~i C(j I.EE~LE:It~ ~975 H~antingt.cn I)r~lve, S,~n M,I~inu, C.~l.ifoi•nia, t~wnei~s; .J1M ftUL, 923 F.:~~,t. A;lc~^ f'l~.~cc, An~~helm, Californir., Agc~nl. of cerL-.i1n re~al prope~~ty ;itu,•~ted ir~ ihe City o{ An<:heIm, Count.yof Urange, Sl.:~te of C~1 i forni,~, descrit~~d ~i~; Lots ~y ~, 7, 8y 1 r' .ir,d 1~3 of Tract ~fF,457.; L.o~~; q r~nd 5 of fr,~ct 1~3315; Lots 8 ~nd 9 of fr~ict 113?1`i~ ,~i~d ~~ll t.h:~l cert,~i~i l~~nd situalei' iri the R~ncho ~.~n Juar; Cajor~ de Sant-, P~na, as Ner M;ap .~cotded i.n I~ook `"~1, p~.ige / et se-~~ 01 Misc Maas, ;;i the office of thE Count.y f2ecorder of s,iid Ur-:inge County, clF~-,cribed a~ follows: 'I'he Wes±erly 77~20 feet of Lhe Northeily 10 ac~A~~ of the F~~stcrly ?~~ ,~cres of l.oL 21 of An~hei.!n Ext,enstcr~, as ,hown on a Map of Survey m,,de by Wil:i~~:~~ Il:,rn~~l ,;~d filed in t.1~e office of the Co~.inty f;~cord~~r of l.~s An9eles County, C~~lifornia, s~iid 25 ,~cres being furkf~er de~;~ i it~ed r~~, follow,: Ce~MM1ENCIN~:, :,t. tlie Nort.he~st cornrr of s:~ic~ I.ot 21 , and r-unnin~ t.Len~.F~ 6Y~;~st,er~).y g2~~ !~ fee~; t,I;~n~c~ ~o~.itlierly 132`? OU f~et; t.hence Easlerly 82~1.75 feel inJ thenr,e Northerly 1 i20.p1~ fe,~Ht, Lo tf~c~ point of begiiini~~g ; end WHERFAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public heoring at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on August 16, 1955 et 2:00 n`clock P.M., notice of seid public her~ring having been duly gtven as cequired by law and in accordence wi!h thc~ provisions of the Anaheim Municipel code, Chnpter 18,64, to hear And consider evidence for and c+~einst snid proposed conditional use and to investigAte nnd make findings end recommendetlons in connection therewith; nnd WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself and in its behelf, and after due considerntion oE all evidencr. and reports offered at seid heacing, does find end determine the following fects: 1, That the proposed use is properly one for which s Conditionel ,Use permit is euthotized by this Code, !o wit: e,'.~h~ ~ ~~~. ,in e,, ,f ir~~.~ ~ign •i~ ,emh.:~i,l ~;,~nL ~ind stor,.ige ~y,ar;~ i~ ~.i ~.cnf~orminc~ usc ~in the ~~ ~1, Li~~1~' ln,f,,,tl i.~., ZonF 2. Thet the proposed use will not edversely effect the adjoining land uses nnd the growth and devclopment of the aren in which it is p~oposed to be locnted. 3. That the size end shepe of the site proposed for the usc is adequate to ntlow the full developmcnt of the proposed use in a manner not detrimentnl to the particuler erea nor to the peoce, heelth, safety, end generel welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the granling of the Conditionel Use permit urider the conditions imposed, if any, will not be dettimental to the pe~re, health, sefety, and general welfare o; the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 5• 'ft~a! Lhe F,eLit.ionec s~~~ulat.ed Lo en~,.lo~inc~ ~.subje ~{~~.o{.;ert.y ~,vith a b toot rnasonry ~n'd i l ., 6 fh~t ~~nder thi~ ~uthcrtty ;,f Co:ier 5~~::tion ;F3 64 (l4O, tt~e ir_q~ired set,ba~.;E~ on t.he svesterly /`~ feet o; !t~e Ve;tnont. .Avenue +~ont.~iye of subject pto~~rrty i~ t~ereby waivedY t.o perrntt <j uni{ orrn ~'~J f oot lands~ ,pe~J tief.b,~. k t.o c onf orm wi t.h V~3~ i~n~.e No, 1664 approved on ±he e ~sterly port.ion 7. Tha~. rlo une ~3E~~~e-+•e~i i.n oF~~~oS.t;on to s~bjeci F~e~ itior~ ~ ,.~x~ C1-(', ~ -1- ~ . . . . .. .:.~M ~ ,..rt~,,~ ~ ' ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tliet the Anoheim City Plwnning Commieeion does h~e~eby grent eubJect Petltion for Canditlonel Uaa Permlt, upon the following concfitione which are hereby found to be a neceasary prerequleit~ to the propoaed us+e a( the subJect property in ordar to pr~serve the e~tety and generpl welfare oE the Citlzena of the Clty ot Aneheim: I, Tl~~~l, the owner:~ oC sub~je~~1 F?~o{,erl.y sh~ill E,ay to Lhr CiLy of Anahoirr. t,he sum of ~?~.UU per f'ront. foc>1. ,~'iuny 1 h~~ ~vest.erly 7"/ 2O } c~et. of Vermonl Avenu~~, t or ~~±.Teet :. ight inc~ pu.rposes~ ,?, T'hal. t.he own~~rti ~~t ~ubje~ l. F.,roE,arly sh~~~ l E~ay to lhe Cit.y ai An,ihelm t:hc.~ r,um of 1!i¢ ~~er Iront, foo! .~ic~nq the, we:,le~ ly ''1 ,>0 !e«:rt ot Vermunt Av~~nut~, fc~r Ire~~ ~l~~nt.ing F~urF,oses., J, '?h~~t, ,i ~,ix (oc~l. m:~soncy w~it I h~ ~onslrucl.ed ~i.lonq l.hc~ wes!er Iv ~E; fc~et of the sout.Fi llne o~ Ir ~~ l!:~4~~~ a:; ~;hown on fhe yr,,clinc~ ~~1 ~n of ~;:~id t.ra~•t, or th~~l ~~n agreemeni, fo.r lhe omi:s:,ton r~f ~h~ m~~soncy w~itl ~.il~nq t.hr. wesLerly b(~ (e~~t, ol' 1'r,~~•t, 545; ,hall be canLrred inl,o whi~ h sl~~l i ue rnul.u~l ty .~ •~.c:~pt +bie ~u tl~t~ nwners of Lot. ~ ol 'Cr~ir.t. 544i: and Lot 5 of ?racl 331~~ ~~ ~~h.~!. t.~~,,.,h ,t.o~ u~e ~~rc,~~, ~,I~:~,l k~E~ E~r.~ideri in -~~~•ord~iii~,e ~nr~fl~ ~ipproved plans r,n ftle wi~h thE~ of ~ t, r~ o! ~.ht~ Dirc~; tur oi Publ t, Wntks `) Cl~,jl Cundilion No,~ iti ~', i,, ~~~ri ~,, ,~bovc~ mc~ntionedY shail be om~,liFd wiLh pric~r tu the limt~ !h~~t Lhc~ buii;l~rq ~c~rm~~ ~s i:,~,~,ed or wi!.hin a pc~rioci uf l~O r~~y~; From dat.e hereot~y ~rh i,:hev~rr o uc ~; f' i r, l, ur s:: f~ f ~i~• f ti~~r t imc~ <~~; !.t~e C;omm:ss ic,n o1 Cil y Counc- i 1 m~~y c~canl, f~ fh.,t. ..~t,~c~.± ~,rc~~~erty ~,h,it; hc: ~1c,v~~l~pe~i suk~sl,~nt i,~lly iri ~~~.. ~~id~,nce wlt.h ~,lans and `~pe,:i! i~,~t ~ons ~~~, t ilc~ ~vi1h the City c~~ An~~heir~, m.irked Fxhibit PJo 1; F~tovidedy howev~~rv th~iC sub~e~ l. ~;rc~pF~r~y ~>t~,+ll he ~~n.io~,e~-) wi~.h ,~~ 5ix ~ool ma-;onry w_~~ll, as ~~tipulaLec:1 by LhF_~ F~etitioner THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signcd and approved by me thfs '161,h d~iy o( August, 1965, ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - - .~ ? Z ~ ~ i _ !t ~/~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COh1A?ISS10N STATE OF CALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(iE ) ss. CITY OF ANAFIEIM ~ ~_ CHAIRMAN ANAHETM CiT LANNING COAIMISSION I, Ann Krebs, Secreta~y of the City F~lenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, de Fereby certify that the foregoing resolution wes passed end adopted at e meeting ot the City Planning ~ommission of the City ot Anaheim, held on August 16, 19h5, at 2:00 o'ciock P.M., by the followtng vote ot the membecs thereof: AYFS: COMMISSI(~NERS; ~~~nip, G,~~_,er., Ht,z-'.~:,t,, M;ingali., Perry,, Rowland., NOES: COMMiSSI0NER3: Nune , A BSENT: COMMISSIUN ERS: ~+ i l: e d• IN W[TNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 2Gth day of August~ 19G5, ~ } ' 1. ~ ~ ~ { '~ ~ ; .~ R ' ~. ~ 1 RESOLUTION NQ. 17? 3 C2•G ,; ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ SECRE^,1RY ANAN?IM CITY PLANNG.G COMMISSION -2- ~ ~. _ ... > ~