PC 1965-1966-1734RE.SOLU'1'ION NO. 113`~+ ~~f~IES 1965-66 ~__ A RESQL.,UTION OF 7'l1E C11'Y PI.ANNiNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY 0~ ANAHEIM RF.COMMGNDING'fO TNR CITY COUNCIG OF THE I.:ITY OF ANAHEiM THAT PETITION FOR f2EC[,ASSIfICATION N0. 65'-~~`<<~ BE APpROVED WFIF.Ri:AS, the Clty Planntng Commisaion ot the City ot Anuheim dld receive a veriflecl Petltion for geeleaelElca- tionfrom GI'f~AE3EC.LE ftEES, 5p2 Vir,tor Slreot., A;~~heini, California, UwnerR MA'i'1'F[I:W KUR1l.ICli, ,Jf3,. 5U5 E,~st Commonwe,~lt.h, Sulte 1, f=ullerLon, C~.~lifornta, A~~ent of certaln re,~l pro~>erly situal.ed in t.he Cit.y ot Anahelm, :ounly o( Urc~nqe, SCate of California, described as [,ot. No, 35 of I'r~ct No 132~ - ~'.s . k \ ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrr,ission Jid hold a publlc hearing at the City Hell in the C1ty ot Anahnlm on Augus l lb, 1965, et 2:U0 o'clock P,M, notice of gaid public ',earing having been duly ~iven •t requlred by lew and in e~:cordr+nce with the provisione of the Anaheim Municipol C.>de, Ch~pter Y8.72, to hear ~nd cun~ider evidence for and egeinet seid proposed reclessi(icetion flnd to investlgete ond make findinge and recommend~tion~ in connertion the~ewith; And WHEREAS, seid Commiggion, eftcr due inspection, investigetlon, and study mede by ItaelE and in lta behalf, end efter due consideration of all evidence and reports ntfered et seld hearinR, does find end determine the Eollowing (ects: 1. Thet the petitioner ro~oses e reclassificetion of the above described property from the R-• 1 y S iny 1 e fiami ? y Residential., 'l,orie to t~ie C•l, Gener,~t Conxner,:ialY Zone to permtl the operation oi a beauty shop in a~ existiny residential sr_~u~:Luie., 1•. rhat t.t~e proposed reclassi! ii:aticn,, if approvedy consLicut.E~s rsuch a minor deviation, ~.fl~3t f10 1fT1fTiE'!~L_3tE; amendment f.G fflE' Gener~+' p~~]fl L.ri ne;:essatyv ~IOWf?V~?'Cy jt, reiationship t0 the exis~ing Generai Plan symboi wi~l ba ~.:onsidered in the nc~xt ~innu,~l revie~~., j~ That tlie proposed reclassiEicntion o( subject property is necessnry end/or desireble for the orderly end pro- per development of the community. ~ Thet the proposed reclArsiEicntion of subject property does properly rela~@ t~ the zones and thelr permitted uses locally ezt~blished in close proximity to subject property end to the zones and their permitted uses generally esteb- lished throughout the community. 5~ 'I'hat tne ~xopos2d re~,lass if' ~:•atlon ~,f subject property ~1oes require dedi~ at ion f or and slandard improvement of abuiting streE~ts because said property does relate to and abut upon streets and highways whic:h are parlially lmproved to c;a.rry the type and quantity of traf'ficy which wi1l. be generaLed by the permitt~d uses, in accordance with the circ.ulation element of the General Plan~ 6„ That Condition Nn 4 nf Reclasslfication Noo 65~66-2b~ rnay r.eason,3bly k~e ,:c~~~,E:litci wilhr ha~rever, r.:~,e Comn~iss ion recornmends to the City Counc il that. a temporary encroa~•hment permit be gi~nted until such time as the street widening proyram for Flarbor Boulevard occurs,. '7~ Tt~at no ~ne appeared in oppositlor, to subject petition~ R1-A -1- i~ w ~Y ` ` -- - - .,,~ -•..------~-.__..~-_.•-• ----•. _ . . ~ .. ~ . _ _ , ~.., ; : . . ; a' ~ _ , :!y!H ~ ~ i ` .. I i NOW, THER~FORE, BE [T ..,SGLVED that the Anahelm City Plannind ~ommiaelon does hereby recommend to the Clty Council oE the City of AnAheim thet eubJect Petltion for Recla.qtficetlon be approved nnd, by Ro deing, that Tltle lt3•'Loning of tho Anehelm Municipel Code be emended tn exclude the above deacribed pruperty Erom the h•1, One-E~amily Rrrsidenti~3ly Zone, ~ind i.o incorpor.3te sald described propccty into Lhe C~t, General Commercial, Lone, upon the followiny conJltions which ~~re hc~reby found to t~e a necessary precequisite tu t.he ~JI'Op03Qd use ~f sub~ect property in ordoz• to preserve the safety and general wel(~r•e of the r,it:izen~ of t he City of Anahei.mc l„ I'haL LhE~ OWTIE( C)! SUhJ(~,'1. E)CO~:iE?7C~ ~.h,i. ~ de~d t.o tJie Cit.y uf N~I;~heim a st,rip of land 4~ reet. in wldlh; f~rom ~he ,~~nf~f~r ,ir~~~ c~' thc~ s±ree~, aic~ng H,irhot E3u~.i:ev.iid, t'or st,recl. K'1(jb`fl IIIC) E.)U( ~77`i2_„~ 1I1: .'1~.~ lfli~ ~1 1~~ !(iU~ ',I(~ i ilt. : ~ ~'h~~1. lhe c~wner ef suhje t ~~rcE~ert.y sh~,. .rp(ay tolt'he City ot An~~heim titie surn o.f $2.,OU ~er ( ron ~ f oot. ~ ionq H~rbor B~~le~~;~; i;.,nd V;~:t o r Avenu~,, I or ~;cl eeL ( ~q}, ~ ing pur~ose ,. j~ rhd` Lhe uwrier o! SuhJe~ !- I,r uper t y,,i~a. : F;r~y lo ~he Cit y o~ An+~h~im the sum ot i`_iy pet ! r vn~ t oc>t. ~i,ony f-t,irbo~: E3o~i,t>..~• :i .,nd V;~ t.o ~ Avenu~~,, for t.t Ee F~ianL ing purposes . ~, 'ih ~t t.hc~ c;,ty u! An+ihrim y: ~n~ ., ,F~mp~,r .~ey Pn~: ro~~ hment. E,etmil,, :~ubject t:o ;:ondi~ions, ; o; ! h il p or t. i o., o! t, h i~ ~~ x, ; t i n y ,!.; ~: !,~; ~;i lony I. he N.~r• F>or Boi.IP~,I:d 1 ronL+~qe., ~ 5. ~'hat, tr,~,h •.;t,or,3ye .r,~~:,,, ~r~,,:. t,e provtd~;i in ~~ ord,~n:,e wit.h ipp~oved pians on (~le nit.h lhe ot ! i:e o! !.he D; ~~~, t.or r,~ N~,t, : Wo:;•~~~ f; . T'h~e'. tha~ ~.:~e c;} t,h~~ e• i~•! ,, ~ ~; , tur~ ~~hii :~:ontorm ~~, r.;,f~ Uni!'orm E~t~iidinq Codr as ~duE,t e~i by +.I~c~ C', t y ,;~ .An~ihc~ tm.. l, ih•~1, ('c>n,~it.ton Nu,,. , .~ ~~ :r,1 f~, ,.~t~uve mentioner~, sha,~ be ~,amplit~d wit.h within i r.e• ;nd of ,f~,. ~i~~ys + om t.r~e f,+.e h~~•~~c~ , ur r,.1~h t urthe: Ltme ,~5 t,he Cil.y Councl~i m~y yrant.. ~' ~h~l =,~.t,~e ~ F•~lot~F~rty ,,I~.i,l t~e :ic~ve~oped ~sub~..t,3nL-+~ly In ~.,:ord;~nc\e with plans and ~spe ;f:~.ation,, on r ~,e n,ith rhF~ C:ilv u! An-~heim. marked E~ribiL Nos, ; ar,d 2~, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me thia 26t~ of Auqust, 1965. ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY ATTEST: _ '<~27~/ ,~~~~`~~,~-~/ SECRETARY ANANEIM CITY PLANNING CCMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORANGE 1 ss, CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) COMMISSION I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commissiora nf the City of Anwheim, do hereby certify thet the fore- going resolu!ion was pessed and edopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Aneheim, held on August 16, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.fli„ by the following vote af the members thereof; ! r~YES: COMMISSIONERS: ~~mpy GauerY Hei•b:~tY Mungal iy Peri•y,, Rowla;,d„ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None., i ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~+1 1 r. ed,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend this 26th day of August~ 1965~ j , ~y ~ A~A , .:~,..._.~ ~ v~ v . ' ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNWG COFIMISSION * I • - I RE50LUTION N0. 1734 ' ~ I ; RZ_~ ~Z~ ~~ r ~ ~. ~ _._. - . . .-,~ t -~-~- -~---- --~-- ---- ---r . _ r j ' . . ~%M~~1`:•4.i'; __ ~) Y