PC 1965-1966-1768121:5(~l.U'I'I(lN Nc)„~. 1 ta~3a ~i:l?lk`.; 19b5°-6F, A ttE:SOT,U'C10N OF' TFIE: CT'fY i'~LANNING COb1MISSInN OF 1'HC CITY Of ANAHF.IM 'I'liA1' F~I:'I'1TInN T'OR CnNUI1'IONAL USL' PERMIT N0,7~Q. (;H pI;NiED ....~ \ w ~ ~ I 1~ ~~ -~ i i v~~ ~ c~~. ~ •,..~ ' 't , WIIEREAS, thr, (`i~y plnnnin~ Commission of the City oF Anehelm did receive a verfEied Petitlon for Candltioncil U~;c, Pr~rtnlt frnm U1N~::.ER MANAG~MENT' (;URPQRATION, 201 East 42nd Streety New York 17, New York, Ownars CE:ARLES F3UXF.NHAUM~y 93~0 Wil.~hl.re 9oulevard, Dever~y fil.ils, California, Agent, of certain real p•roperty situatod in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of ~alif~.nia, desc:•~hn~ a5 the Ea;;t i50,00 feEt, n~easured from the tan7ent portion of East line of lot 68 of Tract No, 25i7, as per map recorded in book 139 page5 40 to 42 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, ir~ the office of the county racorder of said count.y ; and IVt1EF'F.AS, the City F~1Hnning Commlesion d1d hold e publfc hcuring et the Clty Hall in the City of Aneheim on 5eptember 13, 19659 at 2;p0 o'clock P.h1„ notfce oE sald public hearing heving been duly given as required by law and ln Accordanr.e wlth tho provisione of the Anahoim Atunicipal Code, Chapter 18,64, to heet and Gonsider evidance for and ~+R~~lnst snid proposed condltionel u.~c und to invoatlgata ~nd meke flndinge and recommendetione in connection therewith; und WfiEREAS, y~aid Cornmlasion, efter due lnepectfon, investlgation, ~nd study made by ltself end fn its bohelf, end e(ter cfuo conslderetion of nll evldence and reporte offerecl et seid hearing, doea find end determino the following i~ctn; 1, Thnt the~ prc~p~sed ueP ia ptoperly nne for which A Condltlonel Use Parmit ie nuthorized by this Code, to wit; estab:ish a;;e~•vice ;;tation at the int~~•sect.ion c~ .an ~•~~ ~e:r.~i~j: and ri icra~ ;t~~:eet ~r;lth:n 75 i'ee± vf a yesicienti~i ~t:,:~tuxe ln t.he R~A9 Zone wttn wa:,ve~ op Se~t~an '18~1U,0%0(6; whi::h rec{ui: es a 6"~'not masonry wa;.~ bet4voen C~ ~': 9 Gener~,? Commea~r.;~~~,, ?.oned pz ope: .ty and R-A9 ~J=i~•i=~1~,~''a;y Zc,ne;.i properry; Section 'i8,62,090(bW;) :,^equired nt-mber of' f:~ee standing siyns ~~ :~ sign parmittcrl, iw•o s;gn, p;;opooedy Sec.tion i8.fi•~„090(b-.2) he.lc~nt. o~' free~~standiny signs with3n 3C0 ~'ee! at dny st:~ur..h~:e usecl ex~ius.lve]~y f~or ~oalden;..lal purpases ~~ 25•~feat pe_mit;ted one 5:~~~z'oot and one ;~6~~!'00~ 1Q ~~in;;h E'ree st.;nd3.ng sign p.rnpo~;erls and Se; ;,jon i8~62~0~C(bW5) iocai:ion of'~ t+:^ee sta-~ding ,lgn ~~ ;:i4 f'oot setba::k from the prope•rty line 7eq~ired ~~ a 3-•f'oot setba.::k from the prope.rty line proposed~ 2~ That ~he proposed ti~e wili generate excesg'iVe t+~afEi.;; at the lnterseciion uf a:~ocai st:.reet and ar, a;~ ~eriai hiat~wav~ 3„ That tho io;,at.!on c~' service stations 3houid be 1im~lted to the intersec~rion ot two primary streets, baseci on the f'a;;t that prim~ry r~tz•eets ax~e de~igned to carry ~raffic to and ttuough the a::~eay whereas a ior.al street ia designed to provlde ar.ces, to the :esidential units of ~ pazttcular areao 4~ Tha~t a lette;.~ ef .ondit:on~jl opposi~tion was ~eceiveci., ci•n '•=''~R -1- .1 r, NOU', THEREFORr, QE IT RESOLVCD thet the Anehalm City Planning Commission doea hereby deny subJect F~etltinn for Conditionel Use Permit on the b~s15 of the c,forementinned Eindings. TFlE FOREGOING RESOLU'I'ION is slgnac! ond approved by me this 23 ~ ATT~ ST: CHAIRMAN ANAFiEtM CITY P _~2/~2 y'-~%~~~~/ ~ SGCR~TAF2Y ANAHEIhI CITY PLANNING COMM[5SION f Sept~mber, 1965~ ~ ..AN NG CUMMISSION STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUNTY ()F ORANGE ) es, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann KrFbs, Secretaey of the Clt•y Planning Commission of the City of Anoheim, do hereby cettify that the fore- goinq resolution wae pessed and adopted nt a meeting ot the City Planning Commission of the Ci4y of Anaheirr~, held on ~eptember 13, 1965y Nt ?.:00 o'clock P.M„ by the following vote of the membets thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ~1J.:~red9 Camp, Gauer9 Fie~b;±:y R:~w::ando Munga'~'„ IvOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ A 3SENT: COMM[SSIpNERS: pei•ry~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto set m5~ hend this 23rd day of September, 1965~ RESOLUTION N0. 176f3 G4~L/ / ~~ _~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION •2. ~~`. •,,,~--,-,yyi`~'~ T' ^_~_._'_-^-^r- ~m,,,~: .~«va ~ . . ;7M!1.:Si~'~ . ~ , ,