PC 1965-1966-1778H{~.SOLUTCON NO„ ~ 77E3x.~..el~eS_~1,~65_6~, A 4~E:S~LIfT'TON Ofi TFIF C'f1'Y ~LANNINC CUMMI~SION Ofi THE C,IT'Y OF AN.AH~CM R.EC~OMME:NDING TO TFiE, C?T'Y OOUNCIL UI~ '1'NF.. CIi'Y OI' ANANEIM THAT PF..rITTON E~R RFCLASSIF[CATION NO„ E~5 ~66•~41,, CIOV~RING A POR~'[ON OE-' THE JOHNSON AMJ~XAT'tONv ES~1'A6L.ISHTNG PF,RMANF.N7 7ANfNG FaOR SAID AREA I3E APPROVED _,: ,ill~0a _. i `a ~ ; :~ .', ~ . I WNEREiAS,, Lhe Glty Pl~~nniny Commission of' thc City ~f' An~heim did initial,e a ve.rifi~~d Petil.ion foc Reciassif'icatlon far -ert.,~in real pru~erty wtthin the Johnsan Annexation as rjE~~~T ibed in ~cdinance No.. ,".147 described ~s f ol lowss I~ARCF..I. "A" '1'rac;t No., 5000Y in tt~e Ctty ol Anahelm, County of Orange, St~te of Cal if'arnia~ as shown on a Map recorded in Book 191y paqes ?H et seq, ot Mi~r.ellaneous M~ps~ recnrds of Orange County, California; ~nd PAR.CFL "B" 'fhat p~rtion of t.he Santa An,a Valley I.rr:igati.on Comp~~iy Canal, i.n Lhe Cily of AnaheimY Count,y of O~anye~ St~t.e of ~:alitocni~~Y as shnwn nn a Map filed in Book 4y p.~ge 4~ of Re~ord of Su:rveys in tlie oi'f ice ot khe County Recorder of said Orange Count.y.i iyinc~ bt~tween Che weste:riy :line oF Addington Oriveti ~0 Ic~et ~~ide,, and the southerly pro•~ (~ngation o1' the wester:y :ine of Lot 9,, TTa;,t No 5000, as shown on ~ map of said L1aut., re:orded in Booh 1~)l, p~~ges 2~i et 5eq, ot Misce'i:aneous Maps, re~.:oids of' said Orange ('oun l y; and WHEREASy the City PLanning Commission did hol.d a pub:tlc hea:ring at the CiLy Hall in the City ot Anaheirr on Septembe:r ]3., i965 at <<00 0~;,1oc:k P„M„, notice of' said public hearlny haviny been duiy glven ~s .required by 1~w and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code., Chapi:er lE~„ 72, Co he~r and r,onside.r evidence for and against s~id proposed reciassification ~nd to investigate and make findings and rer.,ommendations in ~onnectian therewith~ and WHFR~AS, said Com~~is~ion, af'ter due inspecLion., investigation.~ and st~~dy made by itsell ~nd in it,s behi31{ ~ and af te.r due conside;ation of all eviden~:e and report.s o{fered at said hearing, do~s determinp the following f~a::ts,. 1.. That the Johnson .Ann~x,ition wa5 slqned by t,he Secret.ary of Che State of C:~:;itornia on June ~~, 1965, and re~:orded ~w~th the Orangr~ Counc.y Recorde: on June 25; 1965 i~~ Ordin>3n~.e N~. 2~a7, 2 1r~at :nterim zoning ,~as e,~tab:ishe;-1 tn Or•d;n~nre No., 21b5, ~~at.ed June 29., i9fi`: ?stabi ishing :l t~~roper ty descT ibed in Q; dinance Nn ', 7a % in rhe R•,i, One fiamlly Residentiai, Zone.. 3. That a portion of said ar~nexatlon knowr~ as '~:a_~ No, 54G9 h2d final R-.~ One F:~mLiy Residential, zoning establtshed under Re~;1a,5ifi~a!ion No, 64~65-10:~ in OrdTnan~e No•. ?.lb~? ~n Ju~y 20, 1955, 4. ~Chat ~he Anaheim Genera, Plan an:~ the ne:~r,y ,:omp;ete:1 H,ii an:i ~,anyon Genec~l Pian indi~,aCe lo~n dt~•isity ~e~;identia~ i~velopment fo. 1,he entir~ an;~~exaiion, and the zoning being ~e.ommended tar the annc.ration is ..onsL~>tent wit.h these Gener~;~ Plan ploposa;s. ~ 'Chat. Par~:ei "A" known as Iiac;t. No., 5~Q0 w~i; e.;tablished as an R-i,, One Family Resldeni:iai, Zoned tlact while under t.he .~ucisdlction of~ the County of Orange o,. lhat a~mall por tlon kno~vn ~s Par~e; "B" i~ utilized f'oi the Santa Ana Vai ley Irrigaticn Company Canai~ '~ ~ _ , ,~ ~ ; ..: 1 . ;~ a ~ _~ - :~M~ I~ G ~ ~ ~r. ` - NOWy 'I'HERf:fiORE, BE I't R~SQLVEn that lhe Anaheim CiGy ptanning Commission does hPreby re.ommend t;o the City Council or tho Cily of Anaheim that sut~~ect Petitlon for Reclassif i~:.at.lon bF~ ,~pp-oved, PsLabltshing permanenl zaninq f~r. Che balance of' certain re~l properLy In Lhe .1ohn~~~n Annex~~tlon a~ desc..cibed in Ordinanc.A No., 2147y and by so doing •that Tf.tla lf;•~Zoninq o( t.he Anahetm Municipal Code be amended as follows~ ~ PARCEL "A" •~ R•~y Qne Family Resident~al., Zone„ PARCFL "D" ••~ R•~~A,, Agrtcu]tural, Zone.. Ii{F FOREGOfNG RESOLUi'(ON !s ~iyneci and approved by m~~ this ?.3rd day of Sept,ember, ]96~i~ k_==-~---------~ Ct~AIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY . ING OOMMISSION /~ ~.,Ci -b~-G''~ ' ' '~'9~1 ~.`. !-'~--r_..~ SECRETARY~ANAHF.IM CIT'Y PLl,NNING ~MMISSION~ ST'A"iE OF' CALIFORNIA ) (~Ol1N7Y OF ORANGE ; ss.. C'Ii'Y OF ANAHEiM j [,, Ann Krebs, Se~retary of the Cit.y Planning Commiss~on ot the City of Anaheim., do he~eby ~ et t~~ y that the f'oregoing ce~olution was passed and adopted <3t. a meeting of ~he City Piannin~~ Commission of ~he City of Anaheim., heid on Septembe.r 1'3., 1965 at ;s00 0`c'lock P„M,, by the ~o:lowiny vote o} the members thereof• AYfS• COMMISSIONFRS~ A1l.rec~, Gamp, Gauery Herbst, Rr~wlan~l, Mungali.. NOESc QOMMISSIONFRS< None. ABSF.N'C~ COMfu1ISSI0NFRS~ Perry, 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, T have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of Septembery 1965, ~/. , ,:~~`" / (/'(~ :' ! JG~ -,.'.^c,.~= SECREiARY ANAfiF.IM C11'Y PLANNING C.~MMISSION ~e~. No~ 177fi ~ d ,