PC 1965-1966-1787NESOi.11'CION N0~ ~ 7R~/~ ,Sar i,e~~_i~65~ A RI:SOLIl1'ION UF 't'I~IF CII'Y PLANNING CJOMMISSION OF 7'FI~ CITY OF~ ANAHEIM T'I~IA'I' k~i:'T'II ION C~-t !~ND.['1'1QNAI. U';F; p[F.MI1' 7~~1 fiF GRAN'I'ED / i__ ~,7 \ .~ ~ l i _ `- i i WHEREA5Y i;he City Al,~lnninq Corrunis;ion nf the Cit,y of Anaheim did receive a verif ied Petition t'or Con~itional lJse f'ermit ,rom FfAROiD AND JF.AN DAOIJST, 9?.R We~i: Wilhelmina, .~naheim, CaliFnrniay Uwnersy oi' cect.~~in .ceal pr.opei~ty situated in the City of Anaheim, County nt' Or~u~ge, State ~~~ Caltf'orn'iaY described as Lot Nas, 5 and 6 of Konlg ~ubdivision t anG Wf-lFRE.A5y the City Planning Comrn~.s;lon did hold a public hea;ring at the City Hali in the Cll,y of Anahe.im on Sep,.emt,er 27, 19b5., 3t 2r 00 0" cloi~k P„M,,, notice of said publ ic hearing having becn duly yiven as required by law and in acro::J:~nce with t.he provisions oF the Anaheim Munir,ipa~ r,ode,, Chapter 1R.64, to hea: and conside:r evidenc.e f'or and againsl; said proposed condi t ional use ,.~nd to inves ~, igr~+.~ and make f inci~ings and recornmendat ions in connect ion then~~• with; and WFfEREAS., said Commission,, after due inspe:.tion, investigation,, and s+udy made by itself and in its behaifv and af ter d~e cons.tder-~tion c~f ail. evidence and reports o1'fered at said t;ea.riilgY does '_ 1nd and determine the t'oilowing fac;Cs~ l, That t'ie proposed use is pi•operiy une for ,~Fii,h ~~ Condit.ionai Use Permit is authoi•ized by this Code, to wit° est.abiish a~Naik~~up resta~;•ant i.n the M• :,,, Light Industrial, Zone with H~aiver of~ Ser;tion J~i„04.,030(b-~12) which requires a minimum of 2~1 parking spaces ta permit 22 parking spa;es; Section 18,52,060(2•a) whieh requires a minimum 5G-f~nt fiont sett~3ck to permit a 4~~foot front setb:jck; Ser.tion i8,52~,060(2-~b and d) whi~~h requires a mininium <~~~-foot landscaped area to pe.rmir a a i'oot area; and Section 18,.52„Oo0(3-a) whir,h requires a masonry wa11 abutting the residential_y zoned property to the east,~ `•. 2~ That the proposed use wili not ad~~ersely affect the adjoining land uses and the grov,rth and developmc~nt of the are.a in which it t:. uroposed to be ?ocated~ 3~ That the size ar.d shape of the site proposed For the use is adequate to ~~llow the full devel.opment of the p;oposed use in a manner not detrimental to the par~ticular ar?a nor to the peare, health., safety, and general welfare of the Citiaens of the City of Anaheim~ 4~ Tr~at t.he granting of tl~e CondiLional Use Permit under the condition5 impased, if any, will not be detrimentai to the peace~ he~31t.I1~ safetyy and general welfare of the Citizen~ of the City of Anaheim„ 5. That the petitloner stipuiated to reiocation of the structure an eyual distance to provide the dedi;ation f~o.r the future widening of' Anaheim Boulevard. 6,• '~'hat under the autt~oi•ity of C~de Section 1R~64„070 waiver of the minimum required 24 parking spaces to provide 22 pa:rking spaces is hereby granted~ 7. That unde.r the authority of Code Sectioi; 18:,64„0'10 waiver of the minimum required 50-foot Fra~t setback to permit a 4~foot setback is heleby granted~ Fi~ Thai under the authority of Code Section i8,64~0'70 waiver of the r~quired 2Q-foot landscaping in the front setback to provide 4 feet is hereby granted,. 9~ T}~at under the authoi•ity of Code Section 18,64,070y waiver of the required 6-foot masonry wa11 to separate the R~3, Multiple Family Residential, Zoned property from the M~~1, Light Industrialy Zor~ed property is hereby granteci„ 10, That a letter was received in conditional o~position to sub,ject petition~ }~ I ~ i ~. ~ ~ . .~. .,...-, y :_. i a r, ~ ~ i 1' ~. ~ ~; i ~ _,, ~ ~ ! d' ~ ",~x. ( 1 I . ~ 'l ~ ~.; ~._... ; ,, .., NUW, 1'lIERE:FORE, FF 1T RF.SOLVE p thet the Anehelm rity Planning Commi~slon docs hereby grant subJect Petition tor Conditionel Use Perrnit, u{,nn the followinR conciitinns whlch nre hcreby found to be a necessery prerequisite to the propoaed ugu c+t the subJect property ln ordor to p•eserve the aeFety nnd generAl welfere ot thc Citizens of the Clty of Annhrlm: 1„ That the owners of' ~ubjecL property shall deed Co the C;.t.y of Anaheim a strip o: land ~10 fe~t in widthy from th~ ~.enter lin~ of the street, along Anahelm E3oulevard, for street wldeniny pur~oses~ 2~ That trash sst~r~~ne areas shall be p:rovicJed in acco.rdance wiLh approved ~lans on f11e wiLh the office of thQ Gir~~utor of Public Worksy prior Lo flnal bui]ding in,pection. 3. That Condit.ion No„ .l above mentioned., shalr be complied with pr.io.r to i:he time that the $ui'ldiny Pe.rmiL ts issued or with:i.r, a period of 18U days f'rom datE hereof, 'NI1~Cfl@V~T ~~'cu~r+> f li•sky or such f~.,r L,e.r t.ime G; CnF Cornmi~sion or City Council may grant. 4„ That s~.,bject ~rop~rty shall be d~aveloped sub5tanl:ia'lly in accardance wlth pl~ns and Sper,if.lca~.ions or~ ile with the City ot' Anaheim, m~~iked Extilbit Nos~ 1, 2 and '3~ provided tna~ the build:ing :~h~ll i;: re:l~,::ated ;-,n equal distanc;e f.r~m the u'ttimatE~ dedication and width of Anaheim f3oul.eva.rd as sLipulated by thc~ petitionery and further provided that said setback ~~hr~ll ~t,ill ~rovide {'or the 4-•f'ooL sl.rip of' landscaping as proposed~ THE FOREGOING RLSOLUTION i; signed r,nd approved by me this 7t~ of Octob~r, 1965~ ATTEST: CFIAIRMAN ANANE[61 CITY P~/~NNING COA1h1ISSI0N ~: / ~ ~~-~-~r','' ./! ~'_.~ J1 SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY Pi,ANNING COh1M[SSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secreta:y of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the Eoregoing resolution wes passed end adopted ~t o meeting o[ the City Planning Commiss'son of the City of Anaheim, held on September 27, ].q65, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the members thereoE: AYES: C~:IRMISSIONEP.S: A11.r2dy Gauery Herbst, Perry, Rowland~ Mungall~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMn1IS510NERS: ~arnp~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hc+nd this 7th day of Q~t,ober~ 1955~ RESOLUTIOH N0. 1787 C2-G ~/~ia-- ~. . ~= ~/ ~~~:~-~_..~ SECRETARY ANAHF.I11 CITY PLANNING CUh1h1ISSI0N -2- : . . - ~::~:?~ ~~ .~