PC 1965-1966-1789RESOL,UTION N0, ~~59+ ~~~1E=> 19h~•-66 A RESOLU'TION OF TNE CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION OF `THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM 1'HAT PETI'C(ON FOR CONDITIONAL US~ PERMIT ~rh~ BE dRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiaelon ot the Clty ot Ariahelm did recelve o veritied Petition tor Condltionol Use Pcrmit Erom DCSMOND MAC~fAVISf~I ANI) A5S(X:IA'fESy b°,0 Ca l i f orni~~, 5an Franci sco, Cal i f ornia, ' Uwner; JANIES U. MCI.'fUtv, 39~10 I)or7 Felipe I)rive, I.os A-~geles Ei, California, AyenL, of certain real properly sttuated in Lh~ Cily uf Anaheiin, Count.y of Urange, 5t~te of California, described as Parcel l: The no::herly 150.OC feet uf t,h~; ~;oulherly 1~0.00 feet of the westerly 182~00 feet. ,_,,.;,~d oi ~he we~t h.ilf of the west half of thc southwest qt~arter of the southeast quarter of Seci.ton 7, " i "1'ownship 4 ~ouLh, ft~nge 10 West in ~IIP. R<~nchn I,o; Coyotes, as said sectlon is shown on a map ;~ recorded in baok 51 page 10 of Mtscellaneous Maps, in lhe office o( the county recurder of said ~, count.y; F.XCkPT that poztion thereot desci•ibed as fol lowsa I3~ginning at ~3 point on tiie nort,h line i of the sout,l~ 40,00 feet uf sa1.d section 7, distant e a,terly along s~~id line ~O.U~ feet fz'OfTI the , wesl. line of sai.d sc~iilhwest c~uartert tfience we,ler.ly along sald north line to ,aid wesl llne; i thence north~rly along said wesk line to a l.ine wlitci~ is paralle] with and nortP~erly 10„00 feet, rneasured al right angl.es, trom satd narlh lin~= ll'~er~ce easterly along ,ald parall.el line 40,00 i _ feet; ~hencra souLl~e~~;lez•ly in a direcL 1 ine t.o lhe polnt. of k~eginniny ;~~~ ' WYIEREAS, the City Plenning Commisslon did hotd e public hearing at the Clty liell in the Clty af Anohelm on ; September 27, 1955, at 2:00 o'ciock P,M., notice ot sald public hearing hevieg been duly given as cequired by -. ~ law and in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Munlcipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear end conaider evidence for and ngainst said ptoposed conditionel use and to investlgote ard meke findings end recommendetlons in connection ; therewith; ond ; WHEREAS, said Commtasion, eEter due Inspection, investigation, and study mede by itseit and in its behelE, and : nfter due con;aideretion of ell evidence and reports oEfered at aeid hearing, does find end dmtermine the following facts; 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which e Conditlonal .Usc Permit le authodzed by this Code, to ; wit: establi~h zi :,eiv: ;e ~t~i.ion at the interse~:tior~ o` a major hiyhway and a collector street. ~ I 2. Thet the proposed uae will n~~t edversrly affect the adjoining land uscs and the growth and developmrnt oE , the aren In which it is proposed to be loceted. ! 3. That the size end shape of the aite proposed for the use is adequete to allow the full development oE the ""'~ proposed use in a manner not detrimentel to the particuter area r~ot to the peace, health, setety, end genarel welE~re f of the Citizens of the City of Maheim. ' 4. That the grenting of the Conditional Use Pecmit under the conditions impoqed, if any, will nat be detrlmental to the peace, health, saEety, and generel welfere of the Cittzena oE the City of Anaheim. ; 5~ T'n,~t, no one appeared in oF~t~os it ion to subje~ t pe',.it;on„ -1- , 1 1 - ~, ~ ~~'~ ~ ;,~ '~ t ; ~ . A ~E~j .~.y.\_~,~~; / ~ ~, i {ti. I ~,,,~ j\ I .~.'.,~; ~~~. ~*`~ I x ~~j I , ~ I I NOW, 1'NEREF'ORF., Ei~ 1T CtESOLVCi) thnt the AnAhelm City Plenning Commiaxlon does horeby grent aubJect Petltion for Conditionnl Une Permit, upon the following aonditlone which ere hereby found to be a necesaAry pren~quislte to the propoaed use o( the subject property in order ta presr.rve thc sn[~ty and genornl welfa~e of the Citizeng of the City of Annhelm: 1., Z'hat a~ln~al 1'racl, Map o!' ~;ubjer,t proGeri:y be approvad by the Ctty Counc~l and ~reco.rdc~d in t.he ofCir.e of t:he Orange County Record~r~ ?.,, 'I'hat this Condittanal U,e ~'e:c•mit i~ granLed ~ub,~ect to Lh~~ r.ompleLion of Reclas~ifi- r.ation No,. 61.~6?.-•y2., 3~ Tf'ial Lhe nwner~, ~f sub;JecL propert;y shall pay i.o the Ci.1:Y of Anaheim the sum o.E 15Q per ~'ront Eoot along Lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Streei,, for tree planting purposes, prio.c• t time thc~ Bui.lding Permit .iti ,~~sued o.r within a pcriod oti 1R0 day:; from date hereofy whichevE~r or.curs firaly or suvh further time as ll~e Comm:ission or Clt.y Council m~y gx•ant„ 4„ That trash ytnraye ilT@3S shall. be provided in ~CCOT(~3~C@ with apprnved plans on file wlLh lhe af'fice of the Direct.oc of Public Works, ~rlor to lin~31 huildiny inspection~ 5.. '1'hai, suhjec:t property shall be d~~veloped sub~~t~ntially ln arr,ordanr,e with ac~opt,ed Servi~.e St,ation Minlmum S1Ce Oev~lopment. Stand~irdsy prior L~ f in:~l building inspecl,ion. THE FOREGOING f2ESOLUTION is signed end epproved by me this 7i.h ~ of October~ 1965~ ~ I 1 CfIAIRMAN ANAHEiM CITY PL NINC~ COAIMISSION ATTEST: ' --( / v y~7"~~ %~d (.~'~f"~ - SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PI.ANNING COM1IMISSION S'TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY Or ANAHEIMI ) I I ~ + - i ~ ,'I , ~i ± ~ .:~ ;~s A;-, z:~ ,~._ , ' r, ~ ~ `j; ~ ~ .f~.,,~.~ , i;r ~ * :,{; ; .~ ~. , , ~:°` ; , ; ;; ; ,~ ~ , t.. _~?'t~ t.:,,,', ~~~~a. ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby cedify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on September 27, 1965, ot 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONER5; Gauery ~erry, Rowland, Munyalia NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Ailredy Het•bat. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~amp~ 1N IVITNESS WHEREOF, I hevehereunto set my hand this 7th day Of OCtOber~ 1965~ RESOLUTION N0. 1789 C2-G r" /L'7 Z- "~' -=~/ % ,£~ G'.~~. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PL~INNING COMAtISSIOh' -2- ~ : .. _ r ~~~t~ ~