PC 1965-1966-1793,a. ~ ~ ~ 12I'sSOl.U'1'IC~N MO.._.___t "'>;ti, ;;l(~I~Ii:~'; ;S~ci'.i•l~f, A I~[:Snt.U:tON 0!~ 'CH,' CI7'Y PLANNING CnMMISSIUN UF'f}lEs CITY (~f AN~+H~YM 'I'fiA'T FE1'1'1'IQIv C012 VARIANC~ N0. _ i_,_~~3H [3~ GRANT[:D e WHERGAS, the City F'lnnninq Commiseion ef the Clty oE Aneliolm dld ~ecelve n vot!(ied PQtltion [or Voclan~e fro~~ 1~OIJAf.C E; l1NU IRENE M; ROTh!, Ah1ERICAN RFALI'Y, i0582 K~~tc11a q~enue, Anaheim, Galifornia, Owners, of certain reai propez~ty situaCed in the City of AnaF~Pim, County of Orange, 5Late of California, d~scri~~~j ~s t.ots Nos, 1 and ;, ESlock t3 of ct~e Loi~elei 1'ract .~'i 1 ,~ i ; and WHER~:AS, the City Plnnning Coi,.missiun did hold a public hearing et thP Clty Hall in the City of Anaheim on September 27, 1965, et 2:OQ o'clock N.M., notice of said public hearing hc~vlnK been duly glven as reyuired by law and in eccordence with the provision~ of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to heor end consider evidence for and ugainst sNid proposcd veiinnce nnd to investigate nnd make [indings encl :ecommendations in connec- tion therewlth; and WHEI2EAS, said Cemmissinn, nfter due inspection, Investigatlon, and study mede by itself and in its behnlf, and aftet due consideration of nll evidence nnd repocts offered ~3t sn;d hearing, does f3nd and determine the following f~cts: 1. Thet the peti!ioner requests a veri~nce fr~m the An~heim Municipal Code: Se~:1e~ ;Seq0,~7C( i~•a aRd 4•~a) whi+~:n ~~equir.e~ :ha*. :;:~ p.3~_k:Gng 7pa-:es ~P prcv,ded ~o pe~mit 5 pa:-kiny spa;.es~ and Sec±~on 18.4~~~70!~aJ ivhict~ :-eq•.:,.°es a b fco*_ ma~,;:r:;y :i iii ac~.r •ne :;i~le and ~ea: ptoper~y iines when thE p?.ope:.,~y fs a~;a~,ent, to ~c_;.der~':a:;y zane~.~i p:~pe~':y, 2. That there are exceptional or extreordinery circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the~ intanded use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or cless of use in the sF me vicinity end zona. 3. That the requested varience is necPSeary for the preservation and enjoyment of a su6stantial property right possPSSed by other proper4y in the seme vicinity and zone, end denied to the properYy in questlon. 4. That the requested veriance ~vill nat be meterlally detrimentei to ihe public ~,velEate or injurious to Lhe prop- erty or improvements ~n such vicinity end zone in which the property is located. 5~ 'F~at•nc one,aPPea:ed in c~po.`r,~.tion tn sub;e;~ pe:i:ion,. -1- .., ~ ~ _ ~j _.:. ~~ . r, ~ . NOW, 'I'(-1EREN`OR~, i3C IT RN,SOI.VI:D thet the Anahelm Clty Pianning Commieelon doee herrby grant mubJect Potltlan tor Vuriance, upon tha Eo1lowing conditione which site heroby tound to be e necoehnry prerequlaite to the pto- poaed uAa ot the Aubjoct property la ordrr to proaerve thC eefety and qenernl weltsre of the Citizens of the Clty of AnAholm. :~ ".,~;;i~ sto,~ag~ ,~•ie~~s aha,. t~a p~ov~;lc:i 1r~ .,.;~;c,rd;in~.a ~n~ith r~pp:^o~ve~l pianc on !'1'.:o w•lth ~ho of'f'i~a at t;he Di:e:.;~:r cf P,.L-,.c; Woc•ksV p~:io,r :o ~'ir~r~i bu,:diny Ynspe,:tion~ ?_~ Thet t.his Vart:ince is gr,anCed cu'p,ye~t t~o Che c.omp':otion oi' Rec'1a,:;i1'ication No„ r,5-66-~~1:3, 3~ Th~i! sub,~e;t ~.rnpe:ty st~~~;': t~o ;ievF,:cr~ed sut~~ ;entl~l,y tn ~ic::o::~dance ~vlth p:ans and :~pe: i1'lcat :;ons on f;ie Hith ~the C:; t y uf Anane ",rnY m+~rkad Exhiblt Nos„ ; and 2~, 4, '~h+it ail air ;on:iitaon:ng~ f'-~~;1'.t.~ie~ :•~h~i: be W:ope:ly shie':ded f.^c~m vte~v from abUttinq s ~:eet~,, :~rio: t.o f lna: b,.'.':dtnu ~nspQC;1; ~on. THE FOREGOING RE50LUTION is signed and epproved by me thia 7 ATTEST; ( , `/~r ~ ~~~(/(~~i Y~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C1TY SECRETAF2Y ANAFiEIM CITY ~LANNTNG COBiMISSION STATE OF CALIF'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ARANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) CQMMISSION Ir Ann Krebe~ Secretary of the City Planning Commisslon of the Clty oE Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore• going reaolution was pe~sed end wdopted at e meeting of th~ City Planning Commisslon of the City of Anaheim, hrld on September 27, 1965~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONEFS: A;jred, G~uer,, Horba*.,, ParryY Rowiand~ MLr:g:~;;~ NOES: COMAIISSIONERS; ~ ~Ae~ ABSENT: COMMISSION~:RS; ~~mP~ IN WITNESS WFiEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hend thle ?th day of QCto~ez~ 19650 RESOLUTION N0. 1793 V2-G __~G . ,. J SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- of Octobe~~~ 1965: , . - .. - ;~a~, .,~y, ~ h