PC 1965-1966-1795RF:SOLUTION N0, 1795, SERI~S 19~~5-6G A RFSOLUTION OF THG CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AF 'CFI[; CITY OF ANAHF,IM Tt{AT PETITION C'OF; VARIANCE N0. ~ 73~ ~3F GRANTED . ~Yf4`ii . ` ~ "i ~ ~.. ; i ~; ~, xi ~~ ~ ~ R : ~ - ~ .YY,,..y ,~, ,i ; ~; ~ WNER~AS, the City Plnnning Commiqslon of the City of Anahoim d1d receive N veritied PeNtion for Verlnnce from FU1kI.,EM, L-:VEI.YN, AND UAf~RYL. WOI.U, ANU RICFiARD ANU LUUTSE ELSER, c/o Check Mark RAally, 1831 West K~tella Averiue, An~~heim, Call(ornia, Ownei~s; UO~JAI.I.) M. CAf2E-ELl, G91~1 L.~ 'fijera, [.pS ~r~geles 45, California, A~~ent., of cerl~in real properLy situated In tlie City of Anaheim, Count.y of Urange, Sl~t.e of C;al i fornl,~, ~esci•Lhed as f7,ircel 1 s 1'he Nort.li q8.00 feet o! the Southi 138.00 feet of tl,e E~~;t 82~00 feet of t.he Wesl. 102~0~ feel ot' Lhe Sc~uLheast quar~er oi the SouLhwest quart.er of Section S, 1'ownshiF~ ~i So~ilh, i2~~nyE~ 10 WesL, in the It~incho Los Coyotes, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5.1, page 10 of Misceltaneous Map;, beinq the Soulh 9t3.00 feel of tha~ area marked "not ~ p,~rl of Lhi, subdivision" on tf~e Map of 'I'ract No. 16~2, r.ecorded in (3ook 49, Page 4 oi Miscellaneo~is M;~psf :'c,r~el 1s Tlie North 9t3.0U feet pf the South 1.38.00 fE~et of l.he West. 102.00 feet of the Soulhe~ist qu,~rt.er of the Sout.hwe,~ quarter ~f ;ieci,Ion 8, in Township q 5outh, Range 10 WesC, in the Rar~cho f,os Coyotes, as shown on a M~p tt~ereof recorded in lluok ~il, N~~~e 10 of Mlscell~~neous Maps, in t_he office of lhe Count_y I~ecurder of Ur,~nge Counly, (:~lifornia, LXCENTING 'CHFREFROM Lhe E:ist 82 ~OU feet Chereof ; and WFIEREAS, th~e City Plenning Commi~slon did hold a public heerinq ~~t the City Hall in thc City oE An~helm an S~ptember 2/, 1965, rit 2:00 o'clock P.M., notfce of said public heartng having been duly given Hs requimd by Inw end in eccordence with the provlsiona of the Anahelm Alunicipal Code, Chepter 18,68, to hear and consider evldence for and egoinst snid proposed vnriflnce ~nd t~ investigete end m~+ke linc!ings nnd recommendations in connec- tion therewith; ~nd WFIEREAS, sc~id Commissinn, efter due inspection, investigotton, end study madc by itself and in its bchelf, and after due consideration of all e~~idence end reports offered ~~ t said heering, does find end determine the following fects; 1, Thnt the petitioner requests ~ varinnce from the Aneheim Municipal Code: Sect.ion 1~i.40.070(3) which requires that tl~e proposed bu:;diny e,hall be seLt~ack 40 feet or lwire the heiyht. af th~ structure from any single farniiy resiciential zone bo~~ndary to develop sub~ect pro~erty with a 1Q-Foot building sett~ack. 2. That there are excep-ionnl or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appZlcable to th~ property invoived or to the intertded use of thQ pr~perty thet do not ~pply generally to the propP~' • c~nss of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3, Thet the requested varior.ce i^ ner.essnry fo: the preservation c~ ~ -+t of a substantiel property right possessed by other property in the RH'TIF v~cinit}• nnd zone, ~ d denied to .,. ,• • in question. 4. That thc requestr~•` varience H,L net l.-: -nnterially dc ^• ~ntal to th: pu~lic weltate or injurious to the prop- erty or iniprovements in such vicinity and zone :n which the prop~r~ty is located. 5. That no on~ apFearPC: in ~nr,csition co su:,ject petition. V 1-G -1- NOW, THI:REC•'OI~C, E3[: IT RCSOI.VCI) thnt the Annheim Clt,y PlanninR Commieslon does hereby grnnt aubject Aetitian [ar Varlonce, upon the following condltionr which n-e hereby found to be e nece+Aary prerequieito to the pro- poKed uso of the sub)ect propcrty ln ordcr to preserve thc sefety tmd Renerel wc~lfare of the Citizena of the City of Ani~heim, I„ 'rh;.rl lh~~ siclc~~~,:ilks :;hall be Inst~~lled alc~nc~ Linr.,oln AverniF:~ an,:i Aladdi.n Drlve, ~s requ ired t~y the C:i i y Fnc~ine~r. ~.~nd ln ac ui~dan.,e ~vi th st,~nd~r~! pl ~n , and ~.;pecif icat. ions on f' i.1e in Lhe ofElco ~P the City CnyinF~er~,~ ~., 'i'hat tl.~_~.;h r.~t.or~~ge ,rr~as sh~a'~; be pruvided in ~~<.c;eTdanc~c~ wit.h ,~pproved plans on ! ile ~vlt,h t~l~e pt'f'i~;c of t.h~ Dire~:tor oC Publi~, Works. ;i~ T'hat. ~'ondi.tic~n Nos~ '1 an~i :?, at-,ova mc~nt.ioned~, ,~h~~ll br rornplied with pri~r t.o Cin~,'l t.~~~ildini~ ins~~E~c;l ion.. , , 4~ 1'h;.~t lhis V,~ri~in~.e i~ y~~.,nce<.i :-~~,t~,er~ ±o I,he c:omr~letion of Rc~c1,.3ssifir.7tion No., o'.i•hti••44~ 5„ 'ft~~~L s;ibjc,r.t. ~~~operty sh,-,i; k~~ develcpc~rl ~~ul:,,<<~n~i~,lly in .~cr_.ordan~.;e witt~ planss ;.~nd spec:ific+ition:, un tl:e ~,vi1.h ~.h~~ ~:~I,y ot AnaheimY m<~rked I:xl~ibit. Nc~. 1~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIUN is signed and approved by me thls %~...c1:ty of Uctober, 1965 . ATTEST: CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM11 CiTY ij'f,~1NNING COMMISS10v (/v2 ~ ~ /~,~1/, r•~./~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PI,ANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OP,ANGL ) ss. CITY OF ANAfiEIM ) I, Ar~n Kz~ebs, Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anah~:im, do hereby certify thet tne fore- going resolutinn was passed and adopted at o meeting of the City Plnnning Commis::ion of the City of Anaheim, held on September ?_7, 1965, cet 2:Ot~ o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membets thereof: AYES: CO~iMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauec, He:b~~t., Per~y, Rowiand, hlunyall~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None .~ ~ I-- . ~~: ' ~~ ABSENT: COMMJSSION~RS: ~~rnp~ ~ IN WITNESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day Uf October~ 1965,~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 1795 ~ ~' / l ,~~~~`" ~ r , ~~ ` .~ ~,~7 ,l , /i... --. ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COh1MISSION V2-G ~ i'- ~ • '!~ . j ~ 1 ~ i:~: ,1 ~ ~ i ~ '1 ~ _ ~ '?y~ -~±;~_ -2- i . ` ., ' ~;3?p,~c