PC 1965-1966-1804RESOI,UTION N0, 190A , 5~f2IE5 1?G5-66 A RESQI,UTION OF THEs CiTY PLANNING COMM15S10N OF THF CiTY Or ANANGIM THAT PETITiON FOR CONDITIONAI. USF PERMI'T N0. ~_ HE ~~EtA~1'C~U IN f7ART , ,. :.R~r. ;~ \ . Wf•It:RF:A5, the Clty Planning Commiselon of thc City ot Anaheim dld receive a veriEied Petition for Conditionul Usc Permlt Crom ~~RA M~ SChiUI.L, ~038 West I.incoln Avenue, Anal:f>im, California, Owner; WEGEk COMPANY, INC;UF~F'OftATEU, ~E319 We~t Pico r~oulevard, Los Anyeles, C~~:itornia, 90035, Agent, of cert~~in t~eal property siL~.~ated In thF City of Anaheim, County of Oran9e, State of California, ~aescribed as Parcel 1: I.rt ] of ~fr.~ct No~, 229o, ~s Ner m-~p racorded in noak 70 pages 44 to 49 inclusive of Miscellc.~r~ou, Maps, in t.he office of the count,y recorder of s~~id county, and Parcel 2: 7'he So~.ith 1`.i0,2q feet, of the Nor±h ~1G~.2~1 fee! of the west h,~lf af the northwe,t. quarter uf the nortlieast. !~u~rter of t,he r~urthwest ~uarter of section 1"1, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, in thc~ Rancho I.os Coyotes, as Fer map recorded In book 51 page 11 af Miscell.aneous 61aps, in the office of tfie county recordei• of sa:d count.y, ~XCEPT the East 14~00 feet thereof; AL.SO f:XCEPT the VJest 120,00 feet thereof ; and WHEREAS, the City Plnnning Commission did hold e publlc heuring at the Clty HAII in the City of Aneheim an (k tok~e ~ 18, 19~~~~ ~ et 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of sald public hearing having been duly ~iven es required by law and in eccorde~ce with the provlsions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear nnd conslder evidence for end e~einst s~id proposed conditional use and to investlgate an~ make findingq and recommendetlons in connection therewith; and N'f{EREAS, said Commisa~on, aEter due inspection, inveatlgetion, end study mAde by itself and in its behalf, and aEter due consideretion oE all evldence end reports ofEered et snid hearing, does find and determine the Eollowing far.ts: I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ' ~. 1. Thnt the proposed use is properly one for whlch a Conditional Use Permit is euthorized by this Code, to wit: establish a walk-up donut st~op in conjunction with a proposed comrr~ercial shopping center with waiver of Lhe required '36-foot building setback frorn a single-farriily residential zone boundary ~o permit a variabie 19~33 foot building setback; waiver of the required 3•-foot landscaping separ,3~~ing the front prope.rty line from the parking area; waiver of the requix~ed screened landscaping abutting a si.ngle-family r.esidentiai zone boundary; the r~quired number of park~ ing spaces of '6 to permit 52 spaces; and waiver of the C-1 alley requirement on subjPCt oroperty, 2: That the proposed u:e wili not adversely affect the adjoining land use5 and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be iocated-. 3. That +t~e size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate t:o allow tt~e full deveio~:ment of the proposed use lp •3 manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim 4 Tl,at the granting of the Ccnditional Use Permit under the conditfons imposed, if 3ny, will not be detz•imental to the peace, f~ealth, safety, and genera! welfare of' the ~itizenG of the City of Anaheim 5, That the peti.tioner withdrew his ieyuQsts for (1) est;ablishment of a walk~up donut shop; (2) waiver of the required screened landscaping abutting a single~family r~sidential zone boundary; (3) waiver of the requi.;ed numb~r of parking spaces; and (4) waiver of the alley requii~ement upon the subm:~ssior of revised plans; said revised plans indicated an er~closed i•ather than a walk-up restaurant for which the parking re~uirernents were fewer in number of spaces precluding the considei•ation of waiver of the parking spaces; and landscap•- ing was also indicated abutting the singl~-family residential zone boundary; further that a satisfactary arrangement for secondary access was also in~iicated, thereby eliminatiny the necessity of a reauest for the above mentioned waivers; 6~ Th:+t under the authority of Code Section 18:64.;070, waiver of the required buil.iing setback of 35 feet from a single-family residPntial zone boundary to develop subject property with a variable 19-33-foot building setback is hE~reby granted, 7 That three persons .appeared and one letter was received in opposition. C1- G .1_ ~ r --...~:--- - - _._____.-~ .r.. . •-••`•R- ~~~ __' _"_"a'_" . •..4..~..., . . ~;~.~.:'±~? ~ ~. , _,~::;~ ,~ ~ ~ ~; I ~ ~ , , '~`..., ;; ~ . I i;i,'?' ~i 1 ~.. -; ,~ ~ . ~ * ~ ; ~, ~: ,~ ;~ ..,~.; ;~;;' f :,;.: _:::;,~. ~ ,~ NOW, TH~REFORE, CiE IT RES~I.Vf:p thAt thn An~hoim City Plenning Commiseian doea hcreby Rrant subJec! Aotltlon (or Conditfonei URe Permit~ upnn the [nllowing condition, ~~•hirh ere hereby found ta be a necessary pcereyulsite to the prop~sed uae ot the sub)ect property in order to preserve the 9fl1r1) nnd ~;ener~~l wolFere of the Citlzens of the City of Anahelm: 1„ That t;rash stor3ge areas shall be provided in ac;r,ordance with appz•oved pl~~n:; nn file with the office of the Direr.tor of f'ublic Works., prior to fi.nal bu.+.ldinn inspc~ction, 2„ That this ronditlonal use permi.t is granted subject to the cornpletion oi {teclassi- ficaCion No~. 65-G6-30~ 3~ That sub~ect property shall be developed ~,~uh,tant;lall.y tn accor.dance with plans and specifications on fiXe with the City of Anaheim, macked Exi~ibil No, 1, Revision No~ 1, provided, however, that all building setbacks along I.incoln Avenuc sh~~ll be 35 feet; and further provided th~t landscapiny r~butting the parking ~rE,~~ ~~long Lincoln Avenue and Empire 5treet shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in width, THE FOREGOING RE50Li1TI0N is signed And epproved by me this 28th,~ of October, 1965. ATTEST; / `~ ~ Y ° ( ' ~ l/l~4/wU V (~'i(/ ~ f CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM11 CITY PLAN I G C0111A1ISSION ~~.~. -,.>~ ~'~..~...~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COA1MiSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIT'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary oE the City Pianning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thnt the Eoregoing resolution wes passed and adopted at n meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on October 1$, I965. et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, Herbst~ Perryy Rowland, Mungail NOES; COMMISSIUNERS: None,. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None~ IN WITNESS WHER~OF, I havehereunto srt my hend this 28th day of Octobe:, i965! RESOLUTION N0. 1804 C2-G ~ ~ -7~ ,~ /~~% ~ '/`/ / 'a' G~-''J-•~-~~ SECRETARY ANANEIM CITY PLANHING COh1h1ISSI0N ~ -2- ~ ~ ~ ~