PC 1965-1966-1822RESOI.U1'ION NO, 1f322, SCItIk_S 196; ••a6 A RE:SUL[1TION OF TFI~ CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION OI' TH~ CITY OE ANAHEiM THA'T PF1'ITION f'OR CONDITIONAL USL pERMi'1' N0. ?.__~~1 BE DEN[l:D ,: .~ . ~- \ '~ ! ~ , ,i ~i ~ ; ` * I ; ~. ~ ~ r ~'Y . , `+ WNER[:AS, th~ Clty Planning Commiqslon of the City of Anaheim did receive e verifted Petition Eor Cnnditionel Uae Parmit from HYRCXJ I~ . AND I.UET'TA F DAHI.,, i ~0U Crono Av~n~n ~ Anahe i m. Gal i f ornia , f?~rvnez ~; ~ f20E3FRT FRANKS~ P~ 0„ IIox 76U0, Los Anyeles 5~t, G.illfo:n,ta, Agent, of certatn rHal property situated in the City of An3heim, ~,ounty o~ C)rrange, `~j~;i3tif? of Califnrnia, desc:ribed .~, the North 150~25 EeeL of the East 155•.25 feet. of I,ot 4 of trie Orch-~.d P,irk Ttact, a, per map recozdeci in laook 7 pac~~ ~, of Mlscellanenus M,aps~ !n the Gffice of the co~:nty r.ecorder of sai.d count.y; EXCEP'f ~;he northerly 5„25 fcet. of said P~Jorth 150„25 feety co;ivHyed to the City of Anaheim for widen.ing South Street, by doed :QCO~dec~ ~)ecember 9, 1912 in book 22Q p,~ge 110 of Deed~ ; and IVHER~AS, the Clty Plenning Commission dld hald e publlc heE~ring nt the City Fiall in the City of Anaheim on October 25, 1965, At 2:OU o'clock P,M., notice of said publlc hPering heving been duly given ~s required by law and in uccordnnce wfth tho provieione oE the Anaheim biuniclpFlt Code, ChHptor 18,64, to hrar and conaider evidence !or and egeinst sald proposed conditionol usa and to investigate end make flndtnge And recommendationa in connection therewtth; nnd IUF~EREAS, sAid Commicasion, efter due in~pection, investigation, And study rnede by itselE and in its behelf, end aCter due consideration of ell evidence and report~s offered ~~t setd heering, does Eind and determine the following facts: 1. ThAt the proposed use is properly one for which a ConditlonAl Use Permit is outhorized by thts Code, to wit: estab;:ish .~ servi;,e st.ation at !.he :n!e~_:~er ?;c;n ~. a p: lm,~: y high~.,,y -ind a~.c,',ect:o: street and waChin "/5 tee!, c,P a ~e:~:denti:i: ~on~„ 2,. 'That the in,jer.ti~~n ct umme;ciai t:r,ft 1~ c~nt,c~ ~~ ~u,.e;.:to: st ee~ ~~~:;'i be detrimental to the pedcey health ~nd s~~iet.y c2' the ~asidenc~; of ~,t-,e ;3re;~., 3., Thai the :c~.~~c:~on of se:vi,e ~,~~Liori, :hcu:d be ilmiie:i to th~ inteise:tion of twc+ arterial stseet7ti ha5ed on the Ca;t ~hri!. :;,,c.i~ ;^.:eet.:, r+::e ;les;yne~ ~.o ..:~.ry r;~aFf~ic to and through lhe :1T@3.~ Lvh@:'QdS 7'Qi~@~:".U.:' dll;a .LO:':~1; st:ee"~ ;~;'E' de;;igr~e~~ ',(, p;UVI'j@ 3Ct;E5:i. (,Q the r~sident,i~~i units of :i E;~r!_ir.~,:iac ~~r•e,~„ 4„ That the exi~ting automoblle ::: ib t~ t.he ~o..~h,, 3:?hoGyh ~one.i fo; ,~ heavier ~~mmer;,;al use i~ ino.re compatible. w;i;~ ii~~n:er •,:omme::,iai uses ~.h~~n ~he p~oposed service stat:ion„ 5~ Ihat i;he pe~itioner p~esent~d no pi_~n. of deveiopmen± !'or ;t~e p.~opFr.ty .cemaining rifter the i5~ x 150 E'oot. service _,tation ai~.~ ,., ,,omnieted.. b~ 'Tliai t.he p;oposed u~e wili adve~se;y afre-~, the a:Jje;r,zny ,and ~ase., :~lready est~iblished in :;;ose prcximity ta sub~e~ -. p:ope~~!y. 7, That, ^ne person ap;,eareij .in oppcsi'tion (,c s•.ibje: ~ petlt:cn• C1- -1- pi C ri ~ vl..-~~~ ~-~, j '~ ~ \ i ~ ~ I ` ; i ; _ ` .i ~ , ~ , , i . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Ple~~ning Commission doea hereby deny subJect P~titlan fot Conditional Uee ~ermit on the basi~ of the eforementloned flndings. TYE FQREGOING RESO~,UTION la slgned end approved by me this 4 y o November, 1955, ~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P NING COMMISSION ~ ~ ~i i ~. ATTEST: ~~.-~-~~;'~~~ SECRETARY ANAHFIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOR~IA ) COUNTY qF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~~~u `l~~~ Secretary oE t:~e Clty Plsnning Commi~sion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the forc- going resolution wes passed and adopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of qnaheim, held on OCtober 25, 1965,. at 2:00 a'clock P.M., by the f~llowing vote of the membe~s thereoE: AYES: COMh1ISSION~RS: A?lredti Gaue[•„ Heibsty RoH~land, Mungal:i~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None~ ABSENT: COMUISSIONERS: perryy Camp,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve herennto set my hand this 4th day of Novembes•, 1965~ ,--/ i~.~-_~.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0111~tISSIOIv RESOLUTION NQ. 1822 C2-D _z_ ~ . ~ , . ~,~~:, ~ n