PC 1965-1966-18404 RE50LUTION N0, 1f340, SEf~IrS 196`.i-66 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0, 1~~~ `~ 1~ IIE GRANTEb ,.. _ .Aats I k \ '; , ~ ~, i ~', '~ i ?~ ,` ; -:'-.1 * . : ~ r ~ T-, •' I i WIiEREAS, the Clty Plannlna Commiseion ot the City of Anahelm dId ceceive a verlfied F~atltion for Varience from ~~'fL~R +3 hIARE3QUR, INCORPURA'fEU AND ADOLPk~I 5CFIO~PE, 2283 West [.inco.ln Avenue. AnaF~eim, Califor.nia, ~runers; i3UTLER ~, hIARl30UR, INCORF>URA'fED, ?_283 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Galifornia. Agent of certain real property situat;ed in the Cit,y o! Anaheim, Coiant~ o{ Orange, State of Callfornia, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forl;h in full ; nnd WH~REAS, the City Plenning Commisaion did hutd a public headng at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on November 8, 1965, et 2;00 o'clock P,M., notlce of seld public heering having been duly given es required by lew and in accordance with the provlslons of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chepter 18,68, to hear and conaider evidence for and againet seid propoPed variance and to investigate and make Eindings and recommendations in connec- tion therewith; end WHEREAS, eaid Commiesinn, after due inspection, invrstigetion, and study made by itself nnd in its behalf, and efter due coesideration o( all evidence end reports afEered at said hearing, does E1nd snd detecmine the following fecta: 1, That the petitioner requests e varience Erom the Anaheim Munlcipal Code: ~ ec t io;~ iii ~;:4., 030( 1) wh ich requi.res a rninimum 25 t'oot tront yard setback to permit a variab:e 15•~20 foot setbacks Section 1~~24.030(2} which rPrr,ires a minimum 5 foot side yard setb~ck., none propased on a common wall garage plan on orie modei;.~nd Sec:tion 18~2n..C~30(4) whi~h requ~res that the minimum lot size sha11 be 7200 square feet »nd the minimum lot widlh shall be 70 feet to perrnit lot sizes of 5,000 square feeC and ~O~foot lot widths on subject property., 2. That there are exceptionel or extraordinery circumstances or conditions enplicable to the property involved oc to the intended uer of the property that do not apply generally to the p~operty or ciess oE use in the seme vidnity and zone. 3. That the requeated veriance is neceASary for the preservation and enjoyment of a aubstantiel property~ right poeseesed by other property in the same vicinity end zone, and denied to the property In queatlon. 4. That the rFquested vaciance will not be meterielly detrimentel to the public welfete o: injurious to the peop- e~ty or improvert:ents !n such vicinity and zone in which the property is lecated. ~• T~ha~i~lse~ut~;e~.~bfir,~a~rl~~irod~a~t;~an oP~~the~~•~').~~t. conb;r~l Fh~nne.l~ ~raversing subject property, the proposed subdivision is an effec;tive method of' development for subjec:t property a~d still retain a density considerably less than orlgin~lly apprnved in the resolution of intent to reclassify subject prope.rty to the R~•2, M~;tlple Family Residenti~lY Zone; and that tt~e proposed 5y000 square foot sized lots will only afi'ec.t the P,-~2 and R-~3y Multiple Family Residential, Zones„ b. That the proposed 5,000 squa.re foot :lots off'er an altei~native method of providing privacy to property owne.rs which c;ould nat be accomplished if s~bje~~t property wer~e developed for multiple family residential development~ ~~. :'hat the petitioner stipulated to maintainina tl~e 70-~Foot lot widths on 1at ~1os. 13Q througt~ 136 of Tentative T.ract No~ 5990, Revision No.. 2 which abut the RWly One Family Residential Zoned subdivision to the south of subje~t propertyo 8~ That no ~ne appeared in oppos;tion to subjert petition~ V1-G :~. -1- ~ i. ,:: ~ ,~ .: . ~ ~ ~~ .f ~ 1 ~ , , ~`i,, ~;, t ~i. .; ~ ~ i ~ i t i ~ '~ ~ :,y~:...i ,`,'~.~ - i I i i , .; i ~ I~ A~1Ipcd4r~'la~, Secretary of the City Planning Commission oE the City oE Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on November 8~ 1965~~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: A11ced~, Camp, HerbstY M,.,nya:i, P~~,.y~ ~oW{and„ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None.. _~i ~ `; ; , Y' .~ ~ ;, ~~~ r.~_.a ; . ; i ~ ~~~ ~. :; ` i 1 '~`~ 1 ,,~~, `~a~ , , ~. ~ ' NOW, TNEI2EFORE, BF, IT R~SOLVF..D that the Anahoim Clty filanning Commisslon does hareby grAnt subject Petltion for Varinnre, upon the followln~ condltlona which ere hereby found to be a neceasary prerequisite to the pro- posod use of the aubJect property in order to preaerve the a~fety ond generAl weltare oE the CltizenR of the Clty of Anehelm. ~~. ~'h~t a F~nat T~,i~:l, Map ol sub,~ec,t prapecty be appi~oved by the City (;ouncii and xecorded in the of~ f ~:;e of Che Or~~nge County Re.;or~ier „ 2., That h,h~s V ~r ~:~n~ e is qr,~nCed 5ub~e.~t t,o the ~:ompletton ot Ro~, iass if 1c;at Ion No., 64••45 ~101,. ~ 3~ ThaL ,ubJe~-t prope.ri.,y ~;h.~ll be deveiop~d s~.~b-~t~,ntially in accord~~nc;e with plans and spe~:if';~,.yC10115 on f'1.P wilh t,he City of Anah~:im., fl~,i11'IC,P.(I ~xhibit No~ 1 and 2~ pt•ovided howeverY Lot N~.;. ;:~0 Chrouyh 1'36., as depic.ted on Revision PJo. 2. ot 1enLative M~~p o1 Tract No. 5990 appr~ved t.hls date ,;hall m,~Lnt~in a minimum 70~~!'00l iot. widt,h ~inc,e s.3ld Lot No., 130~•]:i6 of 'I'rac;t No„ 599Q r~b,:L upon pcop~rt,y t,o Lhe ,outh whi:~~ is pre+~ently zoned for R 1. One Fnini tv Res tdent. ia,. znne use., as ~t ipi, tated bv the pet. it iuner n.. 'fha• ur~ p.i~.h lc~r ~n ~he pc~;p~sed ,ubdi~~i°;,un ~.;h;~:! : t,e constructe~ eniy one detached sinyle larnily d:~e:t~ng t:fll~. 'iVllfl ,~~;,ey~ory b~.,ildinyr, ,n :, a;d;~n~,e ~rit,h Se ~ion 1R~?.R,020(~~)„ THE FOREGUING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 1F3th day of Plovembe.: 1965 ~,._ .. ATTEST: ~ NING COMMISSION ~'~l~ I V~. ~. v v ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY J/l/.' ., ~ _,/ / J '~/~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. , CITY OF ANAHEIM ) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of November, 1965. RESOLUTION N0. 1840 V2-G ~ r i ~~1~~ .-. f,~, SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- ..,` a ~; R