PC 1965-1966-1910E2L;SULUTION N(7, 1910, SERIE;S 1965-6G A RESOI.UTION Of~ TFiC CITY PI,ANNING COMMlSSION ON T{II; CI'TY OF ANAI~EIM I2ECOMMF.NDING 1'0 THN CITY COUNCIL aF T}~~ (~1'I'Y Or ANAllE1M THAT PETITIQN C'OR RECLA5SIFICATION NC), __ f~5~-(,E~_!aEi _ sF ql'hF'C)VEU ,..;~'a L~~ \ 'i 1 I ~ I . '~ ; I _~ i ~ i ~ ~ C 1 ,,;,.-.-~ ;, ~`;:~ °,: • ~ ;.~ WHEREAS, the City Alanning Commission of the City of Anaheim did initi:~te a veri fied I'etition for lieclassi.f~icatton on certain real propert.y situated i.n the C:1ty of Anat~eim, County of Uranqe, State of California, described ~s {~arcel No~ 1: I'he Northsrly 25U feet oE the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Nc;rtheast, qu~rt.er of Section 12, Township 4 South, Ftange 10 West, and ~tf~e 5outherly :10 feet, of the ;outhwest qu~~rter of the SouthwesC quarter of the 5outheast quar.ter of ~ection 1, Townst~ip Q Suulh, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San ,Juan Cajon de S~anta Ana, as shc~wn o~i ~ Map recorded in L3ook 51, page 10 of Miscellaneoias Maps, r.ecards of said Ur~nge Counl:y; Exrepting therefror~ t:he West.erly ?..U feet of the (~orth- ea~~t quarter of said 5ection 12 and the Westerly ?_0 feet of the ~outheast quarter of ~;aid Secti.un 1 ; and WHEREAS, the City P1E~nning Commission did hold a public hec~ring at the Ciry Hell in the City oE qaaheim on ~anuary 17, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M,, notice oE snid public hearing having been duly given ns required by lc~w c~nd in accordnnce with the provisions oF the Annheim h1unicipel Code, Chepter 18.72, to heer end consider evi- dence Eor and egeinst snid proposed reclessification encl to investigate and make findings and recomme~ndations in connection therewith: end WNF,REAS, said Commission, aFter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself end in its behelf, nnd after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered et said heAring, does find and determine the following f~cts: 1. Thnt the 'r,mm.~_~ 10~1 ~:. G.. ,E~ , ~ . u. , . it .~:,f'i O: tll~ ,fk;Ov[' :i~ti .~':DE"i C,; cpei•ty fr~m the R-A., .Agri:;_ii;~r~i, Zcn~~ to tne ~:' . C,,~n~:•• s; C~:~mrn~~•...~~. Zun~~. ~bject i ~ CO est~blisli S~ pi'~pe: ty in th_~ mor t app;op: i.;t~ •.:un,~ ...urnF,.i~•~ib;e to tfi~at •~~tiich the p~cperty owner had while undex the juris.ii~~t io^ c~f' the Co•.,n~.,r,. 2., That che pc oposed : e:,~ss Lf .-...,~_ ion., i t approveci, c,~ns c i tutes such ~ minor deviat ion, that no imme•:liate •irnen.lmen1, to ~he Gen~~~: i: P.:jn ls ne,_es~,ary; hcn;eve, y its reiationship to the existing Generai Pl,~ri symoo~ ~.:ii be ~~on;i:iered in the next annual ~eview~. 3., That the pro,-ose:~ ~e~;-,~:,.. 1 ation ot ~;,.;bje~;? property ia neressary and~~or desirable for the orderiy and pr•oqer ~leve.o~mene, o', th~:~ co;nm.init.y, 4.. That the pcoE:,o:;e,-1 r;•^i:,s:;if .~~~ ~! ion of subje,:t G>roK~er~y :1oes pcoperly relate tc, t.he Lc~nes and t.heii per•;nitted ~.. r; :o:~,i.v e~tab:lshed ;n ~_io.~e proxlmity lo :ubject pr•ope~~ty 8~1C~ tC tne ~r.ones i3fl~,~ ~,flE?)f ~)@^r1llfL~?'.j lor'> yE'fl;?i~li'.j~ i-'~L~it~:LSf13C~ throuqhour. ?he r:OR1I11'Jflit.y~ 5.. Ihat deed restri~.t;ons ~im~.'_i.ri~ thN ,~5e•; oi s~~bjec.t. p;operty are nr::ess~,ry in urder t0 rr~.~intain the CP~'~i~jEll~.li~i LI1!P7T1'Y 0} Cf1E~ F~~y.; ;~~ y~r}~lr~~ +,h~:, ~_OTfT1F'TCi:j( I~SE'S ciT@ ro~osed• further, that thc e,cist.ing r• ;,, Zone h;,s nc 'r,~ ~ ions .~s to ho,i;; of ope:aticnY andF ~ permits 67 use~; ny r•iyht tuger,her ~,i~;n ~~r ;i~j~ilticn:i; '.i~~ ~:;e; F~crmitt.c~d i;~ the G~O, Zone.. 6•. I'hat kf~e l.r~ssee (lir;ior•~ Oi: G~mp,~,~~y} o; °f~~e :5,:. r i5~ ~oot, portion ,,t !.ne southeast corner Ot~ 1.~ p~if'1~3 Aver.•..c~ ~1C;!~ ji;ll~!13! SC:C'i~~, ~f,;~iili;]'!"QCj LO COfq~i1~3f1`:E l~Vitfl the hlours Of operation permitted ~vhi:e ~.,nc1~: the ~u; i~~i:~~.ion o} tt~e C:o~~nty of 0lanye. 7~ 7'hat t.wu person~ representlny :5 ~er~~n~ presenl, ir ~he Councll chamnery one oi~ whom al,n presentec.' a petition s':aned by i2b pro~~~;t:y o~a,ners in opposition ~:,d two persons appeaTed in t'avor o~ subie~.:i pei:i[.~on. ~ * ~ I i R 1•- A - i- ~ ~, ~ ~.,~3 i' \ ~k ~~ ~ i i ~I i I - ~; ~ i ~ ~~ 1`1~W9 '1'11Gf'tr:l~ORf?y fiF:' I'1' RF50LVIiG th;~t t.hc: An,ihrirn C~,(,y pl;inriin~~ Coi,unission r~oe, li~reby r~~cc~mmen~.l tc, the City Cuun~^i1 ot' ti,e~ Cily c~f Ar~r.ih~irn t}~al ~i~t~je~r,t, p~~titic~n f~i Rerlassification he ~r~r.,,~c~ved ~in~i~ by so ~-loiny, thal. 'Iit l~ 1~~~~ZpfllflC) al l.he~ An~:~he~fCl Mlll'll~;)ri~l Cq(j(? bc ~~mended Lo ~~r,~;lud~ l.hr• ~ib~.,•~c~ cf~,s;:r it~~~rl F,ro~>erl:y fr~~m 4he K~~A,, AqrJr:uittiral, 7.on~~ and to incorporate sa:d dc~scx•ik>~-~d F~~u~~t~•t,y into i.he (;••1, 'c~neral rommc~rcial, Zone ii~,on the f'o11o~Ninc~ r,onraiti~ns WI1Lt.:~l ar~ fi~~~•~t~y foun~! t;o be a nc~c,e:;a,~ty E~rerec~iiisiLe t.o the E~roposed u:;o of subjecL prape:ty in or~ic;r ~o ~~reserve~ thc~ s~~Cet;y cand c~~ner~~l welt;~te of l.iie citizens of the CiLy of Anahci.m: 1~ 1'haL the owne~• u1' s~.it,j~ac~i~, F~ro~erty :~hal l ci~~ecJ to I,f;e C:i ly of Anaheim a st.riE~ of' land `a7 feot. in wic.'lh. ftom the r.enl~~r linc~ o; tl,r ::tri,cl,, along Sunkist: St,r~~et. foi~ si,reeC widening pur~~oses, ir~r.•lu~ainc~ a?~ Coo; rridius corner ret~arna :?. 7'hat the owner o[ st.ib,jf:ct F;~ropert.y r~h;,11 ~ice,l to i.he Cily of Flnahc~im a strip of land :~:{ feet in wi~Jth, fro;n t,tie ~enter ]inc_~ or lhe ~.~~r~et~~.,, ~lone~ La P~alrn~3 Avenue, Foi• st.reet W1(~t:'f1111C ~,~I1T~,~CiSE!!~, •t•, 'fha+ ;tree~ improven~enl ~~lans sh~~i: t~e F,,eE.,iceci ~3n:i rill ~~iyinc~Erc.fny reyuiremer,t. of the Cif:y of' Anahc~im ~iic~ny Sunki:;t 5~..rc~~~t: ~~n~i L,~ Pr~lr~t~ Avc~nue, si.ic~~ r~:, cutbc; and e~utte.•s, sidewalks, s1,rr~et qradinq ari~a F:av:ng, clr~ainr~~~e f..ici i'it ie„ or oth~r ~,~,~,urten ~nt svork sh~~ll be comp1eLed ns z~~~quired by t.hi: ~:it.y Enc~inr~er ran:i in ar,coccianc;e w~lf, :;t.an~)_,.rd ~~l~i~~, ,~ncl ,~,e~~iCicr_~tions on File in the ~~ff i:.c of l.he ~~i ~.y f.:n~~ine~~r; .~~~ i lf~~;t ~ k,c~nci in ~,n a~wur;t ,and I'n:rin sat isf~i-:t:ory to the Cit.y of An;ahei.~n shaii I.~e F,c,,Le~1 tivith tho Cil,y t:~.~ au~~r,3ntc>e ti~e i~.siall~tian of saici engineerlny r~yu i reinen l s, - 4~ 'I'h~~t {.he owner of suk~je;.i F~ro{~ert.y S'i~;; ~,;~y ~o I,~ie City of' An~~l~.eirn the sum of~ 'b2.U0 ;~er f ronl. t~oot ,~loi~c~ ~unkist ~f.r~~et .in~i La P.31!n;~ A,~~,IUE'r ~ '' ~ f~or sLreEt ~tc~hling purpose.,. ~. That. the ~tivner ot' subject E,x•o~~erty s!:,1i ~,~,y lo lhn (:ily ot An~3hezm the s!~m of 15¢ per f:onl foot. aiony Sl~r~ki:>t Street ar~d La P:~lma Avenuc, }ai ~~ee F.1~~nl;ny pur~os~as~ G• T~i;,~t ±r,,si~ :;tor~~ge ~reas ~~I~~'ll be pI-ovi~icr~_i in ~_~c.cor~i,,n-~e witii :~pproved plans on file I w:ith tf~~c oft'ic~ of the Dirc;c.t:or of Pub]Ic'Norks, F.,rior i.o fin.3i Ln.:il~3ing ir,spection. i_ T'h~~+ t.he o'n;~~Nr o~ ~>>ib j!;~ t, ~,r•v,•~e'. ty shal: ~~, ~ e ot r.~::or ~(',t y uf Anr~heim Deed Restri~:+ion~,, _~nE_ove:i t:y !hc~ C,;.y Att:~cney, ~,n~h.~_t-~ 1~;!.:•t_,ti~n:~ ,'t~•.~i; i:mil }he hours of opet~al.:i.o~i tc~ ~ny ~ uinrner. ::,; s„~~ - b~.~..,~,~en t.hF l~o~_i: s ot' -~r.,")~"? _i rn :~n~:i ~r CJ0 ~,.m~; and further sh~~'~ 1'I. imi t. l.l;e ~.,_~ ~, ;,o ':I~e f;, lc;~r;iny^ i ~ Re' :~t ~ c,,kecY 51~c;E,`: „ P~::k-;..E+ ;.,yen; i~;~~s i'or ;;~undr % A~;j~ber :~r~ops ;iri.i ~r ,,: YY sfioe repair, ' :i,. Be•_iut. sf~o ,~ Y e,an iny Y F ~~„ :~c~;?' :;~_~:vt~~~ .;.3~._~nclromt~ts 4, D,,,g s::re, ~ Pd~e,_~~ r.,3~~k~~t~, 5, Gro:~r,r y s t.or i~s 1',~~„ Va~:~ ie~t y s t c~.r~~~. 5. }{,~rc~w,:~re ~;tores i1 A.;!~moniie ;~~r~r't~:r-. :si;~tior.s ~, F~,. Th,it ~,ny ,~is~ ..un~ii t ion:nr f,,; i it;es :r ~ ~ i~~ • :~ E oF:o~e i~,h;,, , i;~ ~.~:ro~;erty si::elded fro,r. view Erom at~t,t:t i n~ s tree!..~ . 9.. 'lfiat ~c~nditiu;~ No.~, i, ~~ 3.; 4y ~~ ~~~r~ ',', ,~l~ove rnen+.iuned, ;h;,il 1>e co;nplieci +r~ith within a r-,er•iocl ot' ;s3p ri_:~y~ F~o^i fhE~ ~3~~±.~ h;rHOf', oc s',i;l~ ~~,rthez• t.i.rne as thc~ City Council may grant. THF FORE~OIPiG RF:SOLIfI'[ON i_ :;iqned r;n~i ;,F;~: ~.,~~~ t~y me thi= ?~t!; day of J~nuary, 1966e ~''~^~,, ~ . ` ~/ / r'~ /lifit~~-G ~~~t~~ c;HAiRMAN ANAffF..IU, C;. FLAPJNING C~MMISSION A1~ T t=.~ 1 : ~ ~ ~ .. ,' ~ L__ I~ ~ ~1.{ .~1.c .:~ SFCREI'ARY ~NAHFIM~c;ITY PLANNIP]G COMMISSION : STA:E OF CALSf~URNIA ) COUtiTY OF ORANGF. ) s;, CITY OF~ AtJAHE1M, ) t, Ann h:rebs., 5~,~-ret:sry of the City Planniny Ccmmiss~on oi the ('.ity of Anahei~n, do hereby ~t~rtify that ~.he foiNC~o:inU rESOlution tivas passed ~~nd adopt.ed ac a mee;,ir~g of the ~ity P.lanning ~orr.missior, ef t.he C;•~y of Ar,.if~~irr., held on January 1'%Y ?~56, ~3~: ~~00 0'clor,k PoMo, by the /1YF~; fn~co~~ving~~'j~i5AI0Cr1~~t;aemq]ired,~~C~mp, Gauer, }~eihsf:y M~ir~~all, Pecry, Rowi~~nd~ NpF~;~ ONJ~tISS10~dERS: None, - AhSF,ti~I': 0~~1,h;ISSIONF;RS~ None. IN WIT~~ESS WI-iEREOFa i have h~reun~,o sct my hard th;s ?7th day of January, 19G6. G ~-~ -• ;~ . / ~ f ~'-. ~FC:R~`TARY ANANF.IM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION ~` ~ + .,,: -i . * i ~+t;e~. ~ 1 :, f ,. ,; ".; Rese ~fo. 191;~ ~ ~ ~ ~