PC 1965-1966-1925RGSOLUI'ION N0~ 1 2a,,,_Se~Ic,a^,_1965~-6!~
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Wf1ERlzASy 1,he Cii:y Pl~jrininy Commt:;sion of th~ Cli:y ~~f Analieim did receive a verifled
1'eti tion for Cnndit ional. Use Pei•mlt. from MQ1'F:N M~ ATZNGY, 755 Sandlewood, E1 (:enlro, Callt'ornia,
and MAUDE A~ DIZNEY, 51R M3.L'y Street:y Medford, Oreg~n~ Owners; RO[if~RT N~ LIN7'Z, r~ox (~6,
Los Alamitos, Caltf'orniay and .J~ 7'YSQN EL.LISY 5'715 Lakew~od F.ioulev~rd, Lonq f~each, California,
AqenLs of' cerl~.:ain rt~al proF~urty sit,uated in the City of Anaheirn, Count:y af Or.ange, 5~ ate of
~+~lifarni~, described ~7; PARCeL 'ls 'the east. 5 acre:~ oF the ~ast 9 acres of i:i7e West 14
;icr'es of the North halE of the northeasL quari:r.r uf the Nortf~west quartcr of Section 24,
l~ownshi.p A South, Range 1.1 West, 5an 6ernardlno }3a~~e and Merldian; F~ARCFL 2s The West
~1 acres of the Ea;t ~ ac;res af' '.f~c~ Wesl 14 ar,re, of the North half of the Northeast quarter
of' lhe Nort.hwe,t quarter of Sec ~. ian 24y TOWr14;h ip 4 Sout:h, Ran~7• 11 West, San L~ernardino
Base ind Mer id ian
; and
WHF:REAS, the ~..ily Planning ~:~ommiss.i.~n did hold a pubiic he~ring at t:he City Nall in
the City of Anaheim on Janua.~y :il,, 1966,, at 2~Q0 0'clock P~b1~y notice of' said public hearing
haviny be~n duly given ~s req,iiied by 1nw and :n ar.cordance with the provisi.ons of the
Anah~im M~inicipa; c.odeY Ch~pter L~~(i4Y to hear and consider evidence Cor ~~nd against said
propose~.i ~~ond'itional use ~nd Co investigate ~~nd make f indinca, and recommt~ndations in
connection therewith; and
WH~R~AS; ;,~~~ Commis;i~n, ,~f'~er d•.~c inspection,, invE~stiyationY and study made 1>y
itscl: and in i~s behaif, ~nd af'ter duE~ consideratYOn of' all t~vidence and reports offered
at said hear'ing., rJoes f ind and ciet_•iminc I.1~~ Pol:o~,a~ing r<jr+~.
1~ Thac. the proposeci use i5 E,roperiy one t'or ~,vr~i±~h .~ Conditiona; U;e Perrnit is authorized
by this Codey to wii:~ establish a planned resi:ent.ial develoFment with waive.rs of Saction
1R,~R,C50(5-b) whir.n requires one stcry con:,~ruc:tion wit:t~in i50 feet of R-•A and R~1 Zoned
property, to permit two stor construc'tion witnin 67 feet e; ~
y R-A Zonec, property to the
west and 70 feet: of R-1 Zoned p:operty to tt~e east; Section 1~„2R~050(9•-~,) which reyuires
that liviny uniis ;,h~;i be tivi~hin L00 feet of a~t,an~jard streetY to permit li3 dwelling
units 201 to 29E; fec~t from a stendaad ,t,re~'~; Section 1~•„?R„050(h-,;) which requires ±hat
ar.cessory bui~~.iinys (aarages) abutting side property lines shall be localed in the rear
25~ of' the propertyy to permit construction of the y~raye~ abutting side property lines
within the frorit 75% ~" the ~ile.~
2~ That the proK,us~U u:,e wiil i~o;. adversely aff'ect ;:;,e ~dj^ining land uses and ~he
yrowth and develcpmen! of the a;e~ in ~.vhich it is propo,ed t.o be loc.3ted„
3., That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the
full development of tt~e proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the partic~~l3r area
nor to the peace, healthy safetyy and genera.l welfare of' the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
4„ That the granting of the Conditionai Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any,
Urill not be detrimentai t:o the peaceY health, sa~'eiyy and general svelfare of the Citizens
of thP City of Anaheim.,
~.. That unc~er the authority of Code~ Section 1R~64~0?0, waiver of the one story height
limitation is yranted frorn the R-A Zone bo>>ndary, b~t is denieci wit}~in 70 feet of the existing
and deve.loped R-~i., Zone property to the east ba~eci on the fact that the ~etitioner stipulated
to one story cons~truct.ion within 150 feet of an R-1 Zone~
6~ That under the authcrity of Code~ 5ection ?R~64~070 waiver of the req~irement that
each dwelling unit shall t,e within ;00 feei of~ a standard street to permit development. of 113
units more than 200 feet from a st.andard street is hereby gra~ted.
7. That under the authority of Code: Section 1~iob4,070, waive.r of the requirement ~hat
ar,r,essory bi~iidinos shall be located in the rear 25% oF the property to permit const.ru ~ion of
garayes abuttinq the side property lines wi±hin the front 7~~ of the site is hereby granted~
8~ That thE petitioner stipulated to construction of a 20 ioot alley extending southerly
from the private_driveo
9~ That the'"petitioner stipulated to construction of a 6-foot masoni•y wall along all
property linesy ex.cept ~,f~ere garages abut said property linese
l0e Tt~at 9wo persons appeared, r.epresenting five persons present in the Council Chamber,
in opposition une of whor~ stated she represented the ~ingle family homeowners adjacent to
subject property in the (:ity of 5tanton, and a~ho also presented a petition signed by 34 property
owners in opposition to stib,ject petitione
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NOW, TI-IEREf~aRl;y HE IT RE50LVEp th~~t the Anaheirn Cit,y Planning Comrnis~;ion does IICI'@by
qr~an~ sub,~ecl f'et,it,.ion for Condlt,ional U~;e Perrnlt, ~ipon Lhe !'ol1~~wlnq conditions wtitch are
hc~leby found t,o be a necessary prerequlsiLe to the proposed use of the si~bject. property tn
or~ic:r to presrrve the safc~Ly anci yeneral wel!'are oP the ~ii.izens of i,he Cit:y of Anahejmt
l.. 'CI~~~L lr•~,sh ~toiage areas shall be pr.ovided in accord~nre with ~~pproved plans on file
with the c~ft'ic~~ of' the Di.rectar oF Publir. Works,
2. Th+~t Cire hydrants ~hall be installed as rcqulx•ed and datermined to be nc~ce~c~,ry by
t:he ~f~ief of Che Fire Department~
3., 'fh~t this Conditional Use Permit is granted subjecl to the completion of' Reclassl-
f'.tcation No„ b5~6(~-~2„
4,. ~Chal a G foot, masonry wall sha11 be constri.~c;t,ed a'lory the pro~~erty lines where garages
do not abut 1.he property linc, as st:Ipulat:ed l.o by the petiti.oner~
5,. Th~t t,he pzopuseri 15 foot one w~y alley, exl.c.~ndiny soui;h~rly E'rom Lhe private drtvo,
shall l,e inr.re.~sed f.u :.~ 2U f'ool. two way alley to provide adequate clrc;ulatton, as stipulated by
tl~e p~LiLioner•~.
G" 7'hat ~~ny air c:unditioninq f~icil `tties proposed ~h;~,; br: proF~erly shieldc.~d f.rorn view from
aL~ut.t.ing streeC„
7„ 'I'h~t Con~it.ion No~~„ iy 2.y 4, ',i and G, abave rnenl:ioned, sh~il be complied with prior to
fina't building insper,tion„
~„ '1'hat subjei.t pYOperty sh~~11 be rievelopecl substanli,ally in accordance with plans and
sper,it'ications on f'tiie with ~.he City o! AnaheimY rnarkr~d k:xhibit Nos,. 1 throtigh lU,, provided,
howevery that Lhe plans shail be revi~eri to include the reduction ~f any structure within 150
feet of R- ~,, One fiamily Resi.lentiaiY Zone~a property, to vnn story in height.
THE: FURtGOING RI:SOLUTION is ~igned and appcovc~d by mc~ th' ' lh day of Febc•uary, 1966.
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AT1'ES7' ~
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I., Ann Krebs, Secxetary of Lhe City Planning Commis~ion of the City of' Anaheim, do hereby
c~rtify that the fcreyoing .reso_'utic~n w,~s passed an~ adopted -~t ~ met~ting of the ~ity ~',anning
Commissio~~ of the City of' AnaheimY hE~ld on ,Tanuary ~ly 1966Y at 2s00 0'c:lock P.,N~., by the
Following vo~e of the members thereof'°
AYES~ GOMLlSSlONERS~ Al.red, Campy Gauer, Herbst, Mungali, Rowiand„
IN WI1'NESS WHEREnF9 I have hereunto set my h~,n~1 th~s ~~n±~, ~ay ~i' F~"ruary, 1966~
C/l~~~,~~' ~~~~ i .
Lt_~ti ~_
keso No~ 1925