PC 1965-1966-1933RESOLUTTON NU, 1933, S(:RIE~ 196~~•-~,r~
WH~REAS, the City Planninq Commiasion of the City ot Anaheim dld receive e veriHnd Petition tor Condltional
Use Fc~mlt from WESTERN FENNSYLVANIA NA'fIUtJAl., f3ANK UF P1T'7;~~URc7Hy I'itts' ~~'r~h, Pennsylv~~nia,
~er~ NGW~AAN SHAPfRU, 1107 E~~~,t ~~-,;~pR~:~~~, Avenue, C)ranc~e, Califorr~i,~, Ayent uf certal^ real
N~operty situated in Lh.r, City ol Anaheim, County of Qr.anqe, 5ta~e of C?lifornia, described
as Lot IJos. 3 through 8 of Tract No. ~6Ei8
,._ ~
\ , ~
i '
; ~+nd
WHEPEAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a puLlic henring At the City Hull in the City of Aneheim an
February 16, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given as required by
l~w and in accordence with the provisions of the An~helm M11unicipal Code, Chepter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence
for end agetnst said proposed condltional use end to investigate and meke findings end recommendatione in connection
therewith; end
WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due in3pection, investigation, and study made by itself and in ita behelf,
~nd after due consideretion of all evidence and reports offered et said henring, does find end determine the following fects:
1. That the ^roposed use is properly one for which e Conditional Use Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit;
cs:.ablish a th~r.c~,~e st~or_y multtple f'amily ~l~nne~ ~esident.ial develoument ,~iti~ waiver ofs
Se::?ic;n ~R„2~U50(.'.3-,-•~TWhich requlres ,i minimum '700 squ.,:e foot_ fioot area per dweliing init
t:o devclop some ~nits ~~vith n20, 42A,, 43~, and bC5 ~ uare feet; ~
q Se-*_ion i8.,;_N.,!J~0(5~a) which
requires one sio~ construction wi!I~in i50 fe~t cf R-~A Zoned property ~~n~! Se~tion 1°.2R.050(5-b)
~.~hi~:h perm.it; a maxirtr~m building heiyh~ of two ,t.uries to permit the develo~ment of three
~,~t~ s*ruc.tures; Section ';F3~ZR.,U50~7 which ;e~"sort't~ ~f,e minlmum Ji~tar,cec. pet~neen Fuiidings
to ~evelo~~P'_o~ No., ; v~ith ~; vr3~i~}ble 2`,~~ti., ;nd iH foot di'~*_:.t~;;n h~;~i,e~~n buiidinas; Sertion
.~„ ~.~••050~( iG a whic•n reyuires 51(~ parking spac.es to oermi'. devn,~pmen'. with 248 parkiny
~F~~•"•eS~ ~%nd Saction ;R.,2R~050(9-~b) Wflli.rl :eqi~lres tflat : ivir~g 1if11Cf, t'Q iC~3LECj flOt I110~Q trldfl
'~:v feet f;om a dedLCated street lo permit dcvelopment of Buiiding No~ 3 mare than 20U feet
! i•om a de~:3~cat.ed street on st;bj~ct plo~:er~y,.
2. Th;,t the p:opu~ea us~ iviii not :,;i~or:,~,y affect the adjoining iand uses und the growth
and development a.• the area in tti~hi~il .it is ~..-;po;ed to be lc~ated..
's~ 'I'hat the si~e and shape of the site proNc~:~d !'or the ,;se is adequa~e to ailow the fuil
developmen~ of the ~,ropo~,ed use in a mc3nne: not deir;rnental ~o the part:i;:u'_ar ~re~ nor to the
pe;,_'e, hea.thY s~f'et.y, and generai weii are of the Citi..ens oi~ the City of An~3fleim~
'~~ Ti~at tne granting of the Concjitiona.l U;e Permit und~~~ ti~e r.ond:tiors 1ff1FJG5@~y if any,
will no± be detriment,~l t.o the peacey heaitF~., s~fety,, ,ind gener3i ~,vel~ are c;~ the Citizens of
~he Ci ;,y oi' Anaheim based on the f,,;:± that che p: opased dE~ve~opment wc ,~d p; ovide a need for
the hausinq or' youny singie adu:ts in the Cicy, <~nd that t.ne p:opo~ed ~ite wou~d be 3~pT0i•:.~~te
f'or such ,~ ~evElopment~
5, That the petitioner stipuiat:ed io develepme.~t in r,ccord,:nce titi~ith ~a.rk:~ng requirements
or ttle R-•3, Muitiple Family Residenti3l, Zone of i~- •~.rking ;p~ces fo: dweliin~ t,nit.~
6~ That under the authori:y ~f G~~e~ Se_ti~ 1~i.f,4~~7C ~ ,
wnich ;et~ fortn the minimum.distanr,e bt=ttivef~n buiidin s to '~V3iver oF Secticn iR,~fl~Q5G(7)
with v~riable 25Y 26y and i~3 foot mir.imum distan^es ly he:~bermi~'Ite~eiopment of Pio± No•~ 1
'7~ That under +=~e authorit of Code• SeC y~~
Y tion :~~64 070y ,vaiver~ of the r~~qui.:emen-t of
Section 18~2.A•.050(9-•b), minimum distarce of' each dti~eiiing u~it f:cm a dedicate;i st:eet to permlt
development with Buiiding Noo 3 wi~h ~nits rnore th~n 200 feeA :rom said st:reet is hereby yr~nted
~~ That under tn^ authority of Code: Section ;8,64.,G70Y ~n~,iver ot the rc~quirement oF a
minimum 700 square Fcot ciweliing untt to permit deveiooment o: ~ome dweilir, un,t; 420 42R
43Ry and 605 squa.re feer in siz~ is hereby granted~ y ~
9~ That under the authority of Cude~ Secrtion :~:,04,070Y waiver of the ;equirement `_t:at
stiructure~ in the R-3 Zor~e shall be one story within 150 feet of• :~n R~Ay Agrir.ultarai, Zoney
~nd tw~o sto~r~r in height within the R-3 Zone to permit dev~:opment ~vith three storv structuresy
~ hereby granted.
10, 'I'hat under tize authority of Code; Section iRa64~0"IU, waiver of the minimum parking
requiremen± of 51b parkinq spaces for a planned residentiai de•~elopmer,t to de.i~~lop subject
property with 3i0 parking Spa~es as req~ised in the R-•3 Zone is hereby granted~
11. That no one appeared in opposit~on to subject petition~
,1 `
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, ~e
\ ~
P(;'vV, 'fliF:RFE'ORf~,, Eit I7' RFS~I.'Jl-D ~.li;.it ~hc An,~heim C,'.y P.ir.~nning C,oinmt: ~,~c~n cloes !i~~;~., ;
~~~, !. ~'~~t.t~t~:n (or Gonditic ial ~l~e Pr.rmiF ;, ~. ~~:,nt.
_., ,~ tr~. Ia'.;rnving C'QII(~11.1G~ 5 '~vhi, h ~~r~~ ' ~ ~~~Y
'~ ~I • ~~ kU :1 fl" r`i'~Ai'y prE~r~.qui:s lt.@ t.U ~ ~:C~ f)1'('7l?~iB~'j 116(? O{ (.f~4 ill~') N(,l: I' f~ 1' ~
~ ,~"'Jt? t~ll' i;li'f?CV ~:If1C~ '~' ( ~• ) ~ Cji..l',~/ 111 '~ 1E'(' iU
l~Eflb i9 ~ NJf ': d,TE U: :~1G _ i( 1.(~f1G J; ~}10 ~`..1 t~/ Q': .~11~7~~f? lrlll
~: .~~;~)t. ~~It".' Il~~i I,Cl S~OUtfl ~iO1'~ i~)fl 0~ 1_hB f7COK:UiE'~~ :~'.' c'~ 511~1. ~. }J(? ~.:1.i ~ t~1'~, i
I ~. :'JQ~ TU,]~:W~i~/ 'JJ1~:~1 j~ ECiO~ >~lI{i'~VFI '' , lIl 'N~lj~f~, I) li"OVI~~N
I y.,., ,n.i sha l ~ br !c ~• t r~.i r o t h;, C;i* y ot An~,h~. ;:
. I'h.~l, lhe ~:~,~;;t ~ve,:~l ~,crt ion of t.he proE~,;ed ~,t:~c~r s>ii;iit b~~ °~4 f•., 1 i~i ti~,l;athy !, ~!_c:v.tda
~ •~~. ;oor, ro~a~iN,~y wlth ~a 1l) fuoL ~;c~rkw;iy ~~n the .,u~ilh 'ir~~ ~1 fon{ E~~~kviiy on '_h~: nori!„ :~n.,
~~ „ ~;~' ~~~~dir,~LNd ;.o ~hE Cii:y of Arr~iheim~~
~. rhJ~ SCTE'dL improvemene. pians ;;~liJl: ~)e OTB~~.37f?t~ ,Ifl(~ ~f~; ~ngineec~~.r~q tequi.remenc~~ Ut Lf1E~
'~..t.y cf Ar,aheim alonq the propo~ed ;•.Cr~ac.~t and .,]]e
!: r.r~~: c~.racling ~nd p~av in9,, drain~jge Cacil tr. ir;, ~rYotne, n.~E,~~~,ruenant~wurk1 sn 3I i t~e~~wmpket;e~i as
:eq.~i:~~d by tt~c City E:ngineer ~~nd in .ac:,c;rrl,3n,;e v,ii.h :!.inil.~~ J pi~n; .3~d :,~~eci~ icatlons on f~ile
:n t,r.e office of the City Enginc~r_r; an~i th~i~ .~ l~oncl :n ~;n .~rno~_ir~t ,,nd forre satisf'actory ;~ thr
{~i'y oI Anaheim shai; t,~, posted ~,tiitt~ tl~~ Ciry t~ e3,,irar~ee the inscu~:~~i.ion of~ sr~id ~rg~~~Hering
c i~q~~i iremc~r~ :s.~
~er (1:•ontat '_f:~~ owners of sub,~ec.L ~~TC4)E!r;.y st~,ai~ ~,ay to ti~e ~i~;, ~;~ Anr~he:~T~ the sum of ~2.,00
f _ .c~c,t e:c~ng the n_oposed ;~~eet ~nd ~i:ev Pc: , ~~,t liyr~~iny F~•.,rpose_,.,
: ~ Th:~~ t.he c;wne:s of~ ~~~.ibject pi ~~;crr~ ;i, ~,i ,~,,; tr> th~~ rlt,y ef An~~h~~in, l;;c• s~m of 15¢ per
~.,C[ f:Gfl: ~UUC ~l~f)(i~ ~~tiC~ ~.)I'4{J';st;h ~,.Q@{ c7f1(j i.l~?y~ ~0. t:Ul? ~: i~l!'.1f1C) ~l1CK'iUSE~S.,
I f). :719t ;.~ ;ever'.i1J(1 LO :1Greag~: of ~:f1E Si.~C~)CC1. ~~TO~,t:tY,'~ ~E? 9UUR11~,1:Q~~ t0 tIIB l.l!Y O: Af1c3f1Qlffi
:~,. ~'~f;Prov,~l and tr~en be rc~c;orded :n tt~:~ off.i :c cf !hi~ O: r~nqe Guunty Re~ ~.~;-j~: ;~x~.~~pt. t.hat. i:he
~ ' ~~-":'?: ~JP~•1(ilE'~@Z C~:i iV@ :i~IrJl~ ~@ fR~31fT1:~71f1@Cj ~~$ ~3 l:~@t~i',~3t.~'~~ ~l.i.'l('Y,~
~~ ~'har ~_ ~;1~ ~,r~lr,ge r.irea.; _,t~ai. t~e E:~ovi.ied in .3~:~:,~:,:iar~-~e h~tl; ~~.;E,roved pians on 1'iie
l~icr ct;e offic~~ o, the L'::~~~;;or of Put...,. W
' • ork~
~ i~hc~~ t i_e tiyd:~~~nta .;ha~i t~ i~~s~.i~!e~~ a, requi:ecj ~ind cielF~rlTll~itl(j to bc~ r~ecessery by he
:niet cr ;,t~e F'l.e Deua:',ment. V t
:~, ~nat ~che o~~,ne:s o; ;i~hjec~ p:o;eit:y sha~' pc,y to the Ci!y of An~~heim the =tim ~f 9~2~.C0
p~~ dvel~ir~q unit,, to be used for par~ .~nd re:reaLion pt;rpose:. :~aid ,mc~,.~n;, to t~e F,;_~irl at t1;e
L,me ~he 'r~~.,.:d2nC E,ermit is i~~sued, '
:-%. 'rn,~~. :on:i <<. ion Nos. ~: %; ;i.; 4., °,,, and 6, above men ~ t onc~9,, sha~ '. hn cnir.pi ied w: th pr ~ or
to t't'~e timt~ t:nat the E3,al.di.ng Pe;m.it is ~ss,_e~i or within ~:~ perlo~i ct ;f~ ~, ,-
r' f rom dr.~te t~ereof y
~I,.,`f ~VP Gr''._~."S `l:Si., U: ~U~lfl fU:':fl@_: T,iiTlf '~d i:}lC' rUrnmi~ ~:UCI U: ~.iLV ~:CJUnyi.: ~.~y c~reflt~
.. ~ t r~ :~±. G;,nd t t~on No, .% 8(1Cj ~,ti 7bOVG` C1~f1 , l0(1C~~, ~~I,~~ . ~:~: c.OfTIF:~ i lC~ij ~,v '~l ;r ior tJ f 1!1~~ 1
b.~i.~iing in~pec;! ivn, ~ f
12,':i;,t any ,~lr conJitioniny !ar„ii~i•:.,; .~na.~; be prcp~7.,y :;h:e:,ie:l from vi~:.v rorn ab
~'.~ee~: ~ ~ `. uttiny
~3„ 'I'r~j~ :~..,c,ject property shail be develope-i s~~b~t~anti~iiy in ~~c;o:.~~.n~:e
~F~'~lf ~~ at:uns on f't le with the Cit,y of Anaheim,, m,~rk~~~l ~;ot No: i Exi~toi+ Notfli~'1Revision
No., :; and "r.xhibit N~;,, Z., ;i, and 4; providei, ho~n•ev~=r, ~h~it. p,;rk;ng shai: be ]~ ~poc.es per
d~,t~c;iing unit., as s~ipulated by ±he petltion~.>r,
'i~.. 'Ch~3t, i~hLS Conditiona; il~e Permi!. is g:anted ::~,b~e.,;: t.o the om~:le~ion of ReclassificaCion
N;: ~ 6.s 64 •• i^3 .
iHF. E'ORGGOING RrSOLUTION is ,iyned and
,~' ~
~ ~
~ .~:
A7 "~ F:S? ~
aporoved by thi; 24tt~ ~.j~ay ot :=e~k,r,~ary, i966.
r ~,.~`~ ,
P RO T Flvi
I., Anr. Krebsy Secrntary of the Cli:y Pia~riny Commission of *_he City ef Arahei~u, d~; hereby
certify that the fc-.~ec~oirg reso.:ution w~s passed an-~ ;~dop±ed at a meet.i.nc~ or !,}1e ~,:ty Planning
Commission of the C:ty of Anaheimy he:d on February lE~., 19b5., at; 2.~pr, ;~ ,;_„
foiio~~ing vate of the members thereofs P"~~~"° °Y tf~~
Res. No„ 1933
Camp• Gauer, Herbst, Munga;.y P~c='~, Rowiy•
I have hereunto se', m hand this ;4±h oay ~' February, 19GC~~
~~=, , . ,_/- ~~ ~
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