PC 1965-1966-1952tzh'. SOl.l11'i~l~ NO. wr...._ i~i`?~~_:..._._`I{[F~ l9Gti ~~(7 ~ A R~' .~I.i 1'('lON Qf~ 't'HE CI'I'Y I'T..ANMNG ~~OM~1ISSION l)I' 'I'II;: CtTY OC nNAI1E1,41 TFf A'I' F~E;1y'i'Ic)N F~K COND11'IUNAI, USC pf:RMl'f. E+1 ~_ F3C C,r~AN1'I.U _ .~.1 '~ ~ , ~ i i ' ~ I ~, i i i ...~.M i , ~' ~ .r~x ~ WHEREAS, the City PlnnnlnK C;ommission oC iha City c~f Anahclm ufd recelve ~ verified Pdtition for C~ndltio~al Uae Permit trom ~:~EQR~yE SM11'H, ~'~. A.N;') c?.AtP1G ~. SMI'CN, llH ~!orth f,rool:nurst Stroet, Anaheirn, California, Uwnerst IJ. J. N(:l~'~.,r~, ~,.31 `NrSt i.incolr~ Avenuo, Nnahelin, C~11f0*'n1~~ Ayent af certain real property =itu~t~~ri in t.he C,.1 ty of' Anahoim, Cc+~.,nr,y oE Orange, Stat~ of Ca: t;orni.a, descrihed as the North E,9 leE~~ of rtie ~outt~ 3.32 foet of the we~l i47 fe~t of the Soi,!.nwest quarter of the SoutFiwe~t quarter of Section 8, in 1'own,hi~ ~ 5n~.it.h, Ran<~e iJ N,'e,t, ;an Hernai~dtno t3~;se ~nd Meridi~n ; and WH~RFAS, the City Planning Commi~sion did hold a publlc hearing et the City F{all in the Cfty of Anoheim on February 28, 1966, nt 2;00 o'clock P,h1., noUce of satd public hearing having been duty given as required by lew ond ln accordence witi~ the provisions of the Annheim Municlpel code, Chapter 18,64, to hear end caneider eviderice tor and :against sAld proposed conditlonal use nnd to inveatigete And make findingo end recommendetf~~ns iti connection therewlth; and WHEREAS, seid Commisaion, after due tnspection, investlgatlon, end study mdde by itself and in lts behalf, and aftec due coneideration of ell evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the tollowtng facts: 1. That the proposed use ls prope~ty one for which e Conditlanal .Uae Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit; expand an exist ing ~-,o~,-conforrning ;hild nursery on s~bject property. 2. That the pcoposed u3e w1U not adversely e~ffect the ndjoining land uses and the gtowth and development of the erea in which it is proposed to be loceted. 3. That the size and shape ot the site proposed for the use is aaequete to ailu•~+ the Eull development of the proposed use in e menner not detrimenta( to the pacticulAr area nor to the peace, health, safety, end general welfare of the Citlzens of the City o( Anahelm. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wil! not be d~etrimentnl to the peace, health, seEety, and general wel:are of the Citizens o( the City oE Anehelm. 5. 1'hat nc one appeared in opposition to subject petition. CI•G -1- ~ r ' ~ ~ - - r .. :~ . ~ ~ ~r-7'-"~- ..__._~.~ _-~ ---.~~...r~.._ . - ~~'"'.~:~~. . -...~.,a.~~, s • • ~'~`,. .. ~~rhd~ .~g~;. Y ......1 . .~, ~ i ,. ~ ~ ~ ',~ V ~ ; - ~i ~1 , _ ,1 j; ~ _ ~ i y.i ~ ` , ~' . I ~. I ~ ; r ~ ~,. ~ ~i t a-:-; NOW, Tlaf:itS;CUT~F, liE IT C:ESOI.Vi~.q thet thu Ar.taheim Gi;y l~INnnin~; Commla~lon doha hereby Rtnnt yubject PetfHon tor CundiUon~nl Ure permlt, u{~on the followinq canditionK which r~cr hr~~uby found to be n nviceasety pcerrqu+sHr to the propoHrd ua+e of the subJact properly in nrder t~ proKnrva rhe ~wfoty and gonernl wr~~(,~r^ o( tho riUzeny of the Clty ~f A~eheim: l.'1'hal. 1.I~t~ UW(1GtI'4; ~t' f,~..l: j~~c t, Nc cE~~~•r +. y sh~;~ l l deecl to !,I~„ ;.'~ t.v c,f P,nnh~~ l ni a s ta• : C c: i l.,n~i 60 fn~t, in wlcJtt~~ Pr~om tl~e crnter ] ine of t;~~~ str.uel, rilnny h~c,oki;~,isL ~tr~;ct,~ fnr ,I,rec~L YJ1tiPR'1nCJ pUT~USE'". 2. 'I'hat, thc~ oiwiers of sul:~,je~l. F,rc~~ert.y shall r,;~y t.~ r.nc~ ~i•t,y ot~ Ana~~t~im t.h~~ ~~.nn c~f `~2.Op per front fooi: alc,ng f3z~ockhur•st~ ,",t•i'~~c~~ ~ i or strc~ei. I i.~ht~n~~ f.~~iz~po~~~r„ _ 3. 7'hat Lhe ownez ~; of ruk:,j,,~r.l proper~t.y :~17a.t 1 F~r,y 1:o tt~e i,1 l.y c~f An~~h~~im t:~~, ,,.irn c~C l54 {.>ec front fooi; alonc Hrc>okht~r~t Strr,ct. foi~ tsne 1~]~nting purE,o~,e:,. ~3. That •t~e ~idewalk~ rin~.i ~lr~vevray~; :,h,~ll h~~ in~ta?1~~~.1 -~1orc;a Iarc~okht;r~+ i' ,~+et, r~t thc~ ultimate location anc! ~rad~~, a~~ requ.ired hy tt~;c: ~:i'.y Enylnc~n .~~~ci fn acc,,ru~,n~:c~ wi~,h standard plans and ,pecificat:ions on f~ile in '.he of'Ctce c,E t.hc- ~1il.y iine~lnecrr, pc th~~ ~; F:onc1 in ,~n amount and form sat~isfactua•y t~ t.f~E~ Gii;y ~} Anahelm shall be p~~taci wlth the (1iLy '.o ,~i,tir~~nt~:~e L•he install~~tion ot' the said c?ncJin~~eriny reyuirc~inf~~its. 5. T1~at tr.a~h ~torege are;~s ,hall k~~~ piovlde~i in ~iccutd~~n~e ~~;it!~ a~~N~i>ved F,l~ns on ft.le with t.he ~ffice of tl'~c: Rire~to~ ~f Publir, Works~ an~l shall be r,~im~:lied with prl~?r tc~ ~ inal bi, i lr~inq ins~ect lon. 6. 'Phal, th~ existing st:rtact.urN shal.l r,unForm fo the ~~ntfor•m Huilcliny ~u ic~ ,~~, ;~~ioptc,~.t k~y the City of Anaheim. 7. That Condil.tc~~i No.:. 1~ 1, 3~ and ~1, ,~i.~ove mentl.c.~neci, ,hali be cumF~li~d ~Nit.h prior t:o thE time tha1: t.he Bu;]~iing Permit. is 9ss~~ed or w.ithl.n a~-,eriod of 1R0 days froi~~ datc hereot, whichevt~.r occurs flrst, or s;ici~ fu.rtt~er tim~ a, tl:e Commisston er Cit.y Council may g~~ant- 8. Th~~t sub,jer.,t prupert.y shall be develooed substantia.lly in acr,c~r~iance wlth plans .3nd specif ~lcations on i'! le with th~ Cl r.y of Anal~eim, marked l:xhibit Nos. 1 and 2 THE FOKEGqING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me thle lOlh day uf March~ 1966. f CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COAi ISSION ATTEST; pro Tem ~~ ___LL.~..' '"~- ~l~~_..,.~~ Z .. .C~..../ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CI'tY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, C ITY OF ANAHEIh1 ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City l~lenning Commissi~n ot the City of Anaheim, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolution was pessed end edopted at a meeting of the City Alenning Commissior. of the City of Anaheim, held on February 28, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followtng vote of the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONEFS: Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Row1 and. NOLS: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Mt~ngallo 1N WlTNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this lOth day of March, 1966. R ESOLUTION N0. 1952 C2-G / ./r'~/ii'G~'i``''~ / /)"c'_.}_'. ~~"'-'' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COA1h11SSi0N -2- ~ ~ tzh'. SOl.l11'i~l~ NO. wr...._ i~i`?~~_:..._._`I{[F~ l9Gti ~~(7 ~ A R~' .~I.i 1'('lON Qf~ 't'HE CI'I'Y I'T..ANMNG ~~OM~1ISSION l)I' 'I'II;: CtTY OC nNAI1E1,41 TFf A'I' F~E;1y'i'Ic)N F~K COND11'IUNAI, USC pf:RMl'f. E+1 ~_ F3C C,r~AN1'I.U _ .~.1 '~ ~ , ~ i i ' ~ I ~, i i i ...~.M i , ~' ~ .r~x ~ WHEREAS, the City PlnnnlnK C;ommission oC iha City c~f Anahclm ufd recelve ~ verified Pdtition for C~ndltio~al Uae Permit trom ~:~EQR~yE SM11'H, ~'~. A.N;') c?.AtP1G ~. SMI'CN, llH ~!orth f,rool:nurst Stroet, Anaheirn, California, Uwnerst IJ. J. N(:l~'~.,r~, ~,.31 `NrSt i.incolr~ Avenuo, Nnahelin, C~11f0*'n1~~ Ayent af certain real property =itu~t~~ri in t.he C,.1 ty of' Anahoim, Cc+~.,nr,y oE Orange, Stat~ of Ca: t;orni.a, descrihed as the North E,9 leE~~ of rtie ~outt~ 3.32 foet of the we~l i47 fe~t of the Soi,!.nwest quarter of the SoutFiwe~t quarter of Section 8, in 1'own,hi~ ~ 5n~.it.h, Ran<~e iJ N,'e,t, ;an Hernai~dtno t3~;se ~nd Meridi~n ; and WH~RFAS, the City Planning Commi~sion did hold a publlc hearing et the City F{all in the Cfty of Anoheim on February 28, 1966, nt 2;00 o'clock P,h1., noUce of satd public hearing having been duty given as required by lew ond ln accordence witi~ the provisions of the Annheim Municlpel code, Chapter 18,64, to hear end caneider eviderice tor and :against sAld proposed conditlonal use nnd to inveatigete And make findingo end recommendetf~~ns iti connection therewlth; and WHEREAS, seid Commisaion, after due tnspection, investlgatlon, end study mdde by itself and in lts behalf, and aftec due coneideration of ell evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the tollowtng facts: 1. That the proposed use ls prope~ty one for which e Conditlanal .Uae Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit; expand an exist ing ~-,o~,-conforrning ;hild nursery on s~bject property. 2. That the pcoposed u3e w1U not adversely e~ffect the ndjoining land uses and the gtowth and development of the erea in which it is proposed to be loceted. 3. That the size and shape ot the site proposed for the use is aaequete to ailu•~+ the Eull development of the proposed use in e menner not detrimenta( to the pacticulAr area nor to the peace, health, safety, end general welfare of the Citlzens of the City o( Anahelm. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wil! not be d~etrimentnl to the peace, health, seEety, and general wel:are of the Citizens o( the City oE Anehelm. 5. 1'hat nc one appeared in opposition to subject petition. CI•G -1- ~ r ' ~ ~ - - r .. :~ . ~ ~ ~r-7'-"~- ..__._~.~ _-~ ---.~~...r~.._ . - ~~'"'.~:~~. . -...~.,a.~~, s • • ~'~`,. .. ~~rhd~ .~g~;. Y ......1 . .~, ~ i ,. ~ ~ ~ ',~ V ~ ; - ~i ~1 , _ ,1 j; ~ _ ~ i y.i ~ ` , ~' . I ~. I ~ ; r ~ ~,. ~ ~i t a-:-; NOW, Tlaf:itS;CUT~F, liE IT C:ESOI.Vi~.q thet thu Ar.taheim Gi;y l~INnnin~; Commla~lon doha hereby Rtnnt yubject PetfHon tor CundiUon~nl Ure permlt, u{~on the followinq canditionK which r~cr hr~~uby found to be n nviceasety pcerrqu+sHr to the propoHrd ua+e of the subJact properly in nrder t~ proKnrva rhe ~wfoty and gonernl wr~~(,~r^ o( tho riUzeny of the Clty ~f A~eheim: l.'1'hal. 1.I~t~ UW(1GtI'4; ~t' f,~..l: j~~c t, Nc cE~~~•r +. y sh~;~ l l deecl to !,I~„ ;.'~ t.v c,f P,nnh~~ l ni a s ta• : C c: i l.,n~i 60 fn~t, in wlcJtt~~ Pr~om tl~e crnter ] ine of t;~~~ str.uel, rilnny h~c,oki;~,isL ~tr~;ct,~ fnr ,I,rec~L YJ1tiPR'1nCJ pUT~USE'". 2. 'I'hat, thc~ oiwiers of sul:~,je~l. F,rc~~ert.y shall r,;~y t.~ r.nc~ ~i•t,y ot~ Ana~~t~im t.h~~ ~~.nn c~f `~2.Op per front fooi: alc,ng f3z~ockhur•st~ ,",t•i'~~c~~ ~ i or strc~ei. I i.~ht~n~~ f.~~iz~po~~~r„ _ 3. 7'hat Lhe ownez ~; of ruk:,j,,~r.l proper~t.y :~17a.t 1 F~r,y 1:o tt~e i,1 l.y c~f An~~h~~im t:~~, ,,.irn c~C l54 {.>ec front fooi; alonc Hrc>okht~r~t Strr,ct. foi~ tsne 1~]~nting purE,o~,e:,. ~3. That •t~e ~idewalk~ rin~.i ~lr~vevray~; :,h,~ll h~~ in~ta?1~~~.1 -~1orc;a Iarc~okht;r~+ i' ,~+et, r~t thc~ ultimate location anc! ~rad~~, a~~ requ.ired hy tt~;c: ~:i'.y Enylnc~n .~~~ci fn acc,,ru~,n~:c~ wi~,h standard plans and ,pecificat:ions on f~ile in '.he of'Ctce c,E t.hc- ~1il.y iine~lnecrr, pc th~~ ~; F:onc1 in ,~n amount and form sat~isfactua•y t~ t.f~E~ Gii;y ~} Anahelm shall be p~~taci wlth the (1iLy '.o ,~i,tir~~nt~:~e L•he install~~tion ot' the said c?ncJin~~eriny reyuirc~inf~~its. 5. T1~at tr.a~h ~torege are;~s ,hall k~~~ piovlde~i in ~iccutd~~n~e ~~;it!~ a~~N~i>ved F,l~ns on ft.le with t.he ~ffice of tl'~c: Rire~to~ ~f Publir, Works~ an~l shall be r,~im~:lied with prl~?r tc~ ~ inal bi, i lr~inq ins~ect lon. 6. 'Phal, th~ existing st:rtact.urN shal.l r,unForm fo the ~~ntfor•m Huilcliny ~u ic~ ,~~, ;~~ioptc,~.t k~y the City of Anaheim. 7. That Condil.tc~~i No.:. 1~ 1, 3~ and ~1, ,~i.~ove mentl.c.~neci, ,hali be cumF~li~d ~Nit.h prior t:o thE time tha1: t.he Bu;]~iing Permit. is 9ss~~ed or w.ithl.n a~-,eriod of 1R0 days froi~~ datc hereot, whichevt~.r occurs flrst, or s;ici~ fu.rtt~er tim~ a, tl:e Commisston er Cit.y Council may g~~ant- 8. Th~~t sub,jer.,t prupert.y shall be develooed substantia.lly in acr,c~r~iance wlth plans .3nd specif ~lcations on i'! le with th~ Cl r.y of Anal~eim, marked l:xhibit Nos. 1 and 2 THE FOKEGqING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me thle lOlh day uf March~ 1966. f CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COAi ISSION ATTEST; pro Tem ~~ ___LL.~..' '"~- ~l~~_..,.~~ Z .. .C~..../ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CI'tY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, C ITY OF ANAHEIh1 ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City l~lenning Commissi~n ot the City of Anaheim, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolution was pessed end edopted at a meeting of the City Alenning Commissior. of the City of Anaheim, held on February 28, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followtng vote of the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONEFS: Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Row1 and. NOLS: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Mt~ngallo 1N WlTNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this lOth day of March, 1966. R ESOLUTION N0. 1952 C2-G / ./r'~/ii'G~'i``''~ / /)"c'_.}_'. ~~"'-'' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COA1h11SSi0N -2- ~ ~