PC 1965-1966-1964Hl:,;OLIJI. ION N0~ ] 9~~~',. sc~r I ~s .t ab~-c~!>
TO TlIE=: CI'I'Y CAUNC.IL OF 'II~[: CI'I'Y OI~ ANAFi1:TM 7'HA1' Pfil',''l~JN FOR RF:CI.A.`~SiI7CP,"l']ON
N0. 6~-6f,-9,i I~I:: APF'ROVLD AND E'iY 50 p0]NG ~STABI.,ISII PIAMANI:N1' 7UNTN~
Wh1~RLAS, the Orangc~ Counl,y Boarcl af' 5upezviso.rs 1n Re:~,1ut ion Nc~. 6~>..1~1~~~~ aF~pz•c~vcd
i;t7c annexation ~f NrapeT~ty knowil as ~i~e Waln~it C~~nyon Re~~~7•~. ,iz• Ar~nexat,iuni anci
WEIGREAS, tJ~e City Cutmcil wi.ll cunsi~~er ~~stak,lisl~ing in'~~r1m •~uning fn.• i1;t~ ~~fore-
mentioned property on M,irch 1, 19E~6; an;i
,_.nr!~ WHEREAS, the Cil,y Flanninq Commission of the C:~ty af Anal;eim dlr.l in:ittai,~~ r.j v~~rifi~~~i
~ Pet~ition for RE~classifical:ion Co Che R-A, Ag.riculturtal, Zone, :n prc~pert,y cle,cril,~~d a, ~
~;' ~ 'Phat porLion of land 1or.ai,ed in tl:e C~uirty of Or~nye, Statt~ of C,~] iForni~+, bein
I ~~ portion of thrit ce.rtain la;;cl allotteci i:o li,e lieirs of I.c~andr~~ Srrrruio ~,c~r Mapyof
p~3rtition o2' tl~e Ranchu Sani:layo i!e Santa Ana, recorneU in Hook 8 of Ji.idy,~mc~ni.r
j of the 1'7th Judicia.l Di~trici; Court, Los Anye.les County, Cal.fornia, alsa being
that certain l.and dt~scrit~ed tn "E'arcel Five" in the dE~ed i:o the City uf Anahelm,
~ ^ a munic.ipal. corpol•ation, recordecl Novernber ]9, 1964 in Book 7309, ptig~• ;ti(~ ~r
~ Official Recurds of saiu Count.y, described as follows:
i Commenc'~ng at the Noz•tl~iwest cox~nc~r of Section 6, 7o~Nnship 4 So~.itti, Ran~e R We~t,
~.~ ; ~.R.A.BM., as ,}~o,r~n or~ a MaF~ filed in Hook 11, page 39 Re;a.rd of Surveys in the
oFfice of the Gounty Recorder ~f' said Orange County; thence E:ast ~long ~~ portion
: of the North line of said Ser,tion 2R78.59 E'eet to a point; thence South 13° 3~' OU"
East, 3002.7Q f~et to a one-inch iron pipe tagged "L.Sd ?_21.0" at the Noi~theastei~ly
terminus of that certain r_ourse shown as North 55° 12' 00" East 1521.3'7 feet ~~n
said Record of Survey Map, said course being in the boundary of tt;c parcc~l of land
; described in Parcel 1 in a deed recozded Octaber 6, 19~3 in Book 121U, paqe 501
, of Of'F ic ia 1 Records; thence South 56° U5' 25" West 19'74, 90 f eet i;o a s imi 1 ar one-
inch iron pipe at the 5outhwc~sterly terminus of a cot~rse ,t~own on said M.+p, anrl
in said deed a~ North 55° 12" 00" East ?_67.07 feet; tt~ence South 20° 04' 13" East:
~ 3864.03 Feet i:o the truc~ point oF beginniny; thence South A~io 00' 00" f:ast 90.52
~; , feet; thence North 350.52 feet; Lhence Soui:h ~i4~ 30' 00" East 37.OU f~~et t.o the
i ! beginning of a tanyent curve concave Nuri~herly having a radius of lOG.00 feet;
~ '~ thence Easterly 68.94 feet along said curve through a central angle of 39~' 30' UO";
~~' the~ce Nori:h 560 00' 00" East.y tangent: to said curve 549,00 feet; thence Nart1~
' ~ - 34° 00' 00" West 8.00 feet; thence North 56~ 00' 00" East 213.°~0 ;eet to the h~~~-
inning of a i:angent curve crnsa~,~c~ Nor;f~~r;estc~rly }~~~vin~~ ~i ra~_iiu~, of ;_~~t),00 r~_~t_; thc~nce
, Nort},easterly 153.59 feet along s~id curve through a central anqlc of 40o i;0' Op"
~ to the beginning of a reverse ci~rve having a radius of 62.00 fee±; I;hence North-
easterly 23.81 feet al.ong said curve through a central angle of 22~~ Oi)' Oc)";
thencc Sotith 52° UO' 00" 'r.ast 2?_.00 feet; t~hence No.rih 3~3° 00' OU'' ~ast 97.U0
feet to the beginning of a tangeni: curve concave Northwest.erly havir,g a raciius of
, 37U,00 feet; thence Nor~:heasterly 151.76 feet along said curve throuyh a cent,ral
` angle of 23° 30' 00"; thence North .14° 3U' 00" East; tangent to said curv~y 231.19
feet to the beginning oE a tangent curve concave Sotrtheasterly haviny a radius of
~ ' S25.00 feet; thence Northeasterly 691.8U feet along said ctarve LhrougF~ a cenlral
i ~~
~ I angel of 75° 30' 00"; thence East tangent to said curve 68.50 Feei. to the beg-
~ ~, inning of a tangent curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 270.00 feet;
_ ~ t};ence Easterly 193.99 feet along said rurve throug}~ n central angle of 41° 10' 00";
~ ther~ce North 4f~~ 50' 00" East, tanger.t to said curve 413.00 feet to a point South
~,' 35° ?_1' 07" East 323'7.94 feet from first above-mentioned iron pipe and to the beg-
~ inning of~ a tangent CUTVe concave Sotit}ierly and having a radius of 124.00 feet;
i ~ thence Easterly and Southerly 296.fi6 feet along said CLITVe through a central angle
of )3'1° 10' 00" to ttie t~eginning of a reverse c~rve having a radius of 116.50 feet;
~' ~ thence Southeasterly 183.51 feet along said curve througii a central angle of 90°
~ i 15' 00"; thence South f34~ 15' 00" Ea~t, tangent to said curve, 367.00 feet to the
~ ; beginning of a tangent curve concave Soutl~erly and haviny a radius of 78~.00 feet;
; thence Easterly 357.36 feet alon g said c u r v e t l~ r o u q}~ a c e n t r a l a n g l e o f 2 6° 1 5' 0 0"
' ~ to i;he beginning of a compound ct~rve haviny a radius oF 200.00 feet; th~nce South-
~ easterly, Southwesterly and Northwesterly 655.3'7 feet along said curve through a
central anyle of 187° 45' 00"; thence North 50° 15' OU" West, tangent to said
~ curve, 96.00 feet; t;o the beginning af a tang~nt curve concave Southerly and having
a rad~ius of 210.00 feet; thence Westerly 19U.59 feet along saic: cuxve through a
'~ ' r,entral angle of 57~ 00' 00"; thence South 77° 45' 00" West, tangent to said curve,
.1~ #
,; ~i8.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a
.__' ' radius af 140.~0 feet; thence Southwesi;erly 17'7.15 Feet along said curve t.h.rouoh
~, -, o central angle oF 7?_~ 30' CO"; thence Sout}~ 5° 15' 00" west, tanyent to said curve,
*~ ~12.50 feet to the beyinning uf a tangeni: curve concave Northwesterly and having a
radius of 115.00 F'eet; thence Soui;hweste.rly 21b.27 feet along said curve throuyh
-: ,"~ i a central angle of 1070 45' UO"; t.hence Nortt; 6"7~ CO" 00" West, tangent to said
,~.. .i
: ~ , -.~
,.. ..~
r,urve b9.00 fc~4~t: to i:he l~~eyinr,~iny of' a lanyent curv~ r,or;~ ave Southtasterly an~i having
~~ raclit~, ~f 95.U0 f?et; th~.~ncA WesterJy, SUUf.I1WA5f,f:~'ly ~~n~~ Sr~uthea:;h~ ly 2~12.a<a
C~~t: alo~i~ said curve thro~,qh a r,ent,r31 ;~ric7le oF 146~~ l5' Qq'~; th~n;:t~ 5~utfi 'j:i~ ~iGa'
OQ" 1?.a~t. Canr~~~nt to sai~i r~~rvE~, 74,00 1'~eL l~~ th~= }.~r.qfnn.iriy of ~ tr~ng~~nl- cu.rvt:,
corrr„~ve 'Ne,~,erly and h,~vi.~ig a l~a:iius c~f 130.00 fr:~et:; thc~nc~ Se~ui.},er•ly 234.;'~ fnec
along s4-id curv~ through 3 C(?-lt2•al anc~l~~ af 10'3° 1F~' UU"; t;f,~,nce So~~l.h c=,9° ;3U' t~G"
Wa~t, l;~~ngent: tu said r,i.~rve, 199~00 Ceet tc~ f.he l:aglrininy af a t.ran~~rnt ,~ve conc~~ve
East.~r1•~ and having a ra~~:tus of 80~i)0 Eeet.; f.he~leP ci~uLt;~rJy '~,~4.3~~ feet alc~nq ~aic!
cuxve t.hrough a centra.l ~3nglc7 c~f 1'75~ 00' 00" t;o the tieyinnlr,g af a rE~v,~r;e r,,;T~e
havi.ng a radius of 100,UU Cer,l;; i~ht'r1Ce fiasl,erl f32.y0 fr;e,
a centzal angle af 47~ 30' 00"; tt~ence Suuth 5~~ UO' ~)U" f:.~3t,r'q~;ny~ni.ctc Vecjlclr~~~~~h
r,ui•ve, 250.00 feet to the 1~eglnnii~g of a tangeni~ c;uivt~ c~,nc~ve NuT~;,h~~.rly ~nd
~nd hav.iny a radius of 120.U0 f~e~; t.h~~ncc~ E.ast:elly 1O~3.91 feet atang sai~1 curve
th.rough a cenLr.~l angle of' 5~0 O0~ pU" lo i.he beyinning of a reve.r~e r,urve h~~viny
a radi.us oF 12U.UU feel.; t,hence along said C112'V~ Ea,terly, So~ithEar+sterly, Southe.rly
~nci Sr.~uthwes~te:~rly 4;~q.$2 feEt t.hrc~uyh a cent.r~.il anc~.le of 21U° 00' ~U"S i,h~nce
North 80~ OU' O0" We~t, tanyent ~.o sald curve, iF~6.0U feet i;o L}-~e beginni.ny of a
tanyent cuz•ve concave SotiLf~easte:rly and having a ra~ius of 2?0.00 ieei,; t,hen~.e
Sou`:hwesterly ;F3fi,62 FAet. along s~~id cu.rve i.hruugh a centra.l angle ~f' 75° 10' OU"
to t!~ie beyinning of ra t~evers~~ curve haviny ~~ i•adius oi' S25.i)~ feet; LhencP Sout.h-•
westerly and Westerly '771.2:.~ feet along said r,urve througli a cr~ntral angle of t~4~
10' 00"; ther~ce North '71~ 00' 00" We,t, tangc~nt to said curve 44'i.56 feel to the
beginning of a tanyent cuz•ve conr_aye Southarly and having a radius af 28Q.00 feet;
thc~nce Weste.rly 27~,.1]. feet ~long said cuxve through a central angle of 56° 30' UO";
thr,nce South 52° 30' 00" W~st, ~angent to said cui•ve, 149.I2 fc~et to i:he beginning
of a t.angenl; curve conr,ave Nor~:hwesttrly arid having a r~adius of 120.OC feet; thence
5outhwesterly 67.40 feet along said curv~, through a central angle of 32~ .10' S0";
thence SouLh 84~ 40' ~i0" West, i:angent to ;;aid curve, 331.~0 feet. to thc beginning
of a tangent curve concave Southerly an~j h,avi.ng a radius oi' 222a00 fee~t; thenc~
Westerly 62.79 Ceet along said curve through a central angle of 16° 12' 21" t:o
ttie beginniny uf a reverse curve havinr~ a radius of 80.OQ fec~t; t:hence We~terly
and Norther.ly 158,51 feet: along said curve throu9h a central angle of 113° 31' 31";
thence North 2° 00' 00" fi.ast, tangent to said curve, 118.77 feet to the true point.
of beginning.
; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Cornmiss;on did }iold a public heariny at the City Hall
in the City of Anaheim on February 29, 1966, at ~~s00 0'clock P.Mo, notice af said puolic
hearing having been di.ily given as requi~:ed by law and in acco.r~lance with the ~~rovisions
of t:he P~naheim Municipal Code, to hear and ~.onsider evidence fo.r and against said
proposed seclas,ification and ±o im~esi:igate and make findinys and recommen~fations in
connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, aFter •iue inspection, investigation and study made by
itself and in its behalf, and after ~iue consideration of ali evidence and repor.ts offered
at said hearing, does find and deter;;ii~e the following factsa
1. That sut~ject property con~ists of 78.34 acres of agriculLural uninhabited
land upon wh.ich is locate~l a new City of Anaheim Walnut Canyon Reve~~roir.
2. That subjer,t pro~;erty wac~ annexed and recorded with the Orange Coun~.y Recorue~
on Decembei• I5, 1965; ar.;1 signed by tl~e Sec.retary of State un Decemher i5, 1965e
3. That the Planning Cornmi:~sion did recommend to the City Council intez•im R-A,
Agriculi:ural, Zuning on subject property, on February 16, 1966.
~~ ;
,- i _
, ~ ~.
~"; ~
4. That no one appeared in opposition tu subject petition.
Res. No. 1964
- 2-
,• ~;, •
NOW, '['Nf:RE~URE, B~ IT ~tG50LV~D i:hat tl~e An~heim C1i,y F1~~nntny Commission ~,Ioes, !,,:~,~~,y
z~ecommenr.i t.o tt~e City Counr..i] of t,he City of Anar~eim thai. sub,~er,t Pet1L',on ~~c Rr~c;~as~;if'fcr~tion
, be app.rov~cl estab.lishing p,jrmanerrt •r_oning and, by ;;o doiny, Tit.le ;H, Zc~n~r~q af Lr~~, Anr~heim
Mtaniclp~il Code be amendecl l;o Incluci~ the abovc~ d~~s.r,ril~c~d properLy unconci:t.i~~rally in the
R-A, Agrictiltural, 7.one.
TH~ FORf:GOING RFSOL~JX'ION is ~igned and ap~-,roved t~y me this 1Qth ~I~~y ~f M:~rch, 1~)G6,
I .~f...,' ~~~~~ J 'r
1. ' ^' /'
.. ~ /~`'+ .~
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i!.' .: >; '..J '~,i ~~> ~/ .
J -
I, Ann Kreb,, Secsetary of the City Planning Commissir~n of t.t;e Ci~y of Anaheim, do
f~ereby certi.fy that the forer~oing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiny of ttie
City Planning Commission ~f the City of Anaheim, held on Februar}~ ~~, 1966, at 2~OU 0'
clock P~M., by i:tiE- f~llowing vote of the members thereof~
AYES: COMMISSI~JNERS: Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland.
ABSENTe I~MISSIONERS: All.red, Mungall.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve t;ereunto set my hand tnis 10~h day of March, 1966.
~ ~ - '"'.- ~
~/ f/liL~2 ..~ / ":~1~~'~/
,..._. ; -
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Res. No. 1964
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Hl:,;OLIJI. ION N0~ ] 9~~~',. sc~r I ~s .t ab~-c~!>
TO TlIE=: CI'I'Y CAUNC.IL OF 'II~[: CI'I'Y OI~ ANAFi1:TM 7'HA1' Pfil',''l~JN FOR RF:CI.A.`~SiI7CP,"l']ON
N0. 6~-6f,-9,i I~I:: APF'ROVLD AND E'iY 50 p0]NG ~STABI.,ISII PIAMANI:N1' 7UNTN~
Wh1~RLAS, the Orangc~ Counl,y Boarcl af' 5upezviso.rs 1n Re:~,1ut ion Nc~. 6~>..1~1~~~~ aF~pz•c~vcd
i;t7c annexation ~f NrapeT~ty knowil as ~i~e Waln~it C~~nyon Re~~~7•~. ,iz• Ar~nexat,iuni anci
WEIGREAS, tJ~e City Cutmcil wi.ll cunsi~~er ~~stak,lisl~ing in'~~r1m •~uning fn.• i1;t~ ~~fore-
mentioned property on M,irch 1, 19E~6; an;i
,_.nr!~ WHEREAS, the Cil,y Flanninq Commission of the C:~ty af Anal;eim dlr.l in:ittai,~~ r.j v~~rifi~~~i
~ Pet~ition for RE~classifical:ion Co Che R-A, Ag.riculturtal, Zone, :n prc~pert,y cle,cril,~~d a, ~
~;' ~ 'Phat porLion of land 1or.ai,ed in tl:e C~uirty of Or~nye, Statt~ of C,~] iForni~+, bein
I ~~ portion of thrit ce.rtain la;;cl allotteci i:o li,e lieirs of I.c~andr~~ Srrrruio ~,c~r Mapyof
p~3rtition o2' tl~e Ranchu Sani:layo i!e Santa Ana, recorneU in Hook 8 of Ji.idy,~mc~ni.r
j of the 1'7th Judicia.l Di~trici; Court, Los Anye.les County, Cal.fornia, alsa being
that certain l.and dt~scrit~ed tn "E'arcel Five" in the dE~ed i:o the City uf Anahelm,
~ ^ a munic.ipal. corpol•ation, recordecl Novernber ]9, 1964 in Book 7309, ptig~• ;ti(~ ~r
~ Official Recurds of saiu Count.y, described as follows:
i Commenc'~ng at the Noz•tl~iwest cox~nc~r of Section 6, 7o~Nnship 4 So~.itti, Ran~e R We~t,
~.~ ; ~.R.A.BM., as ,}~o,r~n or~ a MaF~ filed in Hook 11, page 39 Re;a.rd of Surveys in the
oFfice of the Gounty Recorder ~f' said Orange County; thence E:ast ~long ~~ portion
: of the North line of said Ser,tion 2R78.59 E'eet to a point; thence South 13° 3~' OU"
East, 3002.7Q f~et to a one-inch iron pipe tagged "L.Sd ?_21.0" at the Noi~theastei~ly
terminus of that certain r_ourse shown as North 55° 12' 00" East 1521.3'7 feet ~~n
said Record of Survey Map, said course being in the boundary of tt;c parcc~l of land
; described in Parcel 1 in a deed recozded Octaber 6, 19~3 in Book 121U, paqe 501
, of Of'F ic ia 1 Records; thence South 56° U5' 25" West 19'74, 90 f eet i;o a s imi 1 ar one-
inch iron pipe at the 5outhwc~sterly terminus of a cot~rse ,t~own on said M.+p, anrl
in said deed a~ North 55° 12" 00" East ?_67.07 feet; tt~ence South 20° 04' 13" East:
~ 3864.03 Feet i:o the truc~ point oF beginniny; thence South A~io 00' 00" f:ast 90.52
~; , feet; thence North 350.52 feet; Lhence Soui:h ~i4~ 30' 00" East 37.OU f~~et t.o the
i ! beginning of a tanyent curve concave Nuri~herly having a radius of lOG.00 feet;
~ '~ thence Easterly 68.94 feet along said curve through a central angle of 39~' 30' UO";
~~' the~ce Nori:h 560 00' 00" East.y tangent: to said curve 549,00 feet; thence Nart1~
' ~ - 34° 00' 00" West 8.00 feet; thence North 56~ 00' 00" East 213.°~0 ;eet to the h~~~-
inning of a i:angent curve crnsa~,~c~ Nor;f~~r;estc~rly }~~~vin~~ ~i ra~_iiu~, of ;_~~t),00 r~_~t_; thc~nce
, Nort},easterly 153.59 feet along s~id curve through a central anqlc of 40o i;0' Op"
~ to the beginning of a reverse ci~rve having a radius of 62.00 fee±; I;hence North-
easterly 23.81 feet al.ong said curve through a central angle of 22~~ Oi)' Oc)";
thencc Sotith 52° UO' 00" 'r.ast 2?_.00 feet; t~hence No.rih 3~3° 00' OU'' ~ast 97.U0
feet to the beginning of a tangeni: curve concave Northwest.erly havir,g a raciius of
, 37U,00 feet; thence Nor~:heasterly 151.76 feet along said curve throuyh a cent,ral
` angle of 23° 30' 00"; thence North .14° 3U' 00" East; tangent to said curv~y 231.19
feet to the beginning oE a tangent curve concave Sotrtheasterly haviny a radius of
~ ' S25.00 feet; thence Northeasterly 691.8U feet along said ctarve LhrougF~ a cenlral
i ~~
~ I angel of 75° 30' 00"; thence East tangent to said curve 68.50 Feei. to the beg-
~ ~, inning of a tangent curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 270.00 feet;
_ ~ t};ence Easterly 193.99 feet along said rurve throug}~ n central angle of 41° 10' 00";
~ ther~ce North 4f~~ 50' 00" East, tanger.t to said curve 413.00 feet to a point South
~,' 35° ?_1' 07" East 323'7.94 feet from first above-mentioned iron pipe and to the beg-
~ inning of~ a tangent CUTVe concave Sotit}ierly and having a radius of 124.00 feet;
i ~ thence Easterly and Southerly 296.fi6 feet along said CLITVe through a central angle
of )3'1° 10' 00" to ttie t~eginning of a reverse c~rve having a radius of 116.50 feet;
~' ~ thence Southeasterly 183.51 feet along said curve througii a central angle of 90°
~ i 15' 00"; thence South f34~ 15' 00" Ea~t, tangent to said curve, 367.00 feet to the
~ ; beginning of a tangent curve concave Soutl~erly and haviny a radius of 78~.00 feet;
; thence Easterly 357.36 feet alon g said c u r v e t l~ r o u q}~ a c e n t r a l a n g l e o f 2 6° 1 5' 0 0"
' ~ to i;he beginning of a compound ct~rve haviny a radius oF 200.00 feet; th~nce South-
~ easterly, Southwesterly and Northwesterly 655.3'7 feet along said curve through a
central anyle of 187° 45' 00"; thence North 50° 15' OU" West, tangent to said
~ curve, 96.00 feet; t;o the beginning af a tang~nt curve concave Southerly and having
a rad~ius of 210.00 feet; thence Westerly 19U.59 feet along saic: cuxve through a
'~ ' r,entral angle of 57~ 00' 00"; thence South 77° 45' 00" West, tangent to said curve,
.1~ #
,; ~i8.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a
.__' ' radius af 140.~0 feet; thence Southwesi;erly 17'7.15 Feet along said curve t.h.rouoh
~, -, o central angle oF 7?_~ 30' CO"; thence Sout}~ 5° 15' 00" west, tanyent to said curve,
*~ ~12.50 feet to the beyinning uf a tangeni: curve concave Northwesterly and having a
radius of 115.00 F'eet; thence Soui;hweste.rly 21b.27 feet along said curve throuyh
-: ,"~ i a central angle of 1070 45' UO"; t.hence Nortt; 6"7~ CO" 00" West, tangent to said
,~.. .i
: ~ , -.~
,.. ..~
r,urve b9.00 fc~4~t: to i:he l~~eyinr,~iny of' a lanyent curv~ r,or;~ ave Southtasterly an~i having
~~ raclit~, ~f 95.U0 f?et; th~.~ncA WesterJy, SUUf.I1WA5f,f:~'ly ~~n~~ Sr~uthea:;h~ ly 2~12.a<a
C~~t: alo~i~ said curve thro~,qh a r,ent,r31 ;~ric7le oF 146~~ l5' Qq'~; th~n;:t~ 5~utfi 'j:i~ ~iGa'
OQ" 1?.a~t. Canr~~~nt to sai~i r~~rvE~, 74,00 1'~eL l~~ th~= }.~r.qfnn.iriy of ~ tr~ng~~nl- cu.rvt:,
corrr„~ve 'Ne,~,erly and h,~vi.~ig a l~a:iius c~f 130.00 fr:~et:; thc~nc~ Se~ui.},er•ly 234.;'~ fnec
along s4-id curv~ through 3 C(?-lt2•al anc~l~~ af 10'3° 1F~' UU"; t;f,~,nce So~~l.h c=,9° ;3U' t~G"
Wa~t, l;~~ngent: tu said r,i.~rve, 199~00 Ceet tc~ f.he l:aglrininy af a t.ran~~rnt ,~ve conc~~ve
East.~r1•~ and having a ra~~:tus of 80~i)0 Eeet.; f.he~leP ci~uLt;~rJy '~,~4.3~~ feet alc~nq ~aic!
cuxve t.hrough a centra.l ~3nglc7 c~f 1'75~ 00' 00" t;o the tieyinnlr,g af a rE~v,~r;e r,,;T~e
havi.ng a radius of 100,UU Cer,l;; i~ht'r1Ce fiasl,erl f32.y0 fr;e,
a centzal angle af 47~ 30' 00"; tt~ence Suuth 5~~ UO' ~)U" f:.~3t,r'q~;ny~ni.ctc Vecjlclr~~~~~h
r,ui•ve, 250.00 feet to the 1~eglnnii~g of a tangeni~ c;uivt~ c~,nc~ve NuT~;,h~~.rly ~nd
~nd hav.iny a radius of 120.U0 f~e~; t.h~~ncc~ E.ast:elly 1O~3.91 feet atang sai~1 curve
th.rough a cenLr.~l angle of' 5~0 O0~ pU" lo i.he beyinning of a reve.r~e r,urve h~~viny
a radi.us oF 12U.UU feel.; t,hence along said C112'V~ Ea,terly, So~ithEar+sterly, Southe.rly
~nci Sr.~uthwes~te:~rly 4;~q.$2 feEt t.hrc~uyh a cent.r~.il anc~.le of 21U° 00' ~U"S i,h~nce
North 80~ OU' O0" We~t, tanyent ~.o sald curve, iF~6.0U feet i;o L}-~e beginni.ny of a
tanyent cuz•ve concave SotiLf~easte:rly and having a ra~ius of 2?0.00 ieei,; t,hen~.e
Sou`:hwesterly ;F3fi,62 FAet. along s~~id cu.rve i.hruugh a centra.l angle ~f' 75° 10' OU"
to t!~ie beyinning of ra t~evers~~ curve haviny ~~ i•adius oi' S25.i)~ feet; LhencP Sout.h-•
westerly and Westerly '771.2:.~ feet along said r,urve througli a cr~ntral angle of t~4~
10' 00"; ther~ce North '71~ 00' 00" We,t, tangc~nt to said curve 44'i.56 feel to the
beginning of a tanyent cuz•ve conr_aye Southarly and having a radius af 28Q.00 feet;
thc~nce Weste.rly 27~,.1]. feet ~long said cuxve through a central angle of 56° 30' UO";
thr,nce South 52° 30' 00" W~st, ~angent to said cui•ve, 149.I2 fc~et to i:he beginning
of a t.angenl; curve conr,ave Nor~:hwesttrly arid having a r~adius of 120.OC feet; thence
5outhwesterly 67.40 feet along said curv~, through a central angle of 32~ .10' S0";
thence SouLh 84~ 40' ~i0" West, i:angent to ;;aid curve, 331.~0 feet. to thc beginning
of a tangent curve concave Southerly an~j h,avi.ng a radius oi' 222a00 fee~t; thenc~
Westerly 62.79 Ceet along said curve through a central angle of 16° 12' 21" t:o
ttie beginniny uf a reverse curve havinr~ a radius of 80.OQ fec~t; t:hence We~terly
and Norther.ly 158,51 feet: along said curve throu9h a central angle of 113° 31' 31";
thence North 2° 00' 00" fi.ast, tangent to said curve, 118.77 feet to the true point.
of beginning.
; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Cornmiss;on did }iold a public heariny at the City Hall
in the City of Anaheim on February 29, 1966, at ~~s00 0'clock P.Mo, notice af said puolic
hearing having been di.ily given as requi~:ed by law and in acco.r~lance with the ~~rovisions
of t:he P~naheim Municipal Code, to hear and ~.onsider evidence fo.r and against said
proposed seclas,ification and ±o im~esi:igate and make findinys and recommen~fations in
connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, aFter •iue inspection, investigation and study made by
itself and in its behalf, and after ~iue consideration of ali evidence and repor.ts offered
at said hearing, does find and deter;;ii~e the following factsa
1. That sut~ject property con~ists of 78.34 acres of agriculLural uninhabited
land upon wh.ich is locate~l a new City of Anaheim Walnut Canyon Reve~~roir.
2. That subjer,t pro~;erty wac~ annexed and recorded with the Orange Coun~.y Recorue~
on Decembei• I5, 1965; ar.;1 signed by tl~e Sec.retary of State un Decemher i5, 1965e
3. That the Planning Cornmi:~sion did recommend to the City Council intez•im R-A,
Agriculi:ural, Zuning on subject property, on February 16, 1966.
~~ ;
,- i _
, ~ ~.
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4. That no one appeared in opposition tu subject petition.
Res. No. 1964
- 2-
,• ~;, •
NOW, '['Nf:RE~URE, B~ IT ~tG50LV~D i:hat tl~e An~heim C1i,y F1~~nntny Commission ~,Ioes, !,,:~,~~,y
z~ecommenr.i t.o tt~e City Counr..i] of t,he City of Anar~eim thai. sub,~er,t Pet1L',on ~~c Rr~c;~as~;if'fcr~tion
, be app.rov~cl estab.lishing p,jrmanerrt •r_oning and, by ;;o doiny, Tit.le ;H, Zc~n~r~q af Lr~~, Anr~heim
Mtaniclp~il Code be amendecl l;o Incluci~ the abovc~ d~~s.r,ril~c~d properLy unconci:t.i~~rally in the
R-A, Agrictiltural, 7.one.
TH~ FORf:GOING RFSOL~JX'ION is ~igned and ap~-,roved t~y me this 1Qth ~I~~y ~f M:~rch, 1~)G6,
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I, Ann Kreb,, Secsetary of the City Planning Commissir~n of t.t;e Ci~y of Anaheim, do
f~ereby certi.fy that the forer~oing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetiny of ttie
City Planning Commission ~f the City of Anaheim, held on Februar}~ ~~, 1966, at 2~OU 0'
clock P~M., by i:tiE- f~llowing vote of the members thereof~
AYES: COMMISSI~JNERS: Camp, Gauer, Herbst, Perry, Rowland.
ABSENTe I~MISSIONERS: All.red, Mungall.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve t;ereunto set my hand tnis 10~h day of March, 1966.
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Res. No. 1964
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