PC 1965-1966-1989 RESOi.UT10N N0. ~~f;cJ' '~R~~' 1965~66 ----_.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING C~MMISSION OF TliG CITY' (~F ANAHEIM TNAT PETITION F'OR VARIANCE N0. l~~ ~~~ RI: CRANTED , _.. ..id~ I \ ~ ~ ~ , ~ I i - ~; a ~ '~ ~ ,, , ~ ' ; ~ *, _ ~ ~ I 1 _, . WHEREAS, the Clty P(anning Commisaion of the Clty of Aneheim did receive H verlfied F~etition (or Vnrience fr~m EL VEE, INCORF~RATEI), 200 West Midway ,)rive, f~n~iheim, C~liforni~i, Uwner; L, V, ilUS7WI(,it, 2U0 West Midway tve. Anaheim, Californl-+~ Agent of cerlain real ~~ropert,y s;t;uated in Ll~e City of Anaheim, .:ounty of Ur~nge, 3tate oi Calif~~.•r~ia, -iearril~ed as I..oL Nn. 4,, Llock 3, of 7'ract No. 419 ; and WHEREAS, the City plenning Commisalun dld hold Q public heering et the City Hell in the City of Anuheim on March 2R, •.966 e, :;00 o'c~~ .k P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordence with the pr~v?sions of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chapter 1$.68, to hear and consider evldence for end egainst said pro~osed veriance end to investigete and make findings and recommendations in connec- tion thPrewith; end WHEREAS, said Commis~ion, after due inepection, investIgetion, and study mede by itself and in its behalf, end efter due consid~ratioq of all evidence and reports affered ~t said hearing, does find and determine the following fects: 1. That tt:e petitioner rcquests a vArience from the Anaheim MunicipAl Code; SecCion .lf;.,?_4,010, which permiLs anly ane-•famil~r ~Jwellingsy to pt~rmit the expansion of' an existing trailez• park into an R~i zoned parcel: 2. That there are exceptional o• extraordinery circums~ances or conditions applicable to the propert.y involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apriy generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested varience is necessary Eor the p~eservation and enjoyment of n substantial property right p~ssessed by other property in the seme vicinity and ione, and denied to the property in question. ~. That the requested verience will not be mtiterially detrimentel to the public welfere or injurious to the prop- erty ~~,,:provements in such vicinity nnd zone in which the property is located. 5„ That no one appeared in opposition t~~ oub,7ect pel.ition V1-G ~~ -1. r, `r. I ,~ ;..fi~ tl ~ ~~ I _ ~ fVAW, TFIEREFORE, I3~ IT RGSOI,VCb thc~t the Andhelm City Plannlna Commiqsinn clo~s hornby grant aubJect F'etltion fot Veriance, upon the following candltlon~ whtch ern hereby found to be e necasaury prarequlAlte to tho pro• poaed use of the subJect property in order to preserve the sefety end generAl welfere ~f the Citlr.enq of the Clty of Anahelm. 1. That thr own~rs nf' sub,~ecL property shall pay to Che r.,i~y oi An~~heim LF~e surn of ~7..0(1 per front foat ~lon~ LE~mon S1;.reet, for str~ot llghtina pur posc~s. :. 7'hat the s3dewalks shall be repaired a'lonq Li~mon S~;Ter~t,y ,~, requir. c~d by the City !?n ineer and in accordance wlth stancfard plans and speci.f'tcaClorts on f'ile in Lhe ~Cficr- uf the Cl~y F:nginw~er. 3~ That trash sLoraqe areas ~hall be ~ruvided in accordance with approved plans un file w+.th the office of CIl@ Director of Public Workse 4n That th~ owners of subjer,t, property sha:ll pay to the City of Ans~t~eim lhe sum Uf '~2r~,UC pe7 tra.ile.r space9 to be used f'or park and recrealion purposes, s,~id amotmt to be F,aic1 ~t the time the building perm;.t, is issued, 5„ That all constructton shall be in conformance to the CiLy of An~t~eim Mobtle Hame Park regulatlons. 6~ That Gondition No~ 1, above mentioned, ~hall be complied wit:h prlor Co the time that the Building Permit ls issued or within a per.od of 1R0 days f'rom date t~ereof, whichev~,r occurs i'irst, or such further time as the Commission or Ctty Council may gr~nt•. J„ That Condition Nos. ?.,3 and 5, abcve mentioned, ~hall be comp.li~d wiLh prior to f'inal building Inspection. R~ That all mobile home lot drain ~nlet;s shall be equipped with "P" traps~ 9~, 1'hat sub,ject property shall b~ developed substant,l+~lly in accordanc~ with plans and specific-3tions on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exf~~ibit Nos. 1 and '1., THG FOREGOING RESOLUTION le signed and aN~roved by me this '7th day of Apr i'1 , 1966~ ~---- . / ) ~ CHAIRMAN ANAfiEIM CITY PLANNIN COiNh1ISSI0N ATTEST: ~l2r(%~,~'~~- - SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission oE the City oE Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution wes passed end edop;ed at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on ~Narcti 2R, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer~ Herbst, Mungally P~rry4 Rowland~ NOE'S: COMMISSIONERS: Nonea ABSENT: COMMISS[ONERS: None~ 7iV WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my har.~.i i;:is 7th day of AE.,ril, ;966. RESOLUTION NO, 19~9 L~~L~L~~(~ r7i1L~ L~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAiVNING CGMMISSION V2-G t. ' ~ I ~ ' _ ~ ~ ~~ ~:~;~ =;,1. .~ ~ .~ -2- ~ ~