PC 1965-1966-2005RESULUTION N0, fU05y Seri.es 19G5 ~6 A RESOLUTION OF TFlis' CITY I~I.ANNING C011M1SS10N qF Tlil: CITY Or ANAFIEiM RECOMME.NDING TQ TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THG CITI' Of~ ANAIiEIM 'i'11AT F'ETiTION FOR RECLASSICICATIUN N0. 6`•? "6~'' ~~~ 13I: DE~ IED ._ .~~!!n ~ ~ • ~ i ~ , !~ 'I . _., ~~ WHEF~EAS, the Clty Plnnning Commisslon of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified PetiNon for Reclasaifice- tlon from PAUI, VON ESSEN9 JOPAR 1NCORPOItATED, ~~7;3 Wo;;t "iF,tl; St.rc~ef, Lc~; Angelc~s, Cali!'orni.:i9 Owner~; K„ C„ JOHNSON, ~151 OranqelhorpeY f3~.i~~na ~,~rky C;_~1 if'orni~~, Agent, c~f ~~ert,~in .rc~al E,ro~e:rty sii:uated in the Clty of Anaheim, CounLy ot' Or,ine~eY Sta~c, of' Califc~rnia, -1esr,ribed •~s the E,~sL 53.00 feet of the North 165oU0 feet of t;he We~;t 1,2„~)O CE'(?~. Qf~ ~~h@ F,~s,L 2G4,G0 fe~t of l.he northeast. quartes of the southwesl, quarter c',' recLion 12Y Town~~hip 4 ~oulh., Range ll We~~t., in the Rancho Los Coyotes, des~ribed as t,hc~ soulliwest, yuarter of ~.;aid ;ect.~on 1? ci, sho~vn on ,:i map f iled in book 16, p~3ge 11 nt Rc~cord of Surveys in t.he of f i~:e of t he County Recorder of said County; The Nort,h 1f~5~00 feet of the I:<~,l 14?_.00 fe~~i. of thc~ nort.heast, yuart.er of t,he ~out.h- west quarter oi' Sectlon 12, in '1'ownship ~1 South,, kange 1] We~~r,, in t,he Hc,n~l~o Lo~~ CoyoLes-a~ ~aid ~outhwest quarte.r of S~i~i s~~~ion 12 ls ,I~own on ~~ rnr.~F, of survey recorded in boak 169 F,,,ge llY Record of Surv~vc,, in the office of the County Her.orclei• o( :,ilc~ Gouni:y ; and WHEREAS, the City Plnnning Commission clid hold a public hen~in~ at the City Hall in the City of pnnheim on April 11, .lyi6, ~t 2:00 o'clock P.M„ notlce ot snld public henring having been duly given as required by lew end in accord~nce with the provisions of the Anaheim hiunicipcil Code, Chfipter 18,72, to he~r end considec evi- dence for Wnd agalnst seid proposed reclnssificati~ ,i find to investig~te nnd meke findinRS end recommendetions +~ connection therewith: nnd WHEREAS, s~id Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, find study mnde by itself and in its behnlt, end efter due consideretion oE all evidence nnd reports offered et snid hearing, does find end determine the following fects; 1. Th~t the petitioner proposes n reclessificAtion of the above described property from the R-•Ay Agriculturaly Zone to the C-1, General Commercial, "Lone to est~F~lish a service station on subject property. 2o That the proposed use, i~ approv~d, ronstitutes ,ur,h ~ minor deviation, that no imrriediate amendment +.o the General Plan is nece;sary; hc,•,rever., its zelationship to the existinq General Plan syrr~ol will be considered in the next annu~l review,. ~ 3. That no land use ch~nge has taken E~lace on prcper~y in close pr•oximit.y since tt~e Flanning Commission last considered a zone chanqe :'or subject propeT~y whici~ would warrant the Commission's now considering favorably any zone ;:hange.. 4. That the proposed commercial ~se is su.rrounded on three sid~s by residentia; ~,sc~s. anG a cF,ange in land use would have a de±erioratiny ef'fect on the residential intec~zii.y of residential properi;ies already established around subject F~coperty~ 5. That the proposed reclassification oP subject propec;.y is not necessary and/o~ desirable for th~ orderl~/ and proper development of the cr ,~muni;;y, 6~ That thP proposed reclassifical:ion of sut,ject p7operty docs not properiy relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in c]oae pioximity Lo subject. property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established thi•ougho~.. the community~ 7~ That five (5) persons appeared repzesenting eleven persons present in the Counc.il Chamber, six letters and a petition were received signed by ~R propF~rty owners in oE~positionY and orie person and one petii.ion was received signed by 12 propert.y owners i.n favor, of subiect petition. .tl-D ~ -1- .• _~. ::AAti~.. i ~~ :~~ I 1 1 i , ~ I. i I , ~I ~ NUW, TFIERGFORC, BE IT RESOLVED thet the AnAheim City Planning Commission docs hereby cecommend to the City Council of the City oE Aneheim thet subJect Pet3tlon for ReclessiEication be denied on the bnsis o; the aforementioned findings. THF FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and appcoved by me thi ._' I s,t ~I.~y ~;f AE r i 1, I')C,F , ~ - ~~. k , ~'~ , .FiAIRhtAN ANAHEIht CITY PLANN G COMMISSION ATTEST: - L~'L~G- . . -C. '~'iL ~~--~ J f~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEINI ) I~ Ann Krebs ~ Secretary of the City Planning Commission oE the City of Aneheim, da hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commis5ion of the ~ity of Anaheim, held on A~ril 11, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AFES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Cr,3-~p, Gauer, Herb~;t, h1~,~nclall, Perry. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. .9:~.:.~. ~ ~` .~ ' }~ ;. ~ .,-.,_; . 1 - ~ r I ; ~ ~,+:? :1::~.,;~~~~ ,.:..4 ~ _.:..frf._ . Ci. AASENT: COMMISSIONERS: Rowland. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of April, 1966. ~ ~~~ ~ ~i~~-~. y~ ' c_.~;z~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIhi CITY PLANN:NG COMMISSI~N RESOLUTION N0. 2005 R2-D -2- ~ n ~