PC 1965-1966-2014RESnLUTION '~ ., ?014, SERIES 19U5-66 A RESQLUTION ~7F Tl-IE CITY PLANNMG COMMISSION OF TWF. CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PF.TITION FOR VARiANCE N0. 1'790 gF GRANTET~ ._ _. .~w'~ , ~ ~ 'i _ ~ ~ ~~ .i i WFIERGAS, tha City Planning Commiasion of the Clty of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition Eur Vt+rience from EL~+JARI:) CcJFiWTN, c~a SECURII'Y F]'RSI' NATIUNAL t3ANK, A"CTf:K, IUN: MR. L,EWiS Lf:MUING, 6t,h ~nd Alvar~~do Streets, Los Angeles, California, Uwner; DUANG JACK CAIiUUN, 113 Nie,t ChesLnut, Anaheim, California, Agent o: certair, real ~roperty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Uranqe, State of Califorriia, descr..bed as the easterly 151.92 feet of f3lock D of I~leimann ~::~rrensens tiddition building lots, as per map recorded in l~aok 3 page 144 of Mlscellaneous Hecords of fos Angeles CounCy, California ; end WHEREAS, the City Pienning Commission did hold e public hearing et the City Hell in the City of Aneheim ~:ri 1 25, 1966~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., noticr, of said public hearing having been duly givPn es required end in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim hTunic;pel Code, Choptet 18.68, to hear and consider ~~ nce Eor and Hgoinst seid proposed variance end to investigete and make flndings and recommendations in connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commtssinn, after due inspection, investlgation, And study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of ell evidence and repo~ts offered at seid hearing, d~es find end detemiine the following facts: 1. Thet the petitioner re4uests e varience from the Anaheim Municipel Code: to permit th~ use of 5ubject pronerty for the storage of old and wrecked automobiles with an existing ci~ain link fence. Section 1~.52.U60(3 anci ~~ - S~ITE DEVELOPM~FN7' STANDAR~; - ~vhich requires a 6-foot ~nason~y tivall enclosing all outdoor ,:ses. ` ~ _ 2. Thet there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstences or conditions applicable to ,he property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply gener311y to the property or class of use in the same vi~ °.nity and zone, ;~ 3. Thnt the requested variance is necessery for the preservation end enjoyment of a substential property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, end denied to the property in question. 4. That the requested variance will not be materielly detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- ~ erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is locsted. ; ' S• 1~hat ~.ecause subject F~roperty is ~,vithin t}~e Center City Arera, now under study for pos~ible revit~lization, thc Cornrni~sion deems it ~c~cessary to lirnit the waiver of Ihe required '; ~ masonry wal: for a period oF th1•ee (3) years. i ~ 6. Th~t nu cne appeared in ;~F ~~sition to suk~ject: petition. , ~ .i ~ ~ VI-G ; ~; ; * ~ ~ 1 • .:i •~- • -,~. -~- ., • ~~.~,~., , ~' NOW, THERE:~URG, B~ IT RESOLV~D thet the Anaheim City Flennlnq Comnl~alon does hereby gc~nt subject Petition for Veriance, upon the following aondltlons which ere hereby found to be a neceasery prerequlefta to the pro- posed use oE the aubject property in order to preserve tl~e sAEety and qenerel welfare oF the Citixens of the Clty of Anehelm. l. Thal: a time limation of fi.h~ee (3) years shall be granted for the enclosure of SubjECl: prr~per.ty with a cha:~n link fence in lieu of l;he r.equired m~sonry wall, Upon request: by i:he peL:itioner after expiration oF said three (3) ye~rs, an adclitiona.l one year may be gran;.ed. if approved by the Planni• Corrmission or Ci~:y Counr,ll, as ap~.,rapr1~7t:e. .;'~+ _ _ ~" , f\ F , } ~ f I ~ I . ~ ; 1 I_ I _ ~ ~I 1'I THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and appcoved by me thi 5th day of May, 1966. ~ ~~ ~ HAtRMAN ANAHEtM r.ITY PLAN INr, COMMISStON ATTEST: ~~ ~~1/~ ~ t~-~e°~ SECRGTARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEI`A ) I~:Artn Krebs, Secretary of the Ciky Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the Eore- goin~ resolution was passed end edopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on April 25, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLREU, GAJER, HERBSTo MUNGALL9 PERRY, ROWLAND, CAMP~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: C0111MISSIONERS: NGNE~ IN WITNESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 5th day of May~ 19660 - ~'2 -?~t-~~ -% J'~ - ~c..~- SECRETARY RNAHEIM CxTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 2014 V2-G ~ ~ : , ~ ~ ~ ` , r:,,;,r . ...:ti , ~s -2- ~ S e ,,