PC 1965-1966-2019RESOLU'fIUN NO..._ 201y, SERIES ]y65-(,G A RF:SOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF 1'HF CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITTON FOR VARIANCE N0, 1~~ ~ BF, GRANTEb ,.. .,~v:':~ .,, \ ~ ~ ~ , i i ' ~ ~ •~ 1 ~. I l '' ~ ; A i .. "~Y~ j ~ -r-._ ~ WHEREAS, tlie City Pinnning Commisalon of the Clty of Anahelm did receivv ~ verified Petltion for Varience I rorri EUW1N ~;,, NECIIf.F.C?', Et AI., 725 WesC Anahcim, I,ony l.~er.ich, Callforriia, Uwner; C(.iI,WELf, ~~ HAY ARCHITEC7'S, ll~ Nortli Mcl~herson Rn,id, Ux~~nge, Californla, Agent, of cert~~in .real E~roperty s.tl,~iated In t,he CILy oi Anaheim, (~oiinty of Uz•anc~e, St.ate of C<~llforn.ia, described a; Ch~t, ~~ortion of ll~e not ttie~j,t quarter of i,he northeast quart.er of t.lie northeast quarter of Sect.l.on 22, Towr~ship 4;o~.it.h, ftange I1 West, in the Rancho Los Coyote,, ~i; s~~1d ser,tlon is shovan on a maE> recorded ii~ book 51 ~;age 11 of M3,ce11~i;~eous Maps, 1n the o(fice of the county recorder of said count;y, descrit:>~d:~s followss Heqinn[ii~ ,~~ ~hA ,o~ii,t~e,~,t corner of t.he nor.theast qu~arter of lhe northeast qu~~rter of t:he north- eas-. qu~,r.t.er of ~aid section 22~ thence we,t. 462.00 feetf thence north to the nortti line uf s~iid section 22; t.hence C~st along said nort.h line to the sout.hwe;~.erly line of i.he .riyht. oi way of t.he l.os Angcles lnter-Urb~n Rrailway; thence soutt;east.erly aluny said southwesterly line of ~aid right. of w~y to t,he point of intersection o( the samE~ with the e~~,~ 1 ine of s~i.d sect,ion 22; lhence sou~}-, to the point. ot beyinniny ; nnd WFiF.REAS, thP City Planning Commission did hold e public heoring at the Clty He11 in the Clty of Aneheim on AE~ril 25, 1.966, et 2:Q0 o'clock P.M„ notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given es rrquired by lew and in nccordance with the pr~visions of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chapter ~8,6R, to hear end consider evi~lCnce Eor end against said proposed varinnce wnd to investigete and make f~ndings end recommendetiuns in connec- tion therewith; and 44HEREAS, snid Commissi~n, aftc~ due inspection, irsvestigatlon, and study mede by it5elf end in its be~alf, end efter due consideretion oE ail evldence and reports ofEered at sa{d hearing, doe~ Eind and detertnine the following fscts: 1. Thet the petitioner reauests e varianr.e from the Anaheim Munlcipal Code; to permit the ereci.ion of a c:o~nmerr i~l st:r~.~cture ;7 Eeet high and withir~ 20 Pe~t of an R A Zone: Ser_tion I~oU~I U7Q( s-•a)wf,ich requixes that the s~~Lb~~r-,k of a corn;nercia] structure shall be i:~r~icc~ the heiqli~ of the proposrd building -~ or a~~4-f~~ot seLback~ 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstences or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use uE the property that do not epply generelly to the property or class of uae in the same vicinity and zone. 3. That the reqi.ested variance is necessary for the p:eservation end enjuyment of a eubstential property right possessed by other p~~perty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 4. That the requested varience w~ill not be materiatly detrimental tu the public welfere or injurious to the pnop- ertY or improvement:, in such vicinity and zone in which the property is loceted. 5. That no on~ aE~E>e~,i•tc! in oE,F~osition to sul;ject E~,~t~iLion~ V 1-G .,ti. -1- :~ r~ i _., j~ .~ i I I i , i I ~. ~ ~) 4 ~ . . ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .; ;; ~)F:._ ;`',.: , ,}~: •; ~ ~ ;; ;;.'" ; - ! ~ .,~ 1 ,,,' ~~.j ~.,~:~ v >`: i , s:~::_ ;~.; . NOW, THERf';~Okr, Bf: IT FESOLVGb that the Anaheim City P1Anning Commlgsiun docs hereby grant sub)ect Patltion for Verience, upon the following conditlons whtch ;are hereby Eound to be c~ neco~asHry prerequleite to the pro- posed use of the ~ubJect property in ordnr to preserve th~~ safety and generol welfnre o: the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1~ 'I'h;it t,his Variance i~ granted sub,ject to the comp]~~Lion ot' !2e~lassification No„ 65~hi,-104., 2„ Th~~t tr.~~,h ,Lorage are,~s sha.ll be provtded in accord~~nce wll,li ~~~proved plans on f'ile wi.th the ofFice oF the D~rector oE' Public Works. 3„ % tiat f i.ce t~ydrants 5ha1 ] be ir~stal.led as required ~nd delermi.ned to be nec:essary r~y Lhe ChieC uf the Firc~ Qepartment. ~„ Th,~L Condition Nos, ; ~nd 3, above mc~ntionedY sh~il bc complied with prlor te final burld.ing inspection. ~,.._ 5~ 7hat any airWconditioning facilities proposed shall be properly shieldec.i from view t~rom a!, t.ting st.reet(s)~ 6~ That: ,ubject property shall k~e aeveloped substantially in ac..orc'ance with plans ~~nd spec.tfications on file with 1:he (:iLy of Anahelm, markec~ Exhil~it Noo 5. THE FOREGOING f2ESULUTION is signed and approved by me thl 5th day of May, 1966~ ~ ~ ~, HAIRMAN ANAH~IM CITY PLA NING COMMISSION ATTEST: - 1 ~ ~/ /~~ / - '~- ~.;% t _ ~ ~. c_ f. ~.~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY UF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i I, ~Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- i going resolution w~s passed and edopted ot e meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on April 25, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: i AYES: COMMISSIONERS: AI,LRED, GAUER, NERBST, MUh'GALL, PERRY, ROWLANll, CAMP. ~ NOES: COMMISSInNERS: NONE~ I I ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE„ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 5th day of May, 1966a RFSOLUTION N0. 2~19 f ../ ' , ~L-''j~t ,~-L ~ ~ ~.~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2. . ...,.., ~~;t:_~ _ , ~ A ~