PC 1965-1966-2021HL"UL,U' I~ NU~ J071, StI~IE~1 a-F~i> A R~SUI.Uf1QN U1~ TFIE CI1'Y pI,ANNI ;G CUMMT;;SIUN UE~ Tlit: CI7Y Uf~ ANAIIFiM RI?CC)MMENC)1NV TU I'IIE CI:Y CUUNCII. ~~ TF{F CIi1~ C)f AP:AfIE.IM AN AMFNUMENI~ 'I'0 TJfL~ 17, Cll~f~1'~R 1.7,UA, SUEC~IVI5IONS OF TIIE ANAIiEIM MUNIC;IPA1, CUUE TI-~IZE.lc~ .... ~.~ \ •~ i i '~ .; ; , _~ ! _ 6 ; . ~ I~ x I ~ ! a . ~ ~ ~ ~, i ;i !~ - - ' "'~e~ w ~ 1 w, ;; ~;~ ~. ; ; WfIEf2cASr Sect~on 17~~~F o( ~h~? Ar7~hotm Munlclpal Code does not, p.rovide fo.r thc~ ~uhdtvi;;ion nf lot, ~f le„ th~n l,~p0 ~c~u~I•e ft~r,~s and WfIER~A5y t.he City E~lanntng Crimmf ;51on h•~s received recent V~riance p~Citlons i•equestinc~ subdivi.sion of pro~ert;~ appi•oved for R-2 and R-3 'Loned lot, f.o subdivide ;aid property into lots wi t.h ~~ lol are~i of 5,000 square feet and lot wldths of 50 Ceet. for development ~s sinyle-tan.lly lots; and ~~f;CRFAS, tllQ City {~lanning Crmini ssion did i.nitiate and ccnduct ~~ ~,uhl~~ ~~~~r_ ing o~i Aprll 2~,, ~96r>, ~o hear ancl con,ider evidence fpr ~nd against, said t~m~ndrnent to I'it.le 1'1, and to investigate and make findings and recomrnenda~ionsJitl connection tn~rewitn; anci WHERL•.AS, the Cily Planr~ing Commission did adopt said amendment at tl~e reyuJ.ar mee ting or~ Apri 1 25, 1956 ~ h'~W, TfiFREFC)RE, gE T I' RE5uLVEU that the i:ity {~lanni.ny Commission of Che City ot Anaheia~ does recommend to the Cily Council of the City of Anaheim the adopt.lon of an amendment to ~fitl~, 17 oF the Anaheim Municipal Code as follows: "CEIAE~T~R ]7.Of3 - SUBDZVIS;I?NS S~C:ION 1'i.Ot3.100 - LOTS (a) I,ot areas shall be such as will con:orm to the standards of develop- ment 3s defir~ed in Tit1e la of this Code, entitled "ioning", or by othF ~fficial plans adopted pursurint ~to .law. (t;) Lots having no front~~qe on a public strePt may be cause for dis~ppraval of a subclivision. (c) The width of lots sh~;ll be such as wi11 conforrn to s~ardards of development a s definEd ic~ 1'itle 18 of this Code, entitled "Wning", or by other official plan; adopted pursuant to lawa Residential reversed . orner lots shal l f~ave a rriinimum width of seventy-eight and one-half (78,5) 'eet except in the R-2 and R-3 Zones wk~ere single-family 50-foo~, lots are prop~,sed. Reverse corner lots in the R-U Zone shall rt~quire a minimum ~aidth of 97 faet, The minimurr, widtl~ of odd shaped lots shall be subject to individual determination by the City~" ~illE FCiREGOING RESULUTIGN is signed and appro ed by me this 5t;~ d f May, 1966. ~,c./ i¢~ / ~1T7ES"f: ~~'+IRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAI NING ISSION (.-'i-?/LI'C/ `~.{~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO,W~ISS IOPJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY UF AiVAHElf~ ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Conunission of the City of Anaheim do hereby r.ertify t~,at the foregoinc; resalution was of the City ~lanning Commission of the City of Anaheim,5heldnonaAprild25, 1966etatg 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereofs AYES: COM.~~ISSIONERS: ALLREC, GAUER, FIERBST, MUNGALL, PEkRY, RUWLANp, CqMp, ~~S ~ CGMMISSIONERS : NONE. ABSENTs COMMISSIONERS: NOfJE, IN WITNESS WHEREUF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~b day of May, 1966. /~vu,.>7%~~.-~J~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM~SSION ~