PC 1965-1966-2022HESOLU'I'iUN N0~ ; U;;'y S~iR1:CiS l9(~'",-E,u A f3ESOLUTION 01~ TIIF CI'fY PLA~INING C~hiM.i~STON OF TFIIi CITY 01~ AilAlIt1M 1'lIAT {~E.~`CIT10N FroH Q)NDJTIONAL USC PERMIT ~31 fsL= GkAN'1'EU .,. :ro~!&. \ '' ~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~ WIIL'RE:AS, the Cil,y Pl,~nnin~ ~omn,ission of the Ci~y ~~f' An~~hei~~, .iici recraivc~ a varif'iecJ Petit.ion ~or Conclitional Use Pc~:init froin ED'J'~AF2D J. 1=IOkiLLA~ 13U1 l~rit.t.r~ny Cross Road, Sant•~ Anra, C~~1 if:~rnia, Owner; Phil F~isciott.a, IF3'~~, G~sl. P,icif ic C~a~t. Hiqhw~~y~ Lc>n~3 He~;cl~v Ca]iforni~,. A~~e~nt nf certain rca;~l pr~~~erly situr~t.ed in the Cit.y ~f An~heiin, Couni.y c~f Or~~n~~e, Stat.a c~f Calif~~rnia~ dc,~cribr,il ~s t.hai ~~ort;on of Lot. '~ ~~f Anah~iin ~xtensi~~n, as ~h~wn c,n ~~ intip ~f survey by William Nr.imel, ;~ckno4vleciqec! bY Alf'red R~~binson, trustee, 7~c~cord~~c1 in Las Anqnles Cc~unty,C,:~lifornia~ ~.'~~sc;ril:~eii ~is Collowsi Becainninc~ ~~+ ,~ l,olt inaz~kir~ intersection or' Placentia Doul~v~~rcl. c~nd Cenfer St,rF~et, an~i runninry 1.f~enc~~ ~lonp t.hc~ centerline of said Cent.er St,reel., 5oi.~t.h 7A°?7'~,(~" P~est lU!';.33 f~et; t,hen~e Nort.f~ l;°3~~'?U" We~t. 1~~;'.9U fr.~rt; ihc~nc~, Nnzlh Ri~~~;j~3p~~ East 1:~7•~3 feet: t.o n F>oint.,, in the cenl.erlinc~ of Pl~ceni:ia E3oulevard t.henr,f~ alonc~ said r,enterline Sou~h U"U~~'~~~ v~~`t. l~ll.~~3 fcet to the no~nt n(' bc~~inn.ng; ~XCEP7',NG tl~crc•- ft•om tl,at portion includeci in F:~~.ii.,lie higl~way aionc~ the sauth anci cast sides ~~f saic; ]and ; and WHERGAS, thE~ City Planninn Commission did ho1c3 a pt.it~l ic fiear ine~ at. tJ~e Cit.y lia11 in the C'ity of An~~heirr, on M~y 9, ]96Gy at ;:00 0' ciock P.h1~ ~ not. ic~~ ~~f saicl puk,? ic hearine~ t~avinq been clu.ly c~iven ~~~s rec{uired by law anci in ~ccordancr_~ with t'~e provision: , oC the An~heim ~iunicipal code, Chapter 1~.C>4~ to f~e~r ancl consicler evidence cor and ac~ainst saicl proposE~d conditional use ~~nd Lo :nvestic~ate and ~r~ake rindinqs ~nd recc~,~~- ~rend~~t.;ons in connect inn therewitl;; and WHEkEAS, saicl C~,n~ni,sion, af~er due insE~ection, investigation, and study ~~,ade by itself ~~nd in its behalf., anc! ~~fter du~ ronsider~~tion c:' a11 evid~nc~~ and reports offered a1. s~ici heari~g, does find and detern;ine th~ folloaving facts: 1. That the proposed use is ~;ro~erly one for which a Conditional Use Perr;i' is authorized by tfiis Co~1e, t~.~ wit: est.ablis!~ a d.;.ive-thru restatir~nt witf; waiver:; of: ~; ~ ~ }~ ~i ~ ~ ' ~ i ~ ~. 1 •, '~;',ii SECI'ION 1Fj.n0.0?(1(3-a) - Hequired buildinry set.hac~: fro~;~ a re~;cient_ial zone (3f~.u-foot. sett~ack required for bu~lclinc3 hei~F;t of l9'3" - 10- foot setbac~ pi-oposed alono the west pz•opertly line)~ SEGTION 1~~.~UsO?U(6) - Required 6-foot rn,,sonry va311 ~butt inq a residential zen~ on t.ho west property line~ ; ''e Th~at the ~roposed Us~~ will not adversely affect the ad_joiniri~ lanc3 uses an.i ` the ~rowth and developrnent nf the area ir which it is proposed to l~e ]ocated. ~~ 3. That the si~e and shape of t.he site proposed for t.l~e use is adequate t:o allotv r; ' the full d~velopment of' the proposed use in a rnannei not detri~nental t~ tlie particula: ',~ area nor to ihe peace, h~~alth. safF~ty, and qeneral ~velfare of tt~ie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. " 4. That. th~e qrantina of' the Conuit:onal Use P~~r,r;it uncler the conditions imposed, '' if any. wili not be detriment~l to the peace, health, safety, ~nu general welfare o; the Citizens of t}~~ City of Anaheim. 5. That ur,der the authorit.y of Section 1~.64.07C waiver of th~ required building setback to permit developr,~ent v~ith a 10-foot setback from the ~vest prorerty line is nereby granted. 6. Th~t. under t}-ie authority of Section 1R.64,070, waiver of the reyuired 6-foot rnasonry wall adjacent to the west property line is t~ereby granted. 7. Tl~at one person ap~~eared in conditional opposition 1.o waivers requested. C1-G -~-~~. - 1 - ~ i ,..;~i;~ 1 ~~ ;~ s ~ i , ~ )• :h I ' ~- I i i N~W, TH~;R~FURE, li~ iT RESOI,V~D thnt the Anaheim City Flanning Commiaeion does heroby grent aubJect Petttlon for Condilionnl Uso Pecmit, upon the followtng conditiona whlch ore hereby tound to be N neceasery pterequlafte to the propoaod uee oC the Aub)ect ptoperty in ocder tu preserva lhe safety nnd geneenl weltere of the Citlzen~a of the Clty o! Annheim: 1. T17at. ~.he ownec•(,) of aub,ject propcrty shall pay to t}~ie City of Anal~~eim thc~ ,um ~f 15~ pcr front. foot alonn Stat.~ Colleqe Noulevard and Center Si.r.eaC, for tree p]ani.inc~ purpose:;. ?. TN~~~t the ; icl~walks and drivew~~ys sht~11 be install~~r.l alonq Statr Coll~~qe I3o~.ileva.rd and Cc~nte~r S t..re~t ~ , requ ired by t,h~ Ci t.y E:nc; ineer ,.3nd in arcorcl7ncc~ wi lh s? andard F,1 ~ns and sp~cif ir.at i~~n: ~~n f~ 1e in thr of1'icr~ of thE: City Engineel•. :;. Tl~at tr~~~~~.!. C~ ~raqe areas shall t>,-; provlded in acr,ordance wit.h ~~pprnvecJ pl~ns on Cile witl~ the ~~~ficc ~:~f tl~c Direci;oi• of Puhlic W~~i•ks. ~~. 1'hat C~~r,di ~ior~ No. 1, ~ibove ~Tir.ntic~~ I, shal l b~ compl~ied v,~it.li prior to Ch~~ tinie I:I~,~t, the f3uilcling Perr~it: is issuecl or witJ~in a p~riod ~f ltiO deys froi;i date herrof, whic:~,~~vc~r accur. s f' ii :, t, ~~~r such f urt.her t i rne as t.I,~ Co~T~mi ss ton or Ci ty Counc i l r,~ay c~rani.. ">. ri~~:,r r.~.~n~i;tion IJos. 2 and '3~ ~~k~ove irinntionr.d. sha11 be <;omplicrl wii.h prio:• t.n fin~l buildin~ in:•,pec:I,ion. (~, That any air-conditioninG faciliiirs p.roF,osed shall be ~,roE;ec~ly ~hfelded fruin vic~w From abutt.inc~ sl,r~~et(,). 7. Tha~ si,~ject properly sliall be develoF>ed su~~stantially in ar.cor~lancc~ with pl<~ns and speci f i~ at, iors or~ f i le wi t h t.he Ci t.y of Analie i rY~, marked E,;hif:~ i t Nos. 1 I.IiI•ouqi~ ~1; provjded, Iio~r~ever, that, all sii,e develoF~ment st~~ndards of t.l~e C-1, Zone, except as waived ab~ve, sf~all be provided. THE FOREGOlNG RESOLUTION is signed tmd epproved by me thi~ 19ttt day of May, 1966. ,~. ! AIRMAN ANAHG(M CITY PLANN~NG COAt 1SSION ATTEST: ~ , ~-J.-Z ,.~ . ~_ . ' ~ (_~~.,~:: ; SECRETARY ANAHEIU CITY PLANNING COMMIS5ION ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHBIM ) T, Ann Krebs, Secretnry oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was passed and edopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Cor~imission of the City of Aneheim, held on PAay 9, 1966, At 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote o[ the members thrreoE: AYFS: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, GAUER, HERBST, MUNGALL, PERRY, ROVJLAND, CAh1P~ NOES: COMMISSIONEKS: NONf:~ ABSENT: COMh1ISSI0NERS: NONI:~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hnvehereuntc~ set my hnnd this 19th day of May~ 1466. ~ `~ J/. r Y_- ) /i /-I ' J ~-7`--~ ~ /..~.~'t "~J1 SECRETARY ANAHEIb1 CITY PLANNING COMMI55ION ri:,. ', ; '~. i .{ ~ ~ --~ l "a~x. >~ ~ l x'~ I ,,;~., :,:::- RESOLUTI~JN N0. 2022 C2-G -Z- , ~-,.:r: , :~tr+;`•1.:?~ ~