PC 1965-1966-2045RGSOLUTION N0. Z~`~~, SGitIES 1')65-po A nESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNiNG CO;NMISSION OF TNG CITY ~F ANAHEIM THAT PETITInN FOR CONDiTiONAL USE PERMIT 8n3 _BE aRANTED _ ~!~s ~ ~ ~ ~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiesion of the City of Maheim did receive e vecifi~d Petltion tor Cunditionel Use Pormit (rom U'JJE;~ A, ~~1Ui~RAY, 1757. Rai ~k,ow Urive, Santa Ana, California, ~v;r~~r~ :~li.L W. ,':t31.EY, 302 ~ast :~roadway, An~hetm, Cdliforni,~, tiyent of c~rtain real property situ~:~ed in Che Ci~y of F,naheim, County of Urange~ State of Colifornla, described e~s ti~at pcrtio~ of f.ots 1~+nd 2 of 3urkle's Subrllvision of a portiun of Vineyard ~ot "E:i'", ,.~; pc~r map !hereof recurded in E3ook 1, paye 36 of ~J~i~cellUneous Maps, records of saici (,ranye ~:our~+.y, ~iescr.ibed as foliowss tseginniny at a point on '.he Easterly line of sai~i i.ot 1, 10.25 leet Sout.herly from t.he :Jortheas+.erly corner thereof t thence Southerly alon~ ~h~ Last line of i.ot 1~ 129.75 feet~ thence ~'~'esterly along u line par.allel to the ~dvrtherly lii~es ot :.ot,s 1 and 2, 'i9.5U` f~et.; tf;erice ;dortherly along ~, 11ne parallel lo the Fasterly line of said ~ot. 1, 129.I~ feet, to a point 10.2`~ feet Soutnerly measured alona said parullei line frorn th~e ;dort~~?rl~~ line c,; safd Lot 2; t;;ence East.erly p~~ra11e1 to the Nortnerly line uf s~i~: ;.0`..S 1 d~lc~ ~. 79.`.'~U faat tn tho ~~n{.,+ .,~ .,..-.t ..~.,~ ~ efld WH~REAS, thc City Planning Commis$ion did hold a publlc hearing et the City Hell in the City o( Anoheim on .~iay 23, 1955, nt 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice oE said public hearing having been duly glven as requtred by law ond in accordance with the provislona oE the Aneheim Municipel code, Chepter 18.6~, to hear end conslder evidence for end egainst soid proposed condltional use end to investlgete end meke findings end recommendAtlons in connection the~ewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, aEter due inspe~tlon, investlgetion, and atudy mede by itself end in its behelf, end after due consideration of all evidence end reports offered et said hearing, does find and drtermine the following fects; ~_ 1. That the poppsed use is properly one for which a Canditional Use Permit is authorized by this Code~ .~~.c~tion l~'.~O.UF,C?~e) to est.at~lish an existing wal}:-l~p restaurant in a rew structul.e as <, confar,.~ina use on su~,iec,t E?rr~E,ert.y. 2, That the proposed use will not adversely aEfect the edjoining land uses end the growth end development oE the area in which it is proposed to be loceted. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed £or ;he use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimentel tu the particular eree nor to the peace, health, sefety, c+nd generel welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, iE any, wi-1 not be detrimental to the peace, health, sefety, and general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Aneheim. `. T~:at no one nppeared in :~p~:osition to subject petit.ion. -1- ~ ~ l ~", "1 ~~. 'i F; ~ , NOW, TF{F.RF.FORE, 8E 1T RESQLVED thet the Anehelm City F~lanning Cumminelon doea horeby grant subject Petition fot Condltlonnl Use Permlt, upon the Eollowing conditlons which are hereby found td be e necegaery pterequlelte to the proposed uae ot fhe KubJect p~operty in order to pre~ecve the aotety and generol welfare of tho Citixens of the C1ty ot Anahelm: 1. That t.he ;idewalks sha]1 k~~ rep;~i.red a],one~ Citron Street., as :~eyuir~u by t.hc City Enqlneer and in accordancc: with ~tandai•d plans ~nr~ specifications nn file in i:l-~e offic~ of tl~e Ci~:y F:nginc~er. ;%,. Th~t. tt~~5h storage areas sh~711 bE provided in accordancc witf~ approv~d plans on file a~,ith th~ off~icr of the D~recto.r of Pub~ic Wc?rks. 3. iha1: t,he ~wner(s) o;' subject prop~rty shall deed to the C1~t,y of Anaheim a strip of l.~nd "1.7.7~ feet in widtn, from the centar line of t;he strerC, along Citi~on 5*.:eet includ- ing a 15-f~c~t radius corner rel..i_~rn, for strc~et wfdF~ning purposes, and shall be complied with prior to final buil.d~nq in,p~~~:r.'ion or within a pariod of 1Fj0 days from ditc hex•eof, whichevc~r. occ~rr, first, or such Further tin•~e as t:he Commission or City Council m~iy qrant, 4~ 'I',~at Corid:tion Nr~~;.~ ] and 2, ab~vr ;~~~ntiuned, sh~ll be cornpli~d with prior to fi.nal buildinc~ and zoning ;nspections. `~. ~i~~it any air conclitio~tng facil it9es E~ror:osec~ shall be properly shielded from view fr~~m ~t:uttinq stre~ts. ti. Th;~,t. sub;ject pro~.~~rty sh,~ll t>e aeveloped s»bstantially in accordancc ~vith plans and spe~,ificati,~r„ on fi)e with the Gity of Anaheim, marked Exhibit~ Ivos. 1, ?., 3, and n. TNE FOREGOiNG RESOLUTiON Is signed and epproved by me this 2nd day of June, 1966. -~ ~ .f~~ CHAI~MAN ANANEIM CITY PLANN G COA1M SSfON AT'T£ST; ~~ ..~~ /; ~ %L2 z 2_-%~,-c,~C•k? ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CiTY PL,4NNTNG COMMISSiON STATE 0~ CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY O~ ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the toregoing resolution was passed and adopted at e meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim, held on ~ti,~y 23, 19b5, at 2:00 o'clack P.M., by the foll~wing vote of the members thereof: AYGS: COMMiSS[ONERS: ALLRED, GAUER, HERBST, AtUNGALL, PERRY, RCxNLAI~~D,CAM1IP~ NOES: COMIIISSIONERS: NOPIE~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this 2nd day of June, 1966. ; ~~~,~L~C.~ '~<._ '-c'_~ ~ ' ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 2045 C2-G -2- . ~r.iU~. ~