PC 1965-1966-2049:j'i,' ; ..,~:ob~s ;, i~ ,\ ~ ,~ ~~ ~i ~ , i ; ~ ~ i ^ i ~. ~ ~1 ,i ''i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ,.:1~ .~_~ :~~~ ;. ~ ; .... , i 1 .,;,;,,' ~,~~..~ ~; ~, l ._E+~i~- * ~. RESOLUI'1AN N0, 2U"~y> ~~E31C:5 19t>;-~:;6 A RESOLUTIdN OF THE CITY PLANN[NG COMMYSSION OF THE C!'i'Y OF ANAH~IM RECOMMENDING TO THE C1TY CqUNCIL OF THE C(TY OF ANAfiEINi TIiAT PETITION FOR R~CLA5S[FICATION N0. ~=~~'nE~`l l' 8E APPROVED WHEREAS, the Clty Plenning Commieelon of the Clty of Aneheim dld recelve e verlfied Petition fot Reclemsiflce- ~ion from LAWRENCE A, ~~1UCKCNI'HALER, 1530 Avolenr,ia Drive, Fullerton, Califorr:ia, ~wner; :~~ANIGL F~VGINGFE2IIVG CUMPANY, ~ox 3G68, ;,;~aheim, i,'alifurnia, Agert c~i cer;.ain real property ~ituated in tlie City of E~naheim, County of Oranye~ State of Californi~, d?scribed as the ao~rth 100 feet of the Edst 217~8 feet of the No.rtheast yuarter of the Soulhw~st quarter of ~he iJorthwest quartr~r of Sectior 9, in 1'ownship ~~ ;outh, Range 10 'Nest, in the i?<,~~cho Sari J~an C~jon de ~;c~nta Ar,~~, as shown on a m~p thereof recorded in book 51, pa~~~ 10, Mlsc~llaneous h1aps, rerords c~t said C~rangP County; EriCEPTING ~CfIEREFF~C~M that portion as convey~d to urange County Flood Control L~istricC, by cJeed recorded August 21, 1951, in book 4012, paye gq9, Official Records, in tl~e oiiice of the County kecorder of saic~ Grar;ge County ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hesring et the Clty Hetl in the City of Anaheim on '~4aY 23+ 1966, ut ?:00 o'clock P.M, notice of snid public hearing heving been duly given as required by lew end in accordence with the provisiuns o! the Anaheim PAunicipe! Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for and against seid proposed reclasstfication and ;o investigete and meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inapection, investigation, and study mede by itself end in its behelf, end after due cor-sideration of all evidence and reports o(fered et seid hearing, dors find and determine the [ollowing fects; 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclessificetion of the above described property from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZO~~IE to the G1, GC-~lERAL ~MhiERCIAL, ZOtdE t<~ esf.ablisf~ a neinhborhood s'r~oF~pinn center. ?. That the proposed use. if approved, constitutes such a minor deviation, that no immec~iate amendment to tha General Plan is necessary; however, its relations!iip to tne existine~ Genc~ral Plan syrnbol ~vill be ~onsidered at the next ann~~al review. 3. That the proposed reclesslficetion of subject property is necessary and/or desireble tor the orderly end pro- per developnrent of the community. 4. Thet the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly reletg to the zones end their permitted usea locally eateblished in close proximity to subject ptop~rty and to the zones and thei~ permitted uses generally estab- lished throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does not. r.equire t_he dedication and improvement of abutting streets i.n accordance with the Circulation Elernent c~f the General Plan, because street improvements and dedication }~ave been completed. 6. That no one appeared in opposition to subject petit.i.on. F2-A .1. ~ , .- ,~.~M'.. i' h .t,, , ,~ ,' NOW, '11~IEREFORE, F~~ IT .:~50LVED tbat tha An~t~~is Clty Pl~nnln,,.~o~nml~elon d~e h~reby recbmmnnd to the Clty Cauncll o( the Clty ot An~Mim th~t eub)~ct P~tltlon tot ReclasNtlest~on b~ ~pproved and, by so doing, that Tltle 18-xoninQ of th~ Aneh~fm Munlcip~l Cod~ be woen~ed to ~x~~ud~ t1w ~bow ~r~~ Pro~ ~~ the R-A , Agricultural, Zoi1N, and to incorporate said described property inta t,-~e C-]., Gnner.~l Cnmmercial, Zone, upon the followiny r.onclitioi~~ which are heret~y found f:n bn a nec~~~s.,z•y ~rereyuisite to the proposed use of subject property in or~ler t,o pxeserve t17e safeLy and yenera~ welf~~re oi the citizer~s of the City ot Anaheimt 1. 7'hat the owner( s) of sub j ect property shall p,7y to t:he Ci t~~ ~;' /;n~.~li~~~i~r l.l~e s;u,; ~f $;~, 00 p~~- frorrt: foot alon~3 Loara Stt•e~t, For streaL ligt~t.ii~g pur~c~sc~s. .. That the o~,rner( ~. ~ of s~~bj acL propei ty rhal] pay to th~~ Ci ty of An~,r~r~ i ie the s~.~;~~ or" 1'~¢ uFlr ~ ront foot alonn Lu~~~a Street, for Cree lani;in "~. 7h~t t.rash sio~•aci~~ areas shall be provldecl in Pcco~rdance wit!~ a~,~~r~ved ~.ians on File with the c~ffice oF ~.I;e D: ector of 1'ublic Works, 4. That the s.i~~uw~7lks sh211 be inst,alled r'~ng Loara S{;r~et,, a~ r.~~quirr-d by th~: City Engineer anci in accarcl<~n~:~~ wi~t~ standard plans anci ~~ecif'icatic~ns on file in t}~e o"rf ir,~ of the City I;ng ineer. `:~. Th~3t Condifinn 1dos. 1 and 2, above tT~hlltl011eca~ shall be c~7r,,pli~~ci with vritl:in a peri~~c~ of l80 day~ f.ro~:, t.!iL~ ciate hereof, or such E'urther ti;ne as the City Council rnay ctzant. G. Th~3t Conc?iti~~n Nos. 3~~nd 4, above ~r~entionec9, shall b~.~ con;~,lied with ~~ri~r t~~ final bu ~ ldin!] an~l ~o~ing inspect.i ona. 7. That any ~:~ir cunditionin~ fac~il.~ities proposc~d ~hall be E~,r~~E,eriy shicl~le~l fro~n vietv fr.om ab~,tti.ng str~~nt(S). i~-~-j THE FOREGOING RESOLU~'ION la sian~d and epprov~d by, me thl~ 2 d day of June, 1966. ` , ~~ J ~ .C~z c~ ~~~ ~~ f AdRNAlV AliAHEllI CI'iY INQ CObIb(ISSION ATTE5T; i ;. ' ? , . i ~I':'72~ /i~~ ,C~/ .-__ ; i SECRETARY ANAHBI61 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNU ) COLTN'T'Y CF ORANGE ) aa~ CIT'Y OF ANANEI~ ) i, Ann Krebs, SecreRery ot the City Plannlne Comml~rla~ of t6e Citr ot Mahelm, do hensy certify thot the fore- going reaolution was Raaatd aa+d adopted ~t ~ n~eetina ot th~ City Pl~nnin~ Comadseion af the City ot Meheim, held on ~y:ay 23, 1966, ~t 2;00 o'clock P.M., by the tollo*ina vote oi the membere thereof; AYES: CO#~ILlISSIONERS: F,LLP,ED, GAUER, HERBST, ~l~UNGALL, PFARY, ROVlLAND, CAN~P. NbES: COMMISSIONERS: NOfJE. ABSENT: COIdMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto set Ay hand tW^ 2nd day of June, 1966. ~ ~ RESOLUTION Np, 2049 R2-A G~~ Z -,-~. ~-c. ~~-/. SECRETARY ANAHEIAi C]TY PLANNWG COMMISSION .~. l~ ~