PC 1965-1966-2054f?~:~C)LU'I'IUN ~~U, 205Ai SFCt1~S l~6°i-~:~6 A RIiSUI.U"CIU;~ Oh 1'II" CI'IY I'LAIJ~~INi; C(JMM1SSIc)N C1F ]'IIF. CI'I'Y UF A~~~ANETM lZ~:':v~ViMENGlNG 1~) "IH(~ C1'~Y (:Ui.!~vC(I. UF l'tlE CIIY Ui~ ANAFI~.P~1 !~ S"liiL'1~l NA~ti1E C:fU~idGE k~UR NAI.;~I I.ANE 'fU E'A1.M~ 1"~Al', ThiHKEI'u '+Vi!F:RL-A:;, Palrn Lane is ~.~snd ior a;,treet r.i.innin~~ easterly from Euclic~ Stree'. 1;; w~;i ~~:, ~outlierJ.y (cc:,m li~ll Iload; a~~,l wl-~EREns, ,I1H City Nlanniny "ummi~,sion did hol.: ~~~tii~lic heariny at th? City H~1i in ~~e ~:.ity uf Anaizeim on h1~~y 23, 1?h~,, at 2:00 o'clock P,h1,, not.ice o~ said p~iblic he~:ring ,:r:~vinc~ been duly :~i.ven as rcq~iired by law and in ~jCCOT~I~:~nce witl, the prarisians of tf•.e ~~1nal~ieim ~~lu~~icip~~l Co~ie, to fiear. an~l co;;sider. evldence for and agains~ said propo~,:ed sc.reet ~~am~ c;~:,nge; and WIiF.REF,S, said Commission, ~~fter d~ae inspection, investigation, and s~u~iy rn~~~J~ r~y i~sel.f and in i~s bei~alf, an;i after due r.onsideratiori of all evidence and reports offFred at sai~1 heariny, does finci anc; de~ermine the foliowiny factsi 1. 1'hat considerabl~ con~~~sion to postal a~.~thorittes ~nd emergency vehicles h<~s resulLed ',rom L~~e ~isa ot the narne Palm Lane for intersect.ing east-west an~i nort"~-south street5; and 2. Cnat @c~5t-WQS± Palm l.ane is the only one usea for street identification by the ~ipart.ments located in t,h~+t vicinity; an~l 3. 1'hat i:lentificatioi~ of "Pa1m" for said streets should be retained beca~se of t1iP numerous palm trees which grow on both streets. NON~, TfiEREFURt, 3E IT RESOi.VEU tl~at the nor;.h-south street now designated as P~,lm i.a~ie r e cr,anged to Falm Way on the basis of the ,oreg~ing findings. I~HE FUREGUI~JG R~SOLUI'Iu;~J is signed anu approv~;i by me~this 2nd day of June, 1~a66~ ~ " ) ~ ~~'-~~ ~st-.. C' RMAi ANAMEIM CITY PI.ANiJI,~lG COi~1M SSIU~; A'f`I~~S~i : ~"" ; , _~~-~=?~[ s ~~~" t_ ~4~. ,. ~E:CRf:?~ARY AtdAHEIM CI~i~' PLANNING C0~'v1MISSION S'IAT': ~F CALIFUP,N?A j CGUN1'Y OF UE?A~;E ) ss. CI"C1' uF A~JAi{E.I,1^, ) i, An;, Kret,s, ~ccretary of ti~e ,.;ity Planning Co~~mission c,f tt:e ~ity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that t'r;e foreg.>iny resolution was passecl and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held an M~y 23, 196b, at 2:00 o'clock P,h~., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CUMh1ISSIVNERS: Ailred, Gauer, Herbst, ,Vlunyall, Perry, Rowland, Camp. NOES: CO~Wr1ISSIGUERS: None. AE3SEti7: CU~U~i~;ISSIONERS: 'lone, I~d WITNESS WFiEREOF, I have her?unto set my hand tnis 2nd day of J::;,e, 1966. ~~ i . J . ~' 1~ Z ~-~~' ~ - ~2.'_ ~~_i SECRETARY ANAfiEIM CITY PLANNIN~ COMldISS?UN ti ~ . ~ ~