PC 1965-1966-2058I ~ , - . RESOLUTIAN N0, ~`~~'~ SERIE~ 196;i••66 A RESOLUTION O~' TNE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM , RECONiMENDING TO TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANANEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO.f~`~`~~C~-1 ~c~ gE APPROVED ~~ WHEREAS, the Cit~ Plennlng~Commiasion of the City of Aneheim did receive a vedtied PetiHon tor RecleRSiflca. tion from p~Ta~~'TA F~ ,JACKSON, 1'7GG0 Walnut Strcaet, Fountain Valley, Cal if~~t ni~,, Owr,F~x; ~~f <<rr~lain re~,l propert,y ,it~aated in the City of An~heiin, County of' Or~nge, Si,ate ot' CaliCnlnia, ,Ir>~;r•r it~ed as '!'he We~t. f~?r fe~t of thc~ ~ast ~47,~ feei: oF the no:ct.f~wesi: quart~~i ,;f' !.~ ~ norLhWP51. ~:: ~rtr,i nF 1:he nort.heasl: quarier of Section 23, TnWf1SI11~ ~ sr~uLhY (tanqe 11 we,t~ `~,.l3.,F3. 8 M. F_.'l.(~I::!''I'ING tl~~~raf'roni ilie nartl~ 396 feet ~ ; end WH~RFAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of AnahFim on Jt~n~ f>~ 1'-)(>f, ~at 2;00 o'clock P.M, notice oE sc~id public heering having been duly given es required by law c;rd in accordance with the provisions of the Anehelm Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to heor and consider evidence Eor end ag~inst seid proposed reclassification end to investigate and make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commission, aEter due inspection, investigetion, ond study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of ell evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follox~ing facts; 1, That the petitioner Qroposes a reclassification oE the above described property from the R-A, Aqrict~ltural, Zone to the R-2, Mult~p]e Fa~,ily Residential, Zone to establish an ~-urit studio garden aparLmer,t develop~rent. ~'. That t.he proposed rec1assiFication is cor~sidered in conjunclion Hrith General Plan . A~t,Pndmen t P+o. 7t+, i , ~ ; .~ ,e 3. Thet the prop~sed ceclassi#ication of subject propert~~ is necessery and/or desirable tor the urderly and pro- per developnrent of the commuqity. 4. That the proposed reclassificetion of subject property does properly rel~ate to the zones and tt~eir permitted uses locally esteblished in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally esteb- liahed throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject p:operty does no~ require dedication, but does require improvement of abuttiny streets in accordance with the Circulation Element oF the General Plan. o. That the si:e and shape o~ the subject property is suitable for. iow-•medium density •residential development. 7. That eleven persons appeared, one of whom presentec? a petition signed by 77 property owners in opposition, and five persons appeared in favor oi' subject petition. R-A -1- - ~;M:~:.. ?~ ~ . ~_' ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ,.GSOLVED thet the Anahelm City Plannins ~ommlaslon doea heroby cecommend to the City Council of the City nf Aneheim that ~ub)ect PeNt!on for Recleeeitlcation be eppwved ond, by su doing, that Title 18-Zoning oE the Anaheim Municlpel Code be amended to exclude the above deacribed property trom the Fi~;1 Ar~r~iciili.ural Lan~~, arici to incorE>or~~te sai~l de,crik~~~l E,ro~,erty ini~~ tho f2-.>y Mulli~,l~:~ I'nni3?y Ctesidr~ni:ia~, ~onE~, uF~nn tht~ Foll~~winc~ cunr)it ions wliir.l~ ;rr~:~ I~rrr~hy fnw~cl I~, h~~ ;~ nrc~:~sr„~I~Y ~ F11't?1.t?t~U1~1tC 't,Cl {~lt ~,1'OFOfCd Ugn C)l SI.Il7~'JtC~. ~.)T'O~J~'Cl',y ln p[d(?r ~o ~)~'(.'6f~:['V~' ff11? S~'tlf'~v rlflcl !~C'11P1'71 w~,' c riro nt l li~ c i t.i'zens oF i:hc~ Ci ly c,p Anaheim: 1. TI18~ street. iiripi~ovement pl~u~s shall be preF~~~red and all enqineE~~ring r•ec~uircn~ents c~t~ 1}i~ CiLy oP Anaheim ~~li~ne~ 1,a~7e7•c~se DrivN, such Us cui•bs anci qui.t.ers, sl~iew~,lks~ rt.i•eel ~7c~,: iin<a ~nrl povin~~, cir~iin,ac.~c~ f~:~cilities, or ot.her ~ppurt.enant. wc~rk sl~~~ll be cr~;r,plete~:1 as ~reyuii•ec:l i~y the Cf ty Engineer and in accordance with sl.andard plans .~ii~i sp~cif ic,it. ior~s or~ f il~ in Lhe ofl'ice of t.l~e Cily ~nyinE~er; anci t.hat ~~ bond in ari amo~.uit ~~n~i for~~; salisFartnry t~, t}~e Cit.y ~>!' Ari,~ihc~lin shall be post.ec~ wilh l.he Clty to q~iarantee the trisl,~ll;~l,ian of saici t11C'~1f1NC']"'Ifl~a 1•e~~uii•emerits. - 2. Tt~at tf;e nwner ~f s~ibjecl pi•aperty shall p.3y to the Ci1y af Analieiin il:~ stin~ oC ~:~.~)~ ~.' ~ E'~r fi•ont: font. alanq l.~~nei ~.~se Drive, for street li.ghtin~i piii~~~x~ses. 3a That tl~e owner of subject. F~roperty shal] pay to t.he Cii.y c~f' An,~hein~ tl~e su~n oC l~i~ E~~~~r f'rr,~t, ('oot a]ong I,anerose Drive, fox tree planting purp~~se~~ ~~.. 1'h~at C~niiition Nc~s. 1, 2~ and :~~ ~bove nienti~necl. sfir~~ll be r.nmplieci tl~ilh wiihin ~a ~~~i~Ir~~l o[' lf~C) riays t'ron; date 'r~~:reuf, c,r su;,l~ ftlrther t.i~~~a a, ~I;o ~'ily Counc:i; i~i:~y ~~rant~ :~ , THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved b~ me thisl"r th day of June, 195G. ~ ~ ~~ . / ~~ ~ C ~1 I CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA PlING COMMISSION ~ ~ ~i ~ ;,~> * Y ' ~ . j .~x: r,: {rr` i 'y 'I ~ y~:. r .,' k i ATTEST: i%~ ~ ~ ( . [.~ ~ ~: "l- > ~ Z - ' " ~ ~ L-~ ~~L ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAFiEIM ) I, Ann Kre~s, Secretary of the City Plenning Commission oE the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- t going resolution was passed and adopted et e meetin~ of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on •June 6 y 1'~f>t", et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vate of the members thereof: ;j AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, HErbst, Mungall, Perry. ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Rowland. ,': , ~*. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. ;•,~ ~ ;` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hcreunto set my hend thislbth day of June~ 19660 . -_ . "~ '~1 ~ ,.,; ~~~:-,, .. C ~ . .} '~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION t RESOLUTION N0. ~` RZ-A ~~5~ r~ v 'L' r . 'V+.A`A+:.. ~ r, D i