PC 1965-1966-2062 RESOLIITION N0, _,` ~~'` + S~ri e~ i~1E~`;~E~v A fiESOLU'fION OI' THE CTTY PT,ANNING COMMISSION OF' TWE CITY OF ANAIiEIM TNAT PETITION FOR COND'TIONAL USE YERMIT N0, `;,1~. BT' GRAPdTFD ~~ ,. _,:i~e ., ~~ , ~ i i r I ~ 4! WNEREAS, the City Plenning (;ommisaion of the Clty of Aneheim did receive n verified Petltion tor Conditionel Use Permit from JAMES S7'ANf•Uk~D h10RRIS, ', }6',> Greenleaf Streek~ AE~L. "A", Ai,~~heim~ C,~l ifornia, ~n~ner; ROBER'f C~ MCKAY, fi3;j Duver C: ivc, Suite 2'.'~, Newt~ort Bear.}~. Califorria, Ac7en1 of' ~•~~rt~~in r~~,il proF,ert~. situ~~te~~l in • ie ~:~y ~f Ar.ahei~ , Cuu;~ty uf Ur,~nc~E~, Stat.E~ r~t' Cal ii'ornia, cies<•,t•fl,ed as the nc:,rt.h u'1.~1~; feet :' f.l~e wes~. '??U.00 ;e~t i)(~ i'.I1(: SOll~.Ii `".,U.~~~1 feet~ ~>~ Lot ~1 in Blo~~k t~ nf Tr~~rt, No~ l3~ ,~s per i~,ip recordec'. in 1~onk ~) ;,.~~~~~ 1:' ul' M~iscel];3ne~,us M;,E~s, In the o£f'f ~r ~~i lh~:~ cc~un~.y r~-~ ~~r:ier in sa{d r..ou~;ty. ; 6I11~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City liall in thp City of Anaheim on iurie C>~ 1966~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heoring heving been duly given as required by lew end in Accordance with the provisions of ihe Anaheim Municipel Code, Chepter 1$.64, to hear and consider evidence for ond against said proposed conditionel use and to investigate and make findings end recommendations ir~ connection therewith; end WHEREAS, sald Commission, after due inspectlon, investlgation, end study mede by itself end in its behalf, end after due considetAtion of ell evidence and repotts offered et said hearing, does tind and determine the following fects; 1. That the proposed use is properly one for whlch e Conditional Use Permit is euthorized by this Code, to wit; ;~err,;i~ ti~e estahl isi~rnent of ~~ w~31k-up restaurant wlt.fi wai~~~er o!'s SECTION 1~~~t0.U7~("'-e) -.,iini~::i~ ;1 F~arkinn sp~ces rec~uired -;'U E,rop;~~ed. , i , ; ,. i ~, f ~ ~ ~ ;'. That tfie ~etit.ioner sub!•;it.ted ~, re~rised plot. nlan titi~iiic}; ind;~~ated ',iie r~~ytair~d E,;:~rkiriq soaces were beinc~ provideci~ ~n~. ~~ti•it'idre,;v ;.I~e reyue~sl fnr ~r~aiver ~~ ?.i~t~ rt~q~iired parkinq. _. 3~ T}~,at tf~e proposed u~e wi ll not. ad;•~~rsel;• affect the adjoii~inc~ lar~ci use~ ar~i ! iie ~~ro~.~~th ~nd developi;;ent of t7e area in •:~~~ich it is proposeci to be loc~teci. n. That the size anci shaoe ~ the s9te proposed for ±he use i~ adequate. to allo~n• the :ul] cievelop;;~ent of the r,ropnsed use ir, z~ ~;~anner nct detri:~.enial to t!ie .~articu'1ar az~ea rinr to the peace, }7ealt.h;, s~~i'ety, and gerieral vrelfare a~ t~,e Ci; ;zens o; tf~e City o~' Ana!,ei~~. `~. Th, ' ihe i~ranting n; the Conditional Use Perr•::t under +}~e conaitions i~•••~~~ed~ ;' 811y'~ VJ11 : ilOt: be dei.ri;llt~flt.~ll ±n tfl2 ~.l(?"tCB~ ~1t~81tti1~ .. ~ii (~~ y' ,~I:i: CIdflCTdi. ,~i~~: ;if E' ' ~..'. } ~ ,:E"1S ~~;' t n~ Ci f y _. A;,~jf;ei,,, . ., F~. Ti~a! no on~ appe~r~c-~ in o~~;~,~s~~;,., ,, st~biert F,: .t ion. C1- _1_ ~ y .l.`~. ~^ .~~ ~~~~..T:a~ -_.~~~..~~\s~as~r+--~~~wie/wr~w.~Y~~ ~ ..'rm:..r~ ...iru..~ ' - . ~~^I~.W ~. ,NM ~.~'4.~..."._. -___-__.~l~~~~~1 Or~ =1 _; ~ ~ i~ r ;~ ~~~:- ~ `~'.::~::.) ;;;~ I j:': ( !.` . 1 :r ~ i ~ • ~ A `, . ~; ; _ ~ ; , ; I i ; ~ hi:;` ;~ ~~ ~,~ I { , . ,. ~ ~.~ ~;: NOW, TH~R~i'QRE, E3F ~T RGSOLVED that thF Arqheim City PlAnning Cornmiesion does hereby grant subJect Potition for Conditlonnl Use I~ermit, upon the follow~ng cunditions which are hereby found to be n necessary prerequisite to the proposed uRe of thc sub)ect property in nrder tn prraerve tho setety and generel weltare ot the Citizene of the City of Anc+heim: 1. Th~t the n+,vn~r of subject pr~~perLy shall pay io ih~ Cit:y of Anahci!~~ t}~e s~im c~; 1`.)Q f~er Pi~ont 1`oot a~ony Bro~khurst. SlreeL for tree planttng pt~rpos~~s. 2. 'I'I~al. lt~e ~wrier uf su~ ~!_ property shall pay to ihe Ci.l.y o(' Anahein~ t 1,~~ s~nn ~,I' ~.~,OU per fronL f~~t al~~ng E3rookhurst Street f'ur street. lightin~~ pur~~psn;;. ~j~ Thrit. tras~~ ~;tarai~e areas shall be providPd In accordan~~ wiLh ~~~,~,r~,,.~c.~d r~lans on t'ile witli t~he c?('fi~,e ~~f the Director of Public Works. 4. T~~ ~t. Co~~ditinn iJus. i and 2, aLove mentioned, shal'1 "e c~:~~~pli~n wit}~ ~,rii~r to ihc tirne ti;_,t. t:he bui.lclfng permit is issued or w.ithin a perioc9 ~if 1~0 da~ < Er~~rr r~at.e h~~raof~ tvhicl~ever occurs fir~~1., or such further Lirne as the Con;r„ission nr Cily ~.,.>uncil may c~r~~nt.~ `.:~. Thal. any ~:~ir~-r.~~ndiLioning faci lities proposed shall be pro~~er.ly sl~iei~.~e~_I Fr~ri vic :'rc:m r~but.tinq slreet. ~~. Th.~t Concii.t.ion Nos. 3 anci 5, above rnentior,ed, shall b~ cc~npliec9 wiLl~ {.~ri-7~• to fin~l l~iiil~itr~y ~,nd ;:aning inspectiuns. '1~ Tliat: subjer.l property shall be devE~loped substantially in accordance wi~}~ plans and spe~~ific~~tions c~n ;'ile witl~ the Cily of An~heirn, ~~~arked Exhibi~ ~~o. 1~ Revision No~ l; an~i Exhibi t Nos. ^ and :3. THE FOREGOING RESOLU'TION ir signed end approved by me thIs 16t1 clay of ~une, i9G(;. ATTEST: L;'/"~~ ~~ ,,11~ C~, , c SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAf:EIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the Eoregoing resolution was passed und adopted at n meeting o( the City Planning Commission of the City of Anflheim, held on June G9 1`?GF,, nt 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the Eollowing vote of the members thereof: , ' ~/ ~ ) _ ~C- C~ <..~~L.~:.- , `~ '"L .- ~---T---" CH,AIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CbA1h1ISS10N AYES: CCMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer, He.rbst, Munaall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMiSSIONERS: Pdoneo ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. RESOLUTION N0. 2062 CL~\f ~~C ~ c f}~ C.... SECHETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANPIING COMMISSION -2- _ __ ~ ..: ._. . -~,..,:~. , ,~ - - _ ~---...~ .,,,.,, ' ~ ~'. - •"r~^':: y~+:A'.~~*' ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hend this 161,i~: day of Jtm~, 19Lr",~ ~ ~, M1