PC 1965-1966-206312~SOGUTION NO, : Ur',3, SeriE~s 1965-(,i~ A RE:SOI.UTIQN OC THF G1TY P[.ANNING .^,OMMISSION 0f~ 'CliH CITY t7F ANANEIM TiIAT PETITiON ~OR CONUITIUNAL USE PERMIT.'~`1', _ Bf: GRANTED ~ i _:;wAt~'a ~ \ i~~ WH~REAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive :, veriEied Petition for G~nditional Use F7ermit from PfiILLIf~ ti1C I~ARL.A~JD~ J~ f'~ CONA'1'Y~ M. L, tJEI~E~, "t'~ .1~ LA~'~'I'Ot~l, ':ilU W. Ii;i~,i.<~ncl~ur)~, F~ill~rt~~n, t;,,lifornia, Own?rs; FRANCIS ,l~ MTI.L~R 133 W. Cf~~~ ~,c~n~ , , F~ul iei~~t on, C-,l ~~f,~1~n~ir~, Ar~e~r;,. ~f rr,~i~iir, real p.ropei•t.y sit.~iate<1 in tl~e Cit~ of Anahein; Coiirit'- r~f 0.~ r , , 1 , i ianne. ~tat.~ nt' Cc~lifntnia, ~,,.~c~ :l ~~cl ~i~ k',arcc~l ]. The West ;'~1G.1)U feei: oP l~.hat: portion r,:' ~he sout.f~easl ~{ii~.rtt~r ~>i 1.1~c~ ~,~~ilhw~~:,t c~u,~rt~c~r of th~ soui;l~~ast quari.er of SecC~on r3, T,~wnsf~i~~ ~1 S~.>~,,tf~, R.~i,~te 10 Wcst. in ~I,~~ kruiclu~ ~~n Juan C~jcin cic~ Santr~ An~, as pex~ ~n<~p rer~r~ic~d in -„>uG: ~;1 pane ]0 ~~f h'~i~~~,]]car~rc>us i,>`~. ii~ l.}~e ofFice c;f tf~e county r.ecorder r~('sai:l county, lyir,r~ Ea~1 ~~f t!,e Ea~t. l ine nP the ;"li.,t 1,(~~) ,~~r~ of saicl soui:heast: qi.iarter ot the southwest i~uartar or r.ii~ sout~l~east ~,u,:~i~te~•. f.f_:GPT f'ror, ,aicl NJest ;4U.GU feei. i:l~at F~ort.i~~n ].yi.nq wit}iir~ the ~doz~;h lU.U~ Ce~t. ~f 'the ~r,sl. !~)o0C Peel ~,f 1he VJest. 33G.OQ feet u~ said sotrtiieast quarter c~f the sout;hwest ,_~~.,~,i~t_ei~ +.,f' t:l~;e S~~tL1,r.~;aSt c{u.9rter ; end WHEREA'~, the City Planning Commission did hold a public he~ring nt the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on .Ji~ne 6, 1~)(,(;, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice oE sald public heoring having been duly gtven ns required by lew and in ec~ ~rdnnce with the provisions o! the Anaheim Municipal co~e, Chepter 18.64, to hear end consider evidence for and ngair ~t said prop~sed conditiona( use and to investigate and meke findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; n~,d IYllEREAS, sFlid Commission, efter due inspection, investigntion, end study mede by itself end in -is behAlf, end after due c~ ~nsideretion of c+ll evidence and reports ofEered c~t snid hearing, does find end determine the Following Eacts; 1,. Tfi~rt f l e ~:t ~F>c>>e~; ~.~sc~ l~ E>r~?~~erly r>ne fur •;~hich ~~ C~)f1r11 f':~?~1-7~ 1~~,~~ Per,. ; ~ ~ . ~_:`~ ~~,~~.~i?S ~~ ''( 1!.`fl l~ .` , . . . ~ ; ~~ ~ .. , . lf filll! ); .:'.f'~. "; ~~? '' l':i~ . "'if,i I.~ , ~ ~•; i~. l~~~ii;~i~.~ in l_he ~~,,-l. Lin~~t lndust.t i,al. ~~.>ne. ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~~ 2. That the proposed use will not adversel,y affect the adjoining lan~i uses ~nd the growth and development of the r~rea in whicli it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and shapp of the site proposed for the use i;> adequate to allow the full development oE the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular erea not to the pence, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfere of fhe Citizens oE the City of Anc~heim. `i. Ti~at ±!,e E;eti?.ioner st:~i~~ulat•.eci t~ ca?~.~~19ance witl, all re:~~_iire~~:ent~ ~f ~.he i,'-' `,~~~F. ~ T}1~~ i>IIE.' f7~'TS[~Il ~(~F7t?clTt?l;. I'Bf;TE$@IltlflCj t:f~lE• ~pUf.'~IC'Tfl ~~BC"l~:C F:lil~'!n ~ li! OI:I)~.'..~'~°;C~!~ !,~ S,t;L.J~~~' pt~t i',~ _~?n. ~ C1-G -1- ,- -...a:.- ~ ~ . 11 NOW, THEREFORFs, f3E: IT 12F.SOI,V~D that the Annheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grnnt subject Petition for C~nditionel Use Permit, upon the following cor.y-tlons whlch Are hereby found to be e necessary prerequtaite to the propr,~ed uae o( thc subJect property In order to preaerve the sa(ety and gener~l welfare o( the Citir.enq of the C.ity of An~heim: ]~ 7'I,al t~h~~ ~~~~vnt~-r:; r>f s~;l;j~:,c:t ~~r~>h>t:rty ,.~r~~ll ciee~l tr, 1~~~~, :ity ~~(' ~;~~~nn,•i~ -, ~~}~ii~ r,F ],~~n~J Ul) ('Pk'~ 111 W~Cjffl~ ~TC`1(1 ~'fl@ C@IIt.C'7' line c)~ ~',tl@ St._ ~t?~, alon9 Kdtl?~;`l AVE';11.1@~ f'>7' ~~T'l~~~t 'Y~'j(~@IllllC~ ~);II'~.)US(~~;. , '%. Th,~t Lh~~ ~?Wtlf.'T'5 ~,t ~.ub,ject, property shall ~.>ay to t.he C;t.y r~t' Ananeim t.fir~ st:rr ot' ~;',U~J per ' ~'r!~~t Foot. a]<~nn K~,r,e11,~ Avenue, for street. lightinq ~)UI'~OS@t;, :~~ Th•,t. lhe ~,wners i~f subject propertv shall. pay I..o Lhe Git.y c~f' An;~!;ein~ t:iie s~un ~.1r' 1`~Q p~r !'i~.~nt ~'oc>t, alon~, Katella Aventae, for tree plarit ir,g purposes~ ~1. Thaf the sidewallcs shall be Insta.l.ed along Katellt+ Nven~~e. r+s reyuired l~y if.e Cit.y Enc~lneer :~nd in arcorc~anr.e wit.h standard plans ~~ i specific~+_ions ~.,ri . ile in i.he of'fi~e of' the Cit.y Enc~; neer. :i. Th~at ira::h storage areas shall be provided in accoxdr~nc:e wiil~ aF.prove~l plans c~n f'ile ~~; t i ~;,r of I' ice of the Girector of Pub] ic WorE:s. E,, Tl~~at tir~ hydrants shall be instal~ed as rec~u~red and det.ex•mined ~o I~e ner.essary hv t.he Chi Nf r~f t i Fi re Dep~~rt,;rent. '1. Thaf any air-r.onditioninn facilities prr,posed 5"all be properly shield;:•,fro~i, ~;iew f'roii, I ~l~~.it:ting sl.ieet~. ~, f1~ TI~~~ Conditlon Nos. 1, "y and 3, above ment i^~ied, shall be co;npl ied with prior to ti:e i.ime t.hat t.he Bt,.i idinq Aerrnit is issued or within a period of ]t{0 days fro date he~~eof~ 'NIl1C}1QVE~t' occurs ftrst, or su^1-~ ±'urther time as the Commissior. .~r City Council ma~ ~rant.. 9. That Con~iition Nc~s. ~t, 5, 6, and '~, above mentioned~ sn?,.11 l, complied with prior to f'inal buildinq inspec+.ion. lU. That subje~~l, Kn~c~~ert.y si~all be developed su~stantially in a~cordanc~~ witn {~lc~ns and ;specifi~ations on file witli the City of' Anaheirn, marE,ed Er,hibit Nos. i. :. 3, and •~; E~~rc~~gd.,~d l,~,w_ e~ier. t,hat any sigr~s proF~~s~~d shall be iri accordance with t:he nrn•;isiuns i'or ti~e M-7 Znne~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 1~' : day riF ; uneq 19G6~ ~ ~, .- r.' ~ ~- ~_. C L ~- - !-1 . i t -1 C AIRMAN ANA[iEIM CI7'Y PLANNING COA1AtISSION AT'I'EST: i . ~ ~ - ~ ~ t ~ ~,,•'c.~ c~~ --- SECRETARY ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION STA'tE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plenning Commission ~ f the City of Anaheim, do hereby certif}~ that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted nt a meeting oE the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held oi~ ~J~~ne G, l~f;~ at ?:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: ~+1?red, Camp~ Gauer, Herbst~ Mun~all, Perr~~~. Rowlan~i. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tio-~ ,. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ldone. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand this lf~th ci~, u; June, 1;~[~%:~. ~ RESOLUTION N0. fU63 1: C2-G :~ * ~ ~ ~ 4~ a _ ^_' ~~ ; (~ ~ _-._- r~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM1IISSION -2- ~ '~iSMtK~•Y~~,a A~v11~~~~Y~~~1~